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Thérence F edited this page Aug 26, 2020 · 6 revisions

Bungee Announce supports specific placeholders to use in the config file or in game when sending a new announcement.

  • First, the receiver is the player who receives the message. The following placeholders are ready to be used :
Placeholder Description Example
%RECEIVER_NAME% Receiver's name Roytreo28
%RECEIVER_DISPLAY_NAME% Receiver's display name [Developer]Roytreo28
%RECEIVER_PING% Receiver's ping 32 (ms)
%RECEIVER_UUID% Receiver's uuid 711e5a53-14a1-409b-bf48-7e8c1cc22440
%RECEIVER_SERVER_NAME% Receiver's server name Lobby-3
%RECEIVER_SERVER_MOTD% Receiver's server motd A Minecraft server
%RECEIVER_SERVER_ONLINE_PLAYERS% Receiver's server online players count 12
  • Then, the player is the player (lol) concerned by the message. For example, when somebody leaves your network, if you set up automatic disconnect messages, he is the "player concerned" by the message. In this case, the sender is the console and the receivers are the players who will see the disconnect message.
Placeholder Description Example
%PLAYER_NAME% Concerned player's name Droleur
%PLAYER_DISPLAY_NAME% Concerned player's display name [Player]Droleur
%PLAYER_PING% Concerned player's ping 48 (ms)
%PLAYER_UUID% Concerned player's uuid da6610cb-3f5b-4638-aaf7-e6bb8fa1c22a
%PLAYER_SERVER_NAME% Concerned player server name Hub-1
%PLAYER_SERVER_MOTD% Concerned player server motd A Minecraft server
%PLAYER_SERVER_ONLINE_PLAYERS% Concerned player server online players count 73
  • Finally, the sender is the "entity" who sent / wrote the message. For an automatic scheduled message, the sender is the console. Either way, the player who did the command is the sender.
Placeholder Description Example
%SENDER_NAME% Sender's name Roytreo28
%SENDER_DISPLAY_NAME% Sender's display name [Developer]Roytreo28
%SENDER_PING% Sender's ping 32 (ms)
%SENDER_UUID% Sender's uuid 711e5a53-14a1-409b-bf48-7e8c1cc22440
%SENDER_SERVER_NAME% Sender's server name Lobby-3
%SENDER_SERVER_MOTD% Sender's server motd A Minecraft server
%SENDER_SERVER_ONLINE_PLAYERS% Sender's server online players count 12
  • Global placeholders
Placeholder Description Example
%BUNGEE_ONLINE_PLAYERS% Number of connected players on the bungeecord network 1216
[ln] Used to go to the next line Hello[ln]Bob will result in :
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