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Ks Tan edited this page Feb 24, 2021 · 4 revisions

PHPJasperXML is not complete replacement of jaspersoft, it have some limitation. We'd use it many years and it is proven stable but it is not 100% features ready. There is known issue which is:

  1. Subreport not render perfectly in detail band (Header and Footer I think should be ok), technically it seems very hard to calculate the height of subreport at the same time balance with all others element in same detail band
  2. Some barcode is not supported yet (QR code is supported)
  3. Some situation text might not ablet to vertical align properly due to limitation of tcpdf
  4. There is some others limitation, so far we change our way to accomodate the limitation
  5. PHPJasperXML allow you do once and generate pdf/excel, however it is not suitable to run report with 100 pages long cause the limitation of algorithm.
  6. Best use case of PHPJasperXML is use for design / print document, example Invoice, Purchase Order, Service Order, and etc printable document. Short report run well and allow export excel nicely. Long report you shall use alternative report tool
  7. It only support basic variable (sum, max, min, average), it not support more customized mathematic algorithm yet (it may not difficult to improve, but we have no time to touch it).
  8. Don't user java syntax in your expression (field, print when expression and etc). $F{field1} == $F{field2} is working and $F{field1}.equal($F{field2}) is not.
  9. frame, map, list is not supported and no plan to support due to structure over complex
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