Noteassieur is a note-making video library app. It is meant to be a tool for students to make notes while listening to the video lectures, through which they can search in the app itself.
- App Demo
- Goals for this Project
- User Stories
- Working Version
- Database Diagram
- Project-Board
- Backend
- Technologies Used
- Git Version Control
The goal of this project is to build a frontend app, in a working group of three. With this project, we are trying to:
- build a demo version in four days
- apply the technologies we learned in Codaisseur Bootcamp
- showcase implementation of new technologies
- work in a team
- As a page visitor, I want to be able to search for videos on youtube.
- As a page visitor, I want to be able to select and play video that I choose.
- As a page visitor, I want to be able to add a note to the video, that I am currently watching.
- As a page visitor, I want to be able to see the notes that I added to a specific video, when I am watching it.
- As a page visitor, I want the added notes to be visible only for a certain amount of time.
- As a page visitor, I want to be able to control, when in the video, a certain note starts and when it stops.
Link to the server side of the project
(for future development)
- TypeScript
- React
- React Router DOM
- Redux
- Redux Thunk
- Html, JSX
- CSS Grid, Material-UI
In this project we try to implement solid version control:
- write clear commit messages
- name branches by features
- do pull requests with meaningful summaries
- clone your app
- cd into your project
- npm install
- npm start