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Configuration files to automatically set up a basic and customizable Vagrant box with the required tools to develop Rails projects.
- Install in your computer the software listed the "Prerequisites" section.
- Clone the repository into your machine.
- Tweak the provider and the options in the
. - Run
vagrant up
and wait for the machine to be built, thenvagrant reload
. - When the machine is ready, run
vagrant ssh
and move to the synced folder withcd /vagrant
. - You may now start a new Rails project with
rails new .
or adjust the Ruby and gems settings with RVM to match an existent code base.
- Vagrant
- Virtualbox and the extension pack.
If you notice that there are delays with the synchronization of shared folders with virtualbox
as the type
, a better option is to use SSHFS or NFS. But usually it works well enough.
Ubuntu Bionic: This Linux distribution is closer to the one used on the Heroku-18 stack.
Ruby 2.5.x (with RVM): Programming language that supports the Rails framework. The Ruby Version Manager allows to easily use different Ruby versions and gems per project.
Rails: And other gems to aid the development of web apps. (Current gem distributions):
- RSpec
- Cucumber
- Mailcatcher
- Pry-Byebug
- PG
- Redis-Rails
- Webpacker
- Bundler
Yarn and Webpacker: For Rails projects with heavy use of JavaScript.
Node.js: Server side JavaScript runtime. (Current stable version).
Postgres: Advanced SQL database. (Current Bionic distribution).
Redis: In-memory data structure store. (Current Bionic distribution).
Heroku CLI: Create and manage Heroku apps from the command line.
Ngrok: Exposes local servers behind NATs and firewalls to the public internet over secure tunnels.
ZSH Shell (With Oh-My-Zsh!) Tools to improve the experience of working with the shell.