Hi there! This is the official codebase of our ICRA 2025 submission
ProxFly: Robust Control for Close Proximity Quadcopter Flight via Residual Reinforcement Learning.
The multimedia is also available at Youtube.
cd ProxFly
bash setup.bash
conda activate proxfly
python3 train.py
The simulator used in this repo is a simplified version of HiPeR Lab close-source C++ codebase. Hence it's common to get different conclusion from our paper, especially the running time.
For this, we also open the policy network we used for the large quadcopter in the paper at ./data/model/
If you use this code in an academic context, please cite the following publication:
title={ProxFly: Robust Control for Close Proximity Quadcopter Flight via Residual Reinforcement Learning},
author={Ruiqi Zhang and Dingqi Zhang and Mark W. Mueller},