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Optimistic conversion as if single line
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sungshik authored Aug 20, 2024
2 parents 814cbe7 + efd28dd commit 36975db
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
Types and functions to analyse delimiters in productions
Types and functions to analyze delimiters in productions

module lang::rascal::grammar::analyze::Delimiters
Expand All @@ -8,103 +8,175 @@ import Grammar;
import ParseTree;
import util::Maybe;

import Prelude;

import lang::rascal::grammar::Util;

alias DelimiterPair = tuple[Symbol begin, Symbol end];
alias DelimiterPair = tuple[Maybe[Symbol] begin, Maybe[Symbol] end];

data Direction // Traverse lists of symbols (in productions)...
= forward() // - ...from left to right;
| backward() // - ...from right to left.

Gets all delimiter pairs that enclose symbol `s` in grammar `g` when `s` is
always enclosed by delimiters. Returns the empty set when at least one
occurrence of `s` in `g` is not enclosed by delimiters.
Reorder a list according to the specified direction

set[DelimiterPair] getDelimiterPairs(Grammar g, Symbol s) {
map[Symbol, set[DelimiterPair]] index = ();
list[&T] reorder(list[&T] l, forward()) = l;
list[&T] reorder(list[&T] l, backward()) = reverse(l);

set[DelimiterPair] getDelimiterPairs(Symbol s) {
set[DelimiterPair] pairs = {};
index += (s: pairs); // Provisionally added for cycle detection
Gets the unique leftmost delimiter (`begin`) and the unique rightmost
delimiter (`end`), if any, that occur **inside** production `p` in grammar
`g`. If `getOnlyFirst` is `true` (default: `false`), then only the first
(resp. last) symbol of the production can be considered as leftmost (resp.

// For each production in which `s` occurs, search for delimiter pairs
// that enclose `s`.
for (/prod(sParent, symbols: [*_, /s, *_], _) := g) {
For instance, consider the following grammar:
lexical X = Y;
lexical Y = Y1 | Y2;
lexical Y1 = "[" Z "]";
lexical Y2 = "[" Z ")" [a-z];
lexical Z = [a-z];
The unique leftmost delimiter of the `Y1` production is `[`. The unique
leftmost delimiter of the `Y2` production is `[`. The unique leftmost
delimiter of the `X` production is `[`. The remaining productions do not
have a unique leftmost delimiter.
The unique rightmost delimiter of the `Y1` production is `]`. The unique
rightmost delimiter of the `Y2` production is `)`. The remaining productions
do not have a unique rightmost delimiter. In particular, the `X` production
has two rightmost delimiters, but not one unique.
If `getOnlyFirst` is `true`, then the `Y2` production does not have a
rightmost delimiter.

// Case 1: The production itself has enclosing delimiters for `s`
if (just(DelimiterPair pair) := getDelimiterPair(symbols, s)) {
pairs += {pair};

// Case 2: The production itself does not have enclosing delimiters
// for `s`. In this case, proceed by searching for delimiter pairs
// that enclose the parent of `s`.
else {

// Case 2a: `sParent` is already being searched for (i.e., there
// is a cyclic dependency). In this case, `sParent` can be
// ignored by the present call of this function (top of the call
// stack), as it is already dealt with by a past/ongoing call of
// this function (middle of the call stack).
if (delabel(sParent) in index) {
DelimiterPair getInnerDelimiterPair(Grammar g, Production p, bool getOnlyFirst = false) {
Maybe[Symbol] begin = getInnerDelimiterByProduction(g, forward() , getOnlyFirst = getOnlyFirst)[p];
Maybe[Symbol] end = getInnerDelimiterByProduction(g, backward(), getOnlyFirst = getOnlyFirst)[p];
return <begin, end>;

private map[Symbol, Maybe[Symbol]] getInnerDelimiterBySymbol(Grammar g, Direction direction, bool getOnlyFirst = false) {
map[Production, Maybe[Symbol]] m = getInnerDelimiterByProduction(g, direction, getOnlyFirst = getOnlyFirst);
return (s: unique({m[p] | p <- m, s == delabel(p.def)}) | p <- m, s := delabel(p.def));

private map[Production, Maybe[Symbol]] getInnerDelimiterByProduction(Grammar g, Direction direction, bool getOnlyFirst = false) {
map[Production, Maybe[Symbol]] ret = (p: nothing() | /p: prod(_, _, _) := g);
solve (ret) {
for (p <- ret, ret[p] == nothing()) {
for (s <- reorder(p.symbols, direction)) {
s = delabel(s);
if (isDelimiter(s)) {
ret[p] = just(s);

// Case 2b: `sParent` has delimiter pairs
else if (morePairs := getDelimiterPairs(delabel(sParent)), _ <- morePairs) {
pairs += morePairs;
if (isNonTerminalType(s) && just(delimiter) := unique({ret[child] | child <- getChildren(g, s)})) {
ret[p] = just(delimiter);

// Case 2c: `sParent` does not have delimiter pairs. In this
// case, at least one occurrence of `s` in `g` is not enclosed
// by delimiters. Thus, the empty set is returned (and
// registered in the index), while the remaining productions in
// which `s` occurs, are ignored.
else {
pairs = {};
if (getOnlyFirst) {

index += (s: pairs); // Definitively added
return pairs;
return getDelimiterPairs(s);

// TODO: The current version of this function does not find delimiter pairs
// that are spread across multiple productions. For instance:
// ```
// lexical DelimitedNumber = Left Number Right;
// lexical Left = "<";
// lexical Right = ">";
// lexical Number = [0-9]+ !>> [0-9];
// ```
// In this example, `getDelimiterPairs(lex("Number"))` returns the empty
// set. This could be further improved.
return ret;
private set[Production] getChildren(Grammar g, Symbol s)
= {*lookup(g, s)};
Gets the delimiter pair that encloses symbol `s` in a list, if any
Gets the unique rightmost delimiter (`begin`) and the unique leftmost
delimiter (`end`), if any, that occur **outside** production `p` in grammar
Maybe[DelimiterPair] getDelimiterPair([*_, Symbol begin, *between, Symbol end, *_], Symbol s)
= just(<begin, end>)
when isDelimiter(begin) && isDelimiter(end),
[*between1, /s, *between2] := between,
!containsDelimiter(between1 + between2);
For instance, consider the following grammar:
default Maybe[DelimiterPair] getDelimiterPair(list[Symbol] _, Symbol _)
= nothing();
lexical X = Y;
lexical Y = Y1 | Y2;
lexical Y1 = "[" Z "]";
lexical Y2 = "[" Z ")" [a-z];
lexical Z = [a-z];
The unique rightmost delimiