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Build And Release

samatstarion edited this page Feb 23, 2025 · 6 revisions

Development Environment

ECoreNetto is developed using Visual Studio 2022.

The following tools are used by the Starion Group development team:

  • Visual Studio 2022 Professional (Community Edtion will work as well)
  • Resharper Ultimate 2022.1.2 or later
  • Git Extensions

Prepare for Release

Follow the steps to create pre-release nugets that are not optimized using the Debug configuration or a release nugets using the Release configuration:

  1. Run all unit tests and verify that they pass
  2. Make sure the version numbers of the projects are incremented when things have changed; the project makes use of SEMVER.
  3. Update the <PackageReleaseNotes> in the .csproj files; this will be visible on
  4. Via the GitHub web-ui draft a new release referencing the tag and set the release title to Version MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH. The description of the release shall mention the updates referencing the GitHub issue numbers.

NOTE: The .csproj files contain settings that indicate that a symbols package is created as well. When using dotnet push to publish the packages on, the symbols packages will be pushed as well.

Create Release

First clean the solution and then pack. The pack command will build and create the nugets. The --include-source parameter is used to add the symbols and the source code to a specific symbols nuget.

dotnet clean -c Release ECoreNetto.sln
dotnet pack --include-source -c Release ECoreNetto.sln -o .

In case you want to push the new nugets to use the following command. You will require an API Key. This needs to be repeated for each nuget that needs to be published.

dotnet nuget push ECoreNetto.MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.nupkg --source --api-key "your-api-key"
dotnet nuget push ECoreNetto.Extensions.MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.nupkg --source --api-key "your-api-key"
dotnet nuget push ECoreNetto.HandleBars.MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.nupkg --source --api-key "your-api-key"
dotnet nuget push ECoreNetto.Tools.MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH.nupkg --source --api-key "your-api-key"

the release.bat file automates these steps, execute it from the commandline using your nuget API key:

./release.bat <your-api-key>

The release.bat includes the EcoreNetto.Tools package tool and publishes that to nuget. For windows users that do not have access to to install the application a self-contained executable is made available. Run the following command from the solution folder.

dotnet publish -c Release ECoreNetto.Tools\ECoreNetto.Tools.csproj -r win-x64 --self-contained true -p:PublishSingleFile=true -o ReleaseBuilds

Compute the SHA-256 of the ECoreNetto.Tools.Exe file. Upload the file to the release notes page and include the hash in the text.