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Sec. 2: Driving the Husky robot in Gazebo
Run roscore first:
Open another terminal, and launch:
roslaunch husky_gazebo husky_empty_world.launch
You will see the Husky in the empty world.
We can now command the Husky to go forwards. Open a terminal window, and use the command below, copy pasting this one won’t work! You can tab complete this command by hitting the tab key after geometry_msgs/Twist:
rostopic pub /husky_velocity_controller/cmd_vel geometry_msgs/Twist "linear:
x: 0.5
y: 0.0
z: 0.0
x: 0.0
y: 0.0
z: 0.0" -r 10
In the above command, we publish to the /husky_velocity_controller/cmd_vel topic, of topic type geometry_msgs/Twist. The data we publish tells the simulated Husky to go forwards at 0.5m/s, without any rotation. You should see your Husky move forwards.
This example shows how to send a command through ROS topics between two different computers, pair up with someone else.
You need to configure ROS environment variables to properly communicate between two ROS systems.
First, check your IP address:
and put your IP address:
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://YOUR_IP:11311
For example, if your IP address is
export ROS_IP=
Then run roscore:
You will see the following messages in terminal:
* /rosdistro: indigo
* /rosversion: 1.11.21
auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [25586]
If everything's going well, launch Gazebo
roslaunch gazebo_ros willowgarage_world.launch
You will see the Willow garage world without the robot, spawn a husky:
roslaunch husky_gazebo spawn_husky.launch
Person A is done! Now let's prepare for Person B!
To connect the ROS master, configure ROS environment variables. See your IP address:
and put your IP address and the master address from above:
export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://MASTER_IP:11311
For example, if your (Person B) IP address is and the master IP is (Person A)
export ROS_IP=
To make sure the connection, enter:
rostopic list
You will see a bunch of topic lists such as:
If you've done with the previous tasks, you could move the Husky using the keyboard:
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py
Explore the Willow garage and change the role!
This example demonstrates how to control multiple robots simultaneously. One person runs the ROS master and Gazebo simulation and the others send a command to control their robot.
Configure ROS environments like we did above and run roscore:
Launch the Gazebo:
roslaunch gazebo_ros willowgarage_world.launch
Spawn a robot at the origin (0,0):
roslaunch gazebo_plugins pioneer3dx.gazebo.launch
Spawn another robot at a different pose (0,-2) to avoid crashes:
ROBOT_INITIAL_POSE="-y -2" roslaunch husky_gazebo spawn_husky.launch
Pick one of the robots, Husky or P3dx. If you wish to control the P3dx, enter:
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py cmd_vel:=p3dx/cmd_vel
If you wish to control the Husky, enter:
rosrun teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard.py cmd_vel:=husky_velocity_controller/cmd_vel
Compete who escape the Willow garage first!
We will design a simple feedback controller to drive a robot to reach the goal location. In general, autonomous navigation represents a multi-layered embedded system that has the following abilities:
to generate an optimal path without collisions,
to follow the path generated with desired pose and location,
to compute an alternative path if necessary.
In this tutorial, we will design a simple controller that receives the desired destination from the user and publishes command messages to the robot.
Go to the gazebo_tutorial ROS package in this repository and download nre_simhuskycontrol.py to your device.
This controller allows you to adjust controller parameters, proportional gains, and goals. By tuning those variables, you will be able to see better control performance. The controller works in the following algorithm.
Calculate difference between current and desired locations. From line 32:
distance = sqrt((pose[0]-goal[0])**2+(pose[1]-goal[1])**2)
If distance is below a threshold, stop the robot. OR if distance is above the threshold, set yaw angle to orient robot toward desired location, and drive towards it. From line 33:
if (distance > distThresh): v = vconst desireYaw = atan2(goal[1]-pose[1],goal[0]-pose[0]) u = desireYaw-theta bound = atan2(sin(u),cos(u)) w = min(0.5 , max(-0.5, wgain*bound))
The algorithm is illustrated in the following image.
Run roscore first:
Open another terminal, and launch:
roslaunch husky_gazebo husky_empty_world.launch
You will see the Husky in the empty world. To monitor the real-time position data, run:
rostopic echo /odometery/filtered
Go to the folder that includes nre_simhuskycontrol.py and run the controller:
python nre_simhuskycontrol.py
The Husky will not move because the goal is now (0,0). Change the goal in the script and rerun nre_simhuskycontrol.py. For example, the robot will stop as soon as it gets close to the destination at (10,10). You could see your robot has stopped at the destination and the odometry data is close to (10,10) within the distThresh that you defined.
Let's run the controller again with different parameters (wgain, vconst, distThresh).