npm install
- install the requirements with npm
- build the production angular code which will be placed in the /dist directory
- then build the docker image, where the /dist directory gets copied to the nginx static content directory
docker build -t auth-dev-frontend
- set env "KEYCLOAK_URL" as URL to the Keycloak service
- set env "KONG_URL" as URL to Kong
- set env "CLIENT_ID" as the id of the client that has to be setup at Keycloak because this frontend acts as an client
docker run -e "CLIENT_ID=auth-dev-frontend" -e "KONG_URL=" -e "KEYCLOAK_URL=" auth-dev-frontend
- angular environments:
- debug: for local dev with ng serve, no environent variables needed, hardcoded urls to kong and keycloak
ng serve
- production: for Rancher - you have to set environment variables
To add sites to the documentation:
- add component in the platform-doc folder
- add route in app.module.ts
- add page to search logic in app.component.ts
To update the theme, change the theme.scss file in the assets directory.
- change platform doc layout to css grid + responsiv