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Releases: RyGuy994/MATER

MATER v0.0.14 Release

01 Jan 18:38
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MATER v0.0.14 Release

What's New

  • Patch: MATER v0.0.14.
    ➕ Added BYODB (Bring your own database) #22
    ➕ Added Module Structure to code via Blueprints #24
    ➕ Added Multi-user and auth support #25
    ➕ Added Delete selected attachments #44
    ➕ Added Delete service with all attachments #44
    ➕ Added export all files to settings #44
    ➕ Added export all files on asset #44
    ➕ Added Comments for everything under the sun #47
    🩹 Fixed calendar routes #27
    🩹 Fixed adding asset #29
    🩹 Fixed calendar not showing logged in #33
    🩹 Fixed a lot of smaller bugs #38
    🩹 Fixed not seeing function #49
    🩹 Fixed sqlite not creating when starting #51

  • Break Fix:
    💥 File structure has changed to the following:
    -static (folder)
    --assets (folder)
    ---asset_id (folder)
    ----asset_image (folder)
    ----service_attachments (folder)
    -----service_id (folder)
    💥 Assets and Services now require
    💥 Login now required

  • Core Features:
    🏆 Asset Management: Track and organize your assets with ease.
    🏆 Service Records: Log and manage service activities for each asset.
    🏆 User-friendly Interface: Intuitive design for a seamless user experience.
    🏆 Calendar Views for All services/Upcoming Services/Completed Services
    🏆 Breakaway database - BYODB (Bring your own database) - or use built-in
    🏆 Simple to understand file structure
    🏆 Mutli-User support
    🏆 Basic API

  • Future Roadmap:
    🚧 Mobile app iOS
    🚧 Mobile app Android
    🚧 Breakaway database
    🚧 File structure redesign
    🚧 Mutli-user login
    🚧 Basic sharing (may turn into a fork)
    🚧 Personal Dashboard
    🚧 Asset location
    ♾️ API ongoing


Getting Started

To get started with MATER, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd MATER
  3. Install dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Visit http://localhost:5000 or your local address in your browser to explore MATER.

How to Contribute

Your feedback is valuable! If you encounter issues or have ideas for improvement, please open an issue. We welcome contributions to make MATER even better.

Thank you for being part of the MATER community. Happy tracking!


What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.0.13-alpha...v0.0.14-alpha


24 Nov 18:03
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MATER v0.0.13 Release

What's New

  • Patch: MATER v0.0.13.
    ➕ Added Comments for everything under the sun #20
    ➕ Added dependencies into requirement.txt #20
    🩹 Fixed serviceattachment table not exporting #15
    🩹 Fixed stacking of html tags #18
    🩹 Fixed standard html structure #18

  • Break Fix:
    💥 None

  • Core Features:
    🏆 Asset Management: Track and organize your assets with ease.
    🏆 Service Records: Log and manage service activities for each asset.
    🏆 User-friendly Interface: Intuitive design for a seamless user experience.
    🏆 Calendar Views for All services/Upcoming Services/Completed Services

  • Future Roadmap:
    🚧 Mobile app iOS
    🚧 Mobile app Android
    🚧 Modular database architecture
    🚧 Breakaway database
    🚧 File structure redesign
    🚧 Mutli-user login
    🚧 Personal Dashboard
    ♾️ API starting

Getting Started

To get started with MATER, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd MATER
  3. Install dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Visit http://localhost:5000 or your local address in your browser to explore MATER.

How to Contribute

Your feedback is valuable! If you encounter issues or have ideas for improvement, please open an issue. We welcome contributions to make MATER even better.

Thank you for being part of the MATER community. Happy tracking!


Hot Mess of a NEW NEW Showcase

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.0.12-alpha...v0.0.13-alpha


16 Nov 20:30
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MATER v0.0.12 Release

What's New

  • patch: MATER v0.0.12.
    ➕ Added Tabs for the all the different calendar view #6
    ➕ Added Tabs general and services on the edit asset page #6
    ➕ Added Tabs general and attachments on the edit service page #6
    ➕ Added functions to delete attachments
    🩹 Fixed deleting an assets with attached services #12

-Break Fix:
💥 None

  • Core Features:
    🏆 Asset Management: Track and organize your assets with ease.
    🏆 Service Records: Log and manage service activities for each asset.
    🏆 User-friendly Interface: Intuitive design for a seamless user experience.
    🏆 Calendar Views for All services/Upcoming Services/Completed Services

  • Future Roadmap:
    🚧 Mobile app iOS
    🚧 Mobile app Android
    🚧 Modular database architecture
    🚧 Breakaway database
    ♾️ API starting

Getting Started

To get started with MATER, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd MATER
  3. Install dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Visit http://localhost:5000 or your local address in your browser to explore MATER.

How to Contribute

Your feedback is valuable! If you encounter issues or have ideas for improvement, please open an issue. We welcome contributions to make MATER even better.

Thank you for being part of the MATER community. Happy tracking!


Hot Mess of a Showcase

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v0.0.11-alpha...v0.0.12-alpha

MATER v0.0.11-alpha Release

12 Nov 02:03
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MATER v0.0.11 Release

What's New

  • First patch: MATER v0.0.11.
    ➕ Added Calendar View with ics feature.
    🩹 Changed code to run outside of local host

  • Core Features:
    🏆 Asset Management: Track and organize your assets with ease.
    🏆 Service Records: Log and manage service activities for each asset.
    🏆 User-friendly Interface: Intuitive design for a seamless user experience.

  • Future Roadmap:
    🚧 Mobile app iOS
    🚧 Mobile app Android
    🚧 Modular database architecture
    🚧 Breakaway database,
    ➕ Calendar integration,
    ♾️ API starting

Getting Started

To get started with MATER, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd MATER
  3. Install dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Visit http://localhost:5000 in your browser to explore MATER.

How to Contribute

Your feedback is valuable! If you encounter issues or have ideas for improvement, please open an issue. We welcome contributions to make MATER even better.

Thank you for being part of the MATER community. Happy tracking!


Hot Mess of a Showcase

What's Changed

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v0.0.1-alpha...v0.0.11-alpha

MATER v0.0.1-alpha Release

11 Nov 15:08
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MATER v0.0.1 Release

I am thrilled to announce the first official ALPHA release of MATER - Maintenance, Asset, Tracking, Equipment, Registry. This marks a significant milestone in my journey to create a versatile self-hosted solution for tracking and managing various assets. I hope to find people interested in helping me develop this tool. I am by no means a coder by nature. This is all new to me.

What's New

  • Initial Release: MATER v0.0.1 is the first stable release, offering a robust foundation for asset tracking and maintenance.

  • Core Features:

    • Asset Management: Track and organize your assets with ease.
    • Service Records: Log and manage service activities for each asset.
    • User-friendly Interface: Intuitive design for a seamless user experience.
  • Future Roadmap: This release sets the stage for exciting developments in the future, including a mobile app(android + iOS), modular database architecture, with the option to use a breakaway database, calendar integration, API for Intergrations with things like HA.

Getting Started

To get started with MATER, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the Repository:
    git clone
  2. Navigate to the project directory:
    cd MATER
  3. Install dependencies:
    pip install -r requirements.txt

Visit http://localhost:5000 in your browser to explore MATER.

How to Contribute

Your feedback is valuable! If you encounter issues or have ideas for improvement, please open an issue. We welcome contributions to make MATER even better.

Thank you for being part of the MATER community. Happy tracking!