ADS-HCSpark is a scalable tool to accelerate variant calling based on Apache Spark. It implements the parallelization of mainstream variant detection algorithm HaplotypeCaller on multi-node and multi-core. This file introduces the environment, build and usage of ADS-HCSpark, which contains the following sections.
- System environment requirements
- Build
- Usage
- Examples
ADS-HCSpark is based on Apache Spark framework and GATK3.8 HaplotypeCaller, so some specific system environments and software packages are required. Note that ADS-HCSpark runs on a Spark cluster, so the cluster should have been properly setup. Maven is used to manage the project. Moveover, your system must be Linux-based.
- Java 1.8 or greater
- Scala 2.11.8 or greater
- Hadoop 2.6.4 or greater
- Spark 2.2.0 or greater
- Maven 3.5.3 or greater
Note that your Spark version should match the hadoop version. Each software package needs to be configured with relevant environment variables.
ADS-HCSpark is based on the GATK3.8 HaplotypeCaller, so you should install GATK3 to the local Maven repository first.
Get the GATK3 code (or download the zip file directly)
git clone
Go to the GATK3 folder and install it to local Maven repository. Note that the tag of gatk-protected.git should be 3.8. If not, please git checkout 3.8 firstly.
mvn install -P\!queue
Go to the ADS-HCSpark folder and build the code
mvn package
After packaging, the executable jar package is
in the target folder.
ADS-HCSpark is implemented using a parallel strategy of adaptive data segmentation. It consists of two stages: Data preprocessing and ADS-HC. So, you should execute the data preprocessing program first and then execute variant caller ADS-HC. In ADS-HCSpark, there are three types of parameters. They are introduced below.
The first is Spark runtime parameters which need to be properly configured accoreding to the cluster. Note that ADS-HCSpark runs on Stand-alone mode. Theoretically, more cores and larger memory given, the better the performance. Since our program involves data segmentation, the parameters spark.hadoop.mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.maxsize
and spark.hadoop.mapreduce.input.file.fileinputformat.split.minsize
should be configured properly. Here we set them to 134217728. (The default data block size of the file on HDFS is 128MB on our cluster)
The second is specific parameters of ADS-HCSpark. They are explained as follows.
- -t : the tool name of executing. There are three tools: BuildPreprocess, HaplotypeCaller, and vcfmerge.
- -i : the input file path. The input file path should be an HDFS directory.
- -o : the ouput file path. It should be an HDFS directory. If this parameter is not specified, the outpu file path is the same as the input file path by default.
- -p : it represents using the adaptaive data segmentation. if this parameter is set, data preprocessing step need to be perfomed firstly.
- -pf : the preprocessing file path. When executing ADS-HC, configuring this parameter to indicate the path of preprocessing file. If it is not specified, the default preprocessing file path is the same as the input file path. The name of preprocessing file is the input file name plus the ".hcidx" suffix.
- -s : sorting and merging into a VCF file. When the merged file is too large, the parameter
should be adjusted appropriately. - -dc : Cache optimization strategy. It is recommended to use when dbSNP is need.
- -c : specify a property file.
The third is other configuration option in the property file which is specified by using the parameter -c in the execution script. Here is an example of property file.
- FASTA_PREFIX : This is the path prefix of the Reference file. The reference files such as ".dict", ".fasta", and ".fasta.fai" should be saved in this directory.
- DBSNP_DB : The dbSNP path. The value "none" means not to use dbSNP.
- ADDITION_EACH_SPLIT_SIZE : The granularity of data segmentation. In adaptive data segmentation, when time-consuming data blocks are found, the number of chunks that they wiil be segmented into is determined by this parameter.
The following are some examples of executaion scripts.
./spark-submit \
--master spark://master:7077 \
--total-executor-cores 32 \
--driver-memory 50G \
--executor-memory 50G \
--conf spark.hadoop.mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.maxsize=134217728 \
--conf spark.hadoop.mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.minsize=134217728 \
/path/sparkhc-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
-t BuildPreprocess \
-i /path/ERR091571.bam \
-c /path/conf.prop
./spark-submit \
--master spark://master:7077 \
--total-executor-cores 32 \
--driver-memory 50G \
--executor-memory 50G \
--conf spark.hadoop.mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.maxsize=134217728 \
--conf spark.hadoop.mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.minsize=134217728 \
/path/sparkhc-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
-t HaplotypeCaller \
-i /path/ERR091571.bam \
-o /path/ERR091671.vcf \
-c /path/conf.prop \
./spark-submit \
--master local[*] \
--driver-memory 50G \
--conf spark.hadoop.mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.maxsize=134217728 \
--conf spark.hadoop.mapreduce.input.fileinputformat.split.minsize=134217728 \
/path/sparkhc-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar \
-t vcfmerge
-i ERR091571-folder
-o ERR091571.vcf
The software is available under the New BSD License.