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Grasp Planner based on Environmental Constraint Exploitation

Table of Contents

  1. Overview
  2. Structure, Interfaces and Flow of Information
  3. List of Controllers, Primitives, ECs
  4. Hardware Dependencies
  5. Install
    1. Minimal Dependencies
    2. Dependencies For Running the Gazebo Example
    3. Grasp Planner
  6. Usage
  7. Examples
    1. Planning Based on PCD Input
    2. Planning Based on Continuous RGB-D Input
    3. Kuka Arm in Gazebo Simulation with TRIK Controller
    4. Using rosservice call for planner


This planning framework generates contact-rich motion sequences to grasp objects. Within this planning framework, we propose a novel view of grasp planning that centers on the exploitation of environmental contact. In this view, grasps are sequences of constraint exploitations, i.e. consecutive motions constrained by features in the environment, ending in a grasp. To be able to generate such grasp plans, it becomes necessary to consider planning, perception, and control as tightly integrated components. As a result, each of these components can be simplified while still yielding reliable grasping performance. This implementation is based on:

Clemens Eppner and Oliver Brock. "Planning Grasp Strategies That Exploit Environmental Constraints"
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 4947 - 4952, 2015.

Structure, Interfaces and Flow of Information

This is the structure of the planning framework:


It consists of a visual processing component and a planning module. The visual processing component detects planar surfaces, convex, and concave edges in a point cloud and represents them in a graph structure. This component is based on Ecto, a computation graph framework for C++/Python. The computations are organized as a directed acyclic graph of computing cells connected by typed edges. Single computing cells do simple operations such as clustering, segmentation, or fitting models. The following diagram shows the computation graph for the grasp planning framework:


Here, a segmentation soup is generated by different segmentation algorithms based on depth and color. For these segments, planes and edges are fitted. The final output is a geometry graph that describes the spatial structure of the environment.

The planning module takes this spatial graph as input and combines it with information about the object pose and the type of robotic hand and arm into a planning problem. This planning problem is represented in a STRIPS-like fashion and solved using A* search. The output of the planner is a sequence of motions interspersed with contact sensor events.

Summing up, the input to the planning framework is given by:

  • Point Cloud: This can be provided either by a real RGB-D sensor (see Example 2), a recorded point cloud (see Example 1), or even by a simulated sensor (see Example 3).
  • Object Pose: This is optional and can also be provided by the Ecto graph computation using a simple heuristic: select the point cluster that is closest to the largest planar surface in the scene.
  • Hand and Robot-specific Information: This defines how a particular hand slides across a surface, closes its fingers etc. It also includes robot-specific things such as f/t sensor thresholds or velocities. For new hands and/or arms this can be easily extended.

The usual output of a robot motion planner are joint-configuration trajectories. This planner is different. It outputs so-called hybrid automata. A hybrid automaton is a finite state machine whose states are continuous feedback controllers (based on position, velocity, force, etc.) and transitions are discrete sensor events. This is because position trajectories lack the expressive power that is needed to capture the feedback-driven contact-rich motions considered here. Hybrid automata are much more suited in this context. As a consequence any entity that wants to execute the generated plans needs to be capable of interpreting those hybrid automata descriptions. We use a C++ library that allows serialization/desirialization and can be used to wrap robot-specific interfaces as shown in Example 3.

Primitives, Controllers, and Jump Conditions:

List of primitives: Positioning, sliding, Caging, EdgeGrasp, WallGrasp, SurfaceGrasp The primitives are based on Clemens Eppner and Oliver Brock. "Planning Grasp Strategies That Exploit Environmental Constraints"

List of controllers: joint controller, operational space controller, sliding controller, RBO-hand controller, Pisa-IIT-hand controller

List of jump conditions: time based, F/T measurement based, joint configuration based, frame pose based

List of ECs: Surface, Edge, Wall

Hardware Dependencies

This table lists the tested hardware dependencies of the planner by SoMa partner:

T: tested
S: tested in simulation (gazebo)
F: failed

TUB UNIPI IIT Ocado Disney
Hand RBO Hand2 (T) Pisa IIT Hand RBO Hand2 (T)
Pisa/IIT Hand
RBO Hand2 v2 (T)
Pisa/IIT Hand v2
Pisa/IIT Softgripper
Arms WAM (T) KUKA iiwa (S) KUKA LBR iiwa14 (T)
Staubli RX160L
Force-Torque Sensor ATI FTN-Gamma Sensors (T) Optoforce HEX-70-XE-200N (T)
RGB-D Sensor ASUS Xtion Pro Live (T) Primesense Carmine 1.08/9(T)
Kinect v2


This code was tested with ROS indigo under Ubuntu 14.04.5 (LTS). To follow our build instructions you need to build with catkin tools (apt-get install python-catkin-tools)

Minimal Dependencies

  • Clone this repository
git clone 
  • Build the geometry messages (don't build any other projects form this repository yet)
catkin build geometry_graph_msgs
  • Clone the ROS stack ecto_rbo in your catkin workspace and build it:
git clone

and follow the instructions on

pip install -e git+
git clone

Dependencies For Running the Gazebo Example

git clone
  • Get Gazebo multi-robot simulator, version 2.2.6:
  sudo apt-get install ros-indigo-gazebo-*
  git clone
  cd iiwa_stack
  git checkout 94670d70b9bfbf0920c7de539012c805734fdbc5
  catkin build iiwa

