Welcome to my Pygame-based project! This game was developed using the Pygame library, with various features such as a welcome screen, gameplay mechanics, and sound effects to enhance the overall experience.
This is a simple 2D game where the player must navigate obstacle blocks to reach the highest possible score. The game features multiple levels, scoring, and a dynamic difficulty system. When the player crashes, the game displays the final score and game over screen.
- On running the game, the welcome screen pops up. Have a read of the instructions displayed.
- Start the game by clicking the START button on the welcome screen.
- Dodge the obstacle blocks by controlling your player using the arrow keys.
- Avoid touching the walls. That will reduce your score.
- Try to achieve the highest score before crashing!
- Welcome Screen: Displays instructions and a start button.
- Gameplay: Dynamic obstacles, scoring system, and increasing difficulty.
- Music and Sound Effects:
- Background music on the welcome screen and during gameplay.
- Sound effects when advancing levels and upon crashing.
- Game Over Screen: Displays your final score and game over text after crashing.
- Fixed Window Size: The game runs in a fixed window size, disabling resizing for a consistent experience.
To run the game locally, follow these steps:
Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/RudraJy/Dodge-That-Block.git
Install the dependencies
pip install pygame
Run the game
python pygame.py
Background music and sound effects sourced from OpenGameArt. For specific credits, please check the CREDITS.md file.
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE.md file for details.