To make a LED badge with basic through-hole components
- 3mm LEDs (Two)
- 100 Ohms Resistor (One)
- CR2032 3V coin cell battery (One)
- SPDT Slide Switch - EG1218 (DigiKey - EG1903-ND) (One)
- CR2032 Battery Holder PC PIN (DigiKey- BAT-HLD-001-THM-ND) (One)
- Clutch Tie-Tack Pin Back (pin size - 4.5 mm in diameter) (One)
Step1- Make sure you have all thre required parts-
Step 2- Start with Soldering the resistor. Ben resistor ends and slide them through the pcb hole. The resistors dont have direction so you can place it in any orientation. Add flux to the pcb holes before soldering
Step 3- Solder the LEDs - make sure the terminals are placed as shown in the image below-
Step 4- Next, add CR2032 battery holder
Step 5- Now solder SPDT Switch
Step 6- Finally, solder the clutch pin back
Step 7- Slide-in CR2032 battery & test the pcb
Remove the extra flux from the pcb using a q-tip and alcohol