Grasp Planner

Now, you can clone this repository into your catkin workspace and build the ROS package:

git clone
cd ec_grasp_planner
git submodule init
git submodule update
catkin build ec_grasp_planner

Usage [-h] [--ros_service_call] [--file_output]
                [--grasp {any,EdgeGrasp,WallGrasp,SurfaceGrasp}]
                [--grasp_id GRASP_ID] [--rviz]
                [--robot_base_frame ROBOT_BASE_FRAME]
                [--object_frame OBJECT_FRAME] [--handarm HANDARM]

Find path in graph and turn it into a hybrid automaton.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --ros_service_call    Whether to send the hybrid automaton to a ROS service
                        called /update_hybrid_automaton. (default: False)
  --file_output         Whether to write the hybrid automaton to a file called
                        hybrid_automaton.xml. (default: False)
  --grasp {any,EdgeGrasp,WallGrasp,SurfaceGrasp}
                        Which grasp type to use. (default: any)
  --grasp_id GRASP_ID   Which specific grasp to use. Ignores any values < 0.
                        (default: -1)
  --rviz                Whether to send marker messages that can be seen in
                        RViz and represent the chosen grasping motion.
                        (default: False)
  --robot_base_frame ROBOT_BASE_FRAME
                        Name of the robot base frame. (default: world)
  --object_frame OBJECT_FRAME
                        Name of the object frame. (default: object)
  --handarm HANDARM     Python class that contains configuration parameters
                        for hand and arm-specific properties. (default:


Planning Based on PCD Input

This example shows a planned grasp in RViz based on a PCD file that contains a single colored point cloud of a table-top scene with a banana placed in the middle.


# if you want to change which pcd to read, change the file name in the ecto graph yaml
rosrun ecto_rbo_yaml `rospack find ec_grasp_planner`/data/geometry_graph_example1.yaml --debug

# start visualization
rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find ec_grasp_planner`/configs/ec_grasps_example1.rviz

# select which type of grasp you want
rosrun ec_grasp_planner --rviz --robot_base_frame camera_rgb_optical_frame --grasp WallGrasp

In RViz you should be able to see the geometry graph and the wall grasp published as visualization_msgs/MarkerArray under the topic names geometry_graph_marker and planned_grasp_path:

Graph Grasp

Planning Based on Continuous RGB-D Input

This example shows how to use the planner with an RGB-Depth sensor like Kinect or Asus Xtion. It uses the camera drivers provided in ROS:

# plug the camera into your computer
roslaunch openni2_launch openni2.launch depth_registration:=true

# set camera resolution to QVGA
rosrun dynamic_reconfigure dynparam set /camera/driver ir_mode 7
rosrun dynamic_reconfigure dynparam set /camera/driver color_mode 7
rosrun dynamic_reconfigure dynparam set /camera/driver depth_mode 7

rosrun ecto_rbo_yaml `rospack find ec_grasp_planner`/data/geometry_graph_example2.yaml --debug

# start visualization
rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find ec_grasp_planner`/configs/ec_grasps_example2.rviz

# select an edge grasp and visualize the result in RViz
rosrun ec_grasp_planner --robot_base_frame camera_rgb_optical_frame --grasp EdgeGrasp --rviz

Depending on your input the result in RViz could look like this:

Raw Graph Grasp

Kuka Arm in Gazebo Simulation with TRIK Controller

This example shows the execution of a planned hybrid automaton motion in the Gazebo simulator.

# Step 1: make sure the simulation time is used
roslaunch hybrid_automaton_manager_kuka launchGazebo.launch

# Step 2: start the simulation environment and kuka control manager 
rosrun hybrid_automaton_manager_kuka hybrid_automaton_manager_kuka

# Step 3: run vision code
rosrun ecto_rbo_yaml `rospack find ec_grasp_planner`/data/geometry_graph_example3.yaml --debug

# Step 4 (optional): to check potential grasps
rosrun rviz rviz -d `rospack find ec_grasp_planner`/configs/ec_grasps.rviz

In RViz you should be able to see the point cloud simulated in Gazebo and the geometry graph published as visualization_msgs/MarkerArray under the topic name geometry_graph_marker:

Gazebo Raw Graph

# Step 5: select a surface grasp, visualize and execute it
roscd hybrid_automaton_manager_kuka/test_xmls/ 
rosrun ec_grasp_planner --grasp SurfaceGrasp --ros_service_call --rviz --handarm RBOHand2Kuka [need to ctrl-c once done]
./ hybrid_automaton.xml  

Step 6:

In RViz you should be able to see the planned surface grasp and in Gazebo the robot moves its hand towards the cylinder until contact (

Grasp Gazebo

Using rosservice call

Step 1, start the planner in the background in simulation: rosrun ec_grasp_planner --rviz --file_output --robot_base_frame world in real life for RBO: rosrun ec_grasp_planner --rviz --file_output

Step 2, call with rosservice rosservice call /run_grasp_planner "object_type: 'Apple' grasp_type: 'SurfaceGrasp' handarm_type: 'RBOHand2Kuka'"


Grasp Planner Based on Environmental Constraint Exploitation







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