##Must Read!! The file structure of this submission is a bit different compared to the template given to us. My submission doesn't include a src folder within the app folder. The blueprint folders are kept at the same level as app.py. I don't have a seperate page for storing passwords.
Link to Appsmith: https://appsmith.cs3200.net/app/rohanseelan-cs3200-finalproject/josh-6397b4a05bc9880dbcb23a92
Link to google drive Elevator Pitch Idea: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1BUdTihM5YIahyTqhrtpvEoHBojW4KrGt?usp=share_link
The "db_bootstap" folder contains a .sql file containing all sql code for this UI. The "the_app" folder contains the app.py code for running flask and the folders/code for each of the blue prints. A dockerfile and docker-compose.yml files are included as well for running back end infastructure.