A tool to log HTTP request Method, URL, HEADERS, Query Params, Body and to geenrate the curl command for easy debugging.
It writes the request inside /tmp/requestHeadersQueryParamsAndBody.log file.
The container Runs internally on port 5464, expose it to your favourite port.
# To Run a docker container
docker run -d -v /tmp:/tmp -p 1111:5464 --name requestdebugger masteralt/requestdebugger:version1
# Check the logs after one of the request is fired in our host system using,
tail -f /tmp/requestHeadersQueryParamsAndBody.log
# To delete the requestdebugger container
docker rm -f requestdebugger
# Download the binary from latest release from the folder "RequestDebuggerBinariesForAllOS" from root directory
# unzip the latest release folder
# Choose the binary which matches your OS
# make the binary executable [In my case the OS is ubuntu which is linux amd64]
chmod +x requestDebugger-linux-amd64
# Run the binary [In my case the OS is ubuntu which is linux amd64]
# clone the repo
# build the binary using the below command
go build -o main requestHeadersQueryParamsAndBody.go
# Run the server
./main # Runs the server
curl "" -H 'Header1: value1' -d '{"dataKey":"dataValue"}'
# we will receive the value of the HTTP request body in the output, OUTPUT WILL BE AS FOLLOWS:
tail -f /tmp/requestHeadersQueryParamsAndBody.log
BODY: {"dataKey":"dataValue"}
Query Param: size = 8192
Query Param: firstkey = firstvalue@123
HEADER: User-Agent = curl/7.58.0
HEADER: Accept = */*
HEADER: Header1 = value1
HEADER: Content-Length = 23
HEADER: Content-Type = application/x-www-form-urlencoded
curl -XPOST '{{host}}/?size=8192&firstkey=firstvalue@123' \
-H 'User-Agent: curl/7.58.0' \
-H 'Accept: */*' \
-H 'Header1: value1' \
-H 'Content-Length: 23' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \--data-urlencode: '{"dataKey":"dataValue"}'
- The curl command really helps in using it directly without the hassle of going through all the query params, headers and different body params.
- change the value of "{{host}}" from the curl command output as your environment host name, else create an env variable in postman as host and directly import the curl command and fire it.