Extract metadata and resources from Paradigm: Reboot game APK, including:
- Song Metadata
- Song resources
- Cover image
- Song audio (preview+full)
- Charts
- Nameplate images
- Skin resources (Sprite and Texture2D only)
This tool is tested on Windows and Python 3.10.
Install required packages via command: pip install -r requirements.txt
Usage: extractor.py -i <apk_path> [-a <assets_apk_path>] [-h] [--songs] [--skins] [--bgs]
-i <apk_path> Specify the input (base) apk file path
-a <assets_apk_path> Specify additional assets apk file path
--songs Export song resources
--skins Export skin resources
--bgs Export play background resources
--nps Export nameplate background resources
-h Show this help
By default, only song metadata is exported.
Export song metadata and all resources, supposing you've downloaded split apks from Google Play.
python extractor.py -i .\base.apk -a .\UnityStreamingAssetsPack.apk --songs --skins
Note that before v3.1, you should use UnityDataAssetPack.apk
as the assets APK file.
All enum type values used in song metadata can be found here