Releases: RootstockCollective/collective-rewards-sc
Releases · RootstockCollective/collective-rewards-sc
What's Changed
- TOK-403: Document rewards calculations for builders and backers by @nmagariang in #124
- [TOK-136] Test: add missing tests from QA regression by @nmagariang in #127
- Remove legacy mvp deployment script by @jmendiola222 in #129
- TOK-516: document the contracts by @antomor in #130
- Code reorg by @jmendiola222 in #135
- Minor doc changes by @jmendiola222 in #136
- chore(docs): remove max foundry version limit by @jurajpiar in #137
- TOK-523: deploy contracts for public testnet by @antomor in #134
- TOK-342: gas optimization by @antomor in #141
- TOK-490/deadlock by @franciscotobar in #144
- TOK-265: Add PERMISSIONS.MD file by @bezerrablockchain in #133
- TOK-553: Split backers manager builder registry by @jurajpiar in #138
- TOK-568: allow backer rewards opt out by @DinizSa in #143
- TOK-516: add the rewards missing part by @antomor in #149
- feat: migration v2 by @DinizSa in #150
- TOK-602: review why it is failing by @antomor in #148
- TOK-627: ensure v1 community approval compatibility by @DinizSa in #153
- fix: migrate halted gauges by @DinizSa in #158
- chore: fresh deployment qa testnet dapp contracts by @DinizSa in #156
- Improve v2 migration flow by @DinizSa in #154
- chore: automatic verification blockscout by @DinizSa in #157
- chore: update deployment addresses staging by @DinizSa in #160
- Deployment qa v1 by @DinizSa in #155
- chore: update mainnet v2 migration addresses by @DinizSa in #161
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v2.0.0
What's Changed
- chore: deploy contracts for qa dapp by @antomor in #79
- fix: remove SponsorsManager as incentivizer in tests by @nmagariang in #92
- TOK-279: add invariant tests by @fruiz08 in #76
- TOK-379: whitelist can be done before activate by @fruiz08 in #90
- Tok 333/contract permissions by @DinizSa in #84
- [TOK-445] fix docgen workflow by @jmendiola222 in #95
- TOK-365: claim rewards by asset by @franciscotobar in #93
- Lower ci verbosity by @jmendiola222 in #96
- TOK-368: add canWithdraw function by @fruiz08 in #82
- fix: positive allocation on halted gauge by @franciscotobar in #94
- TOK-317: fix CD for QA and testnet by @jurajpiar in #75
- TOK-136: Add integration tests for skipping distribution by @nmagariang in #77
- Tok 419/rename contracts by @DinizSa in #97
- fix: include params when deploying GovernanceManager from main script by @antomor in #100
- fix: exclude contracts from target senders by @nmagariang in #103
- Adjust strif canWithdraw interaction by @jmendiola222 in #102
- chore: change deep test job name by @antomor in #106
- Tok 353/migration to v2 by @DinizSa in #99
- Tok 464/allow foundation to upgrade sc by @DinizSa in #104
- Remove legacy unused field by @jmendiola222 in #109
- TOK-453: Renaming in whitelisting flow by @nmagariang in #98
- Tok 460/allow foundation to set the distribution window by @DinizSa in #107
- Set the tokenAmountPerEpoch by @bezerrablockchain in #105
- [TOK-483] RSCR-07: remove unused errors by @nmagariang in #112
- chore: remove mvp related code by @nmagariang in #113
- [TOK-454] feat: add veiw for estimated remaining rewards in cycle by @nmagariang in #111
- chore: add tests to move allocations with allocateBatch by @nmagariang in #110
- chore: remove mvp deployment data by @nmagariang in #116
- [TOK-481] Rename builderRewardPercentage to backerRewardPercentage by @nmagariang in #117
- [ TOK-481] RSCR-04: Don't allow sending rewards to backersManager with no active gauges by @nmagariang in #115
- [TOK-482] require min dust amount on incentivize by @jmendiola222 in #114
- [TOK-337] Allow builder receiver address update by @jmendiola222 in #108
- fix: typo in approveBuilderRewardReceiverReplacement by @antomor in #119
- [TOK-492] fix: collective rewards not beinig initialized on deploy by @jmendiola222 in #121
- Add dust tolerance on invariants by @jmendiola222 in #123
- Relax testing solhint rules by @jmendiola222 in #122
- Add distribution duration invariant test by @jmendiola222 in #120
- Env/qa tests by @antomor in #101
- build: add mainnet configuration by @antomor in #125
- TOK-480: add comment on top of rewardToken by @bezerrablockchain in #128
- TOK-180: add network switch guide by @jurajpiar in #126
New Contributors
- @bezerrablockchain made their first contribution in #105
Full Changelog: v0.0.1...v1.0.0
What's Changed
- chore: add a foundry template and initial setup by @antomor in #1
- TOK-111: Refactor the Gauge code to make it production-ready by @fruiz08 in #13
- tok-113/integrate-hardhat by @franciscotobar in #10
- chore(ci): adds slither static analysis by @jurajpiar in #11
- TOK-126: fix slither action by @antomor in #19
- TOK-128: generate coverage html report by @fruiz08 in #17
- TOK-112: Refactor the Voter code to make it production-ready by @fruiz08 in #8
- TOK-125: add governance ability by @fruiz08 in #20
- tok-117/implement-builder-registry by @franciscotobar in #18
- TOK-115: implement reward distributor by @fruiz08 in #15
- TOK-127: Add script to deploy the contracts by @jurajpiar in #14
- tok-129/implement-builder-claim by @franciscotobar in #22
- TOK-173: Whitelist builder in changer template by @fruiz08 in #28
- TOK-174: Make contracts upgradeable by UUPS pattern by @fruiz08 in #25
- TOK-186: save proxy and implementation addresses to disk by @jurajpiar in #29
- fix(deploy): use proxy not impl for args by @jurajpiar in #33
- tok-162/temporary-vars-naming-convention by @franciscotobar in #31
- TOK-175: account gauges rewards on a time base by @fruiz08 in #26
- tok-206/merge-builder-registry-sponsors-manager by @franciscotobar in #34
- fix(coverage): use new to deploy proxy implementations by @fruiz08 in #41
- fix(distribution): temporarily store totalPotentialReward in paginate… by @fruiz08 in #42
- fix(rewards): builders can only claim rewards on its gauge by @fruiz08 in #43
- feat: implement cd, add deploy stage for qa by @david-iov in #32
- TOK-178: Implement a simplified version of the RewardDistributor for the MVP by @fruiz08 in #30
- TOK-196: Make the Gauge upgradable by @fruiz08 in #40
- feat(docs): automatic docgen by github action by @fruiz08 in #46
- fix(deploy): create env private file by @fruiz08 in #49
- TOK-134: Allow the rewards to be distributed in RBTC by @fruiz08 in #39
- TOK-221: Add e2e tests for support and distribution by @fruiz08 in #44
- fix: spelling by @fruiz08 in #51
- TOK-242: remove unnecessary validation and add tests by @fruiz08 in #52
- TOK-232: replace state machine by struct of bits by @fruiz08 in #45
- TOK-219: update kickback strategy by @fruiz08 in #47
- TOK-133: implement pause and unpause by @fruiz08 in #53
- chore: add qa-cd workbflow manual dispatch option by @jmendiola222 in #57
- Tok 244/allow manual docgen action by @jmendiola222 in #58
- test(missingRewards): test rewards are locked after full deallocation by @fruiz08 in #60
- fix: scope vars in lib by @franciscotobar in #62
- fix(missingRewards): update rewardMissing on notifyRewardAmount by @fruiz08 in #61
- refactor: reuse periodFinish to save gas by @fruiz08 in #59
- TOK-135: implement revoke and permit by @fruiz08 in #56
- TOK-234: Add EpochTimeKeeper and epoch variable duration by @fruiz08 in #55
- TOK-275: remove builderAmount arg by @fruiz08 in #65
- fix(deploy): fix CI deployment by @fruiz08 in #67
- TOK-307: fail (de)whitelist if no change by @jurajpiar in #70
- TOK-192: revoke builder KYC by @fruiz08 in #64
- Tok 267: mvp audit findings by @fruiz08 in #63
- Fix findings during fuzz testing by @fruiz08 in #68
- fix: dont halt or resume in distribution period by @fruiz08 in #69
- TOK-260: implement dewhitelistBuilder by @fruiz08 in #71
- TOK-285: break up incentivize functions by @fruiz08 in #73
- TOK-230: Add test for calling notifyRewardAmount from an incentivizer by @nmagariang in #54
- feat: claim rewards revert if gauge does not exist by @fruiz08 in #74
- TOK-261: add fuzz tests by @fruiz08 in #72
- Fix invariant findings by @fruiz08 in #81
- TOK-370: change license to MIT by @fruiz08 in #83
- TOK-315: update contract names by @DinizSa in #80
- TOK-362: deploy contracts for staging by @antomor in #78
- TOK-374: update readme, license and package.json by @antomor in #88
- TOK-373: create by @jurajpiar in #87
- feat: turn on onDistributionPeriod only on paginations by @fruiz08 in #85
- feat: give full rewardToken allowance to whitelisted gauges by @fruiz08 in #86
- TOK-376: add mainnet deployment contracts by @antomor in #89
New Contributors
- @david-iov made their first contribution in #32
Full Changelog: