777-300ER Public
Forked from Stratosphere-Studios/777-300ERFreeware Boeing 777-300ER for the X-Plane 12 flight simulator.
Lua Other UpdatedJul 20, 2023 -
Veritas Public
Windows c++ GUI library which uses Direct3D9 for fast rendering
C UpdatedJun 8, 2023 -
RVM Public
32bit stack-based big-endian virtual machine performing RVM architecture-specific operands
Bloom-Anticheat Public
Kernel Anticheat featuring a driver, DLL, and the main executable
DirectX9-GameEngine Public
(DEPRECATED) 3D game engine using DirectX9 - will be adding audio
php-login-system Public
Login/chat system using mysql with prepared statements in PHP
Callback-Registration Public
Register a callback from a Manually mapped kernel module
HideProcess Public
Forked from landhb/HideProcessA basic Direct Kernel Object Manipulation rootkit that removes a process from the EPROCESS list, hiding it from the Task Manager