To run you must: open a terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T) and write:
open another terminal:
roscd qb_interface/conf/
rosparam load config.yaml
rosrun qb_interface qb_force_control
rostopic pub /qb_class/hand_ref qb_interface/handRef "closure: [9000]"
where the grasp closure is within [0-19000]
Change stiffness with
rosparam set /stiffness 0.1
where stiffness is from [0-1.0]
ROS node for communicate with sequence and multi-sequence of qbDevice
- Create a new folder in your catkin workspace call "qb_interface"
- Load all file in it, no other files are request
- .deb [indigo, jade] if you request it on our website
Note: This code has been developed for ROS Indigo on ubuntu 14.04. No warranty for other distributions.
Main parameters can be configurable by a YAML file, which is request during the call to qb_interface_node with "roslaunch" method. If you do not specify your yaml own custom file, by variable yamlFile:="PathToYourConfFile", a default yaml fill will be set.
communication port
port: '/dev/ttyUSB0'
[Equilibrium/Preset] -> True , [P1/P2/PL] -> False
eq_preset: true
[Hand command in percentual] -> True , [Hand command in TICK] -> False
hand_perc: true
[Current Reader Enable] -> True , [Current Reader Disable] -> False
current: true
Unit of measurement, ['DEG', 'RAD', 'TICK']
unit: 'DEG'
Step time
step_time: 0.002
ID cubes in chain
IDcubes: [1, 2]
ID hands in chain
IDhands: [3]
Depends on your configurations several topics will be open. When IDcubes is set:
- /qb_class/cube_ref
- /qb_class/cube_measurement
If "current" is true
- /qb_class/cube_current
When IDhands is set:
- /qb_class/hand_ref
- /qb_class/hand_measurement
If "current" is true
- /qb_class/hand_current
Message Type
When "eq_preset" is set the message type is cubeEq_preset.msg otherwise cubePos.msg