This is a WebGL/Javascript port of Flurry from the original code by Calum Robinson ( website ).
This was my first excercise in OpenGL, WebGL, Three.JS, reading Obj-/C/++ code, reading AltiVec code and porting a legacy app, all at once. As such, this port is unoptimal, buggy and may not be a 1:1 perfect implementation of flurry. But it works!
Demo can be found on this page. Press H to hide the settings GUI and press F11 for full-screen.
Flurry-WebGL is licensed under the MIT license. See
for full notice.
This is run through a single HTML page that links to many javascript files, using some external libs from a CDN. The file structure matches similarly to the original C code:
- Flurry.js - Entry point and holds the main namespace (Flurry) and objects (renderer, gui, etc)
- GLSaver.js - Holds Flurry state, config, 3D setup and render loop
- Renderer.js - WebGL rendering code and helper functions for loading shaders, setting up buffers, etc
- Star.js - Represents the physical core of a "flurry", where all "streams" attach to
- Spark.js - Represents a single physical "stream" attached to a flurry's star.
- Smoke.js - Represents the particle emitter that gives physics to and draws the particle meshes, making use of the flurry's star and sparks
- SmokeParticle.js - Represents a group of four particle quads (unsure why particles are grouped in fours)
- Texture.js - Generates and holds the texture that the smoke particles use (actually an 8x8 grid of spots, each one with added speckle)
- data/ - Holds pre-defined data, such as presets
- enums/ - Holds enums, such as those for colors and blend modes
- util/ArrayOf.js - Helper methods for creating an Array of something (with each element already initialized)
- util/Colors.js - Helper method for parsing dat-gui's color controller values
- util/Math.js - Extension to Javascript standard
to provide some Clib-like functions - util/Vectors.js - Helper methods for creating "vectors" using typed arrays
See docs/
for rough notes jotted down during the porting process.
- Restructure and clean up the code
- Multiple/per-monitor flurry? (perhaps package Flurry as a web component?)
- Better support for mobile (alternative GUI to dat.gui?)