PLEASE Refer README.txt for better formatting.
Part of Speech Tagger for Software Engineering
Based on the paper published in ICPC 2013:
Part-of-Speech Tagging of Program Identifiers for Improved Text-Based Software Engineering Tool Gupta, Samir; Malik, Sana; Pollock, Lori; Vijay-Shanker, K.. 21st Annual International Conference on Program Comprehension, IEEE, May 2013.
================================================== For any questions please contact me
Author: Samir Gupta Graduate Student, University of Delware, USA contact: [email protected]
================================================== Dependencies:
- Perl required Tested on v5.14.2
2.WordNet should be installed. Please provide the path to the WordNet binary in the script:
Change line#2
/usa/sgupta/software/WordNet/bin/wn $1 | grep "Information available for (noun|verb|adj|adv) $1" | cut -d " " -f4
pathToWordNetBinary $1 | grep "Information available for (noun|verb|adj|adv) $1" | cut -d " " -f4
Two main binaries:
./Scripts/ and ./Scripts/
- Getting Part of Speech information
cd Scripts ./
Output is generated in ./Output/.pos
- Getting Chunk Information
cd Scripts ./
Output is generated in ./Output/.chunk
inputFile: The input file to tagged (description below)
: Specify the input is methods, attributes or class name
Can take 3 values: M (for method name) C (for class name) A (for attribute name)
cd Scripts; ./ ../Input/method100.input "M"
Output File Generated In: ./Output/method100.input.pos
Sample Input Files can be found in ./Input
Example: (from ./Input/method100.input)
void resolveJumpJetAttack(QPhysicalResult;I) | resolve jump jet attack
So a line in Input file corresponds to the program identifier (here a method name) of format:
Please refer the ./Output directory for output format.