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Thérence F edited this page Feb 12, 2017 · 6 revisions

Bungee Announce supports specific placeholders to use in the config file or in game when sending a new announcement. The sender is the player who has sent the announcement and the receiver are each player who received the announcement.

Below is a table with all available placeholders:

Placeholder Description Example
%PLAYER_NAME% Receiver's name Droleur
%PLAYER_DISPLAY_NAME% Receiver's display name [Player]Droleur
%PLAYER_PING% Receiver's ping 48 (ms)
%PLAYER_UUID% Receiver's uuid da6610cb-3f5b-4638-aaf7-e6bb8fa1c22a
%SENDER_NAME% Sender's name Roytreo28
%SENDER_DISPLAY_NAME% Sender's display name [Developer]Roytreo28
%SENDER_PING% Sender's ping 32 (ms)
%SENDER_UUID% Sender's uuid 711e5a53-14a1-409b-bf48-7e8c1cc22440
%SERVER_NAME% Name of the receiver's host Hub-1
%SERVER_MOTD% MOTD of the receiver's host A Minecraft server
%SERVER_ONLINE_PLAYERS% Number of connected players on the receiver's host 73
%BUNGEE_ONLINE_PLAYERS% Number of connected players on the bungeecord network 1216
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