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Direct Democracy Functionalities

OuraniaSpantidi edited this page Feb 10, 2017 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Direct_Democracy-production wiki!

Direct Democracy is about getting people involved.

We want to remind people that their vote is their voice, and that their voice actually contains the element of power.

At first, the user is asked to register using a username, a password and is also asked to provide an email for password retrieval and security purposes. When done registering, the user is prompted to the main menu which contains a navigation bar with 3 available tabs; Current, Vote Map and Account.

Current tab

Here the user gets to see the bills that are on the president's desk at the moment. User can also see which bills he has already voted on and which he hasn't yet. When clicking one of the bills, he automatically gets redirected to a new page with the title of each bill, a brief description, a set of related articles and stories considering the bill and also a thumbs-up and thumbs-down button for him to vote. Once the user casts his vote, he can see a pie chart with all the thumb-ups and thumb-downs already casted for the particular bill in a pie chart form. He can then proceed to slide right or left to navigate through bills, or simply go back to the previous Current screen to see the bills in a list form.

Vote Map

Here the user gets access to a live voting map.


Here the user can modify his account, such as username/password change, but he can also keep track of all the previous bills he has voted on, as well as some personal percentages.

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