Produce Google Chart and TimelineJS for Jira issues and Stash events related to those issues.
perl ~/Timeline-Moo/ --username "" --password "" --query 'issue in ( 'MW-1728', 'MW-1723' ) AND issuetype != 5 ORDER BY resolutiondate ASC' --dir_name 'Fatality' --start_date 2015 08 11 0 0 --end_date 2015 12 31 0 0
Copy the resulting directory to your webserver.
Add stash event handling.
Use Template::Toolkit to improve readability and reduce code complexity.
Move DateTime object creation to classes from script.
Reduce the size of Timelines::Jira::Issue:create_TJS_json Timelines::Jira::Issue:create_GC_json with further abstraction.
Add perldoc.
Add unit testing.
Create interface to issue Jira queries.
Reduce the use of static html and js files.
Keep on chooglin.