Javacord will receive only critical bug fixes until the end of 2025, no new features will be implemented, including in JCommands. The last version of JCommands will remain available, and the repository will be archived soon. More info can be found here.
With this Javacord extension you can create Slash Commands on your Discord server within 1 minute with built-in
- input validating,
StringArgument<Integer> stringArgument = new StringArgument<>("number", "A number", Integer.class);
stringArgument.getArgumentValidator().when(RegexPredicate.notValidFor("\\d+")).thenRespond(event -> {
.setContent("The input is not a number!")
- value converting,
stringArgument.convertResult(value -> Integer.parseInt(value));
- autocompleting and
StringArgument<String> searchArgument = new StringArgument<>("search", "Start typing", String.class);
SearchAutocomplete searchAutocomplete = new SearchAutocomplete(SearchAutocomplete.SearchType.CONTAINS, Arrays.asList(
"just some words like hello world"
.split(" ")
- concatenating
command.addConcatenator(new StringConcatenator<>(" ", String.class), stringArgument, searchArgument);
There are so many useful pre-written argument types that can be used while creating a command.
This command is created just with about 50 lines of code including the response and error handling. It has a validated argument with regex, an argument that has two different values that the user can choose from, a number argument that has a range validation, a normal user mention argument, a normal channel mention argument and an optional attachment argument with size and extension validation.
You can find the full code here that runs a bot with the example command above.
You can find all the information about how to use JCommands
on the Wiki
This is a Javacord extension. Javacord is a Discord bot framework and it so much easier to create bots with it.
Replace {VERSION} with one of the released versions from 6.0.0 (the latest recommended)
dependencies {
implementation 'io.github.s3ns3iw00.jcommands:{VERSION}'
If you found a bug, or you just want a new feature in the next version, don't hesitate to report it on the issues page or feel free to open a pull request. You can contact me through discord: senseydev