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Model Analysis Rules

The following table provides an overview of the Rules:

ID Description Default Severity Notes
MA-0010 Checks whether the ShortName of a ShortNamedThing is valid Error -
MA-0020 Checks whether the specified LanguageCode is a valid LanguageCode as specified in ISO 639-1 part 1 or part 2 Warning -
MA-0030 Checks whether EmailAddress.value is a valid email address as specified in IETF RFC 5321 Error -
MA-0040 Checks whether TelephoneNumber.value is a valid telephone number as specified in IETF RFC 3966 Error -
MA-0100 Checks whether the specified LanguageCode exists in the SiteDirectory Warning -
MA-0110 Checks whether the Owner DomainOfExpertise is one of the activeDomains of the EngineeringModelSetup that is referenced by the container EngineeringModel Warning -
MA-0200 Checks whether a referenced Category is the in chain of Reference Data Libraries Error -
MA-0210 Checks whether a referenced FileType is the in chain of Reference Data Libraries Error -
MA-0220 Checks whether a referenced ParameterType is the in chain of Reference Data Libraries Error -
MA-0230 Checks whether a referenced MeasurementScale is the in chain of Reference Data Libraries Error -
MA-0240 Checks whether a referenced MeasurementUnit is the in chain of Reference Data Libraries Error -
MA-0250 Checks whether a referenced Rule is the in chain of Reference Data Libraries Error -
MA-0260 Checks whether a referenced ReferenceSource is the in chain of Reference Data Libraries Error instances of DomainOfExpertise, DomainOfExpertiseGroup, EngineeringModelSetup, ParticipantRole, PersonRole, ReferenceDataLibrary are excluded from this check
MA-0270 Checks whether a referenced UnitPrefix is the in chain of Reference Data Libraries Error -
MA-0300 Checks whether a CategorizableThing is not a member of the same Category more than once, including via category sub-classing Warning -
MA-0310 Checks whether a CategorizableThing is not a member of an abstract Category Error -
MA-0400 Checks whether a DefinedThing has at most one Definition per natural language Error -
MA-0500 Checks whether a Thing does not reference a DeprecatableThing where DeprecatableThing.isDeprecated = true Warning DeprecatableThing where DeprecatableThing.isDeprecated = true are ignored
MA-0510 Checks whether the source and target property of a BinaryRelationship are contained by the same Iteration that contains the BinaryRelationship Warning -
MA-0520 Checks whether a ParameterBase does not reference a CompoundParameterType where CompoundParameterType.isFinalized = false Warning -
MA-0610 Checks whether an ElementDefinition contains parameters that have unique names Error -
MA-0620 Checks whether an ElementDefinition contains parameters that have unique shortnames Error -
MA-0700 Checks whether a ParameterType.shortname is case-sensitive unique within its containing ReferenceDataLibrary Error -
MA-0710 Checks whether a ParameterType.symbol is case-sensitive unique within its containing ReferenceDataLibrary Error -
MA-0720 Checks whether a Category.shortname is unique within its containing ReferenceDataLibrary Error -
MA-0730 Checks whether a is unique within its containing ReferenceDataLibrary Error -
MA-0740 Checks whether a ParameterTypeComponent has a valid scale Error -
MA-0750 Checks whether the QuantityKind.defaultScale is in the collection of all PossibleScales Error -
MA-0800 Checks whether the Requirement.shortname is unique within its containing RequirementsSpecification Warning -
MA-0810 Checks whether the ShortnamedThing.shortname is unique within its Container Warning -
MA-0900 Checks whether the amount of Options in an Iteration of an EngineeringModel that is a Catalgue is not more than 1 Warning -

NOTE: rules in bold have been implemented

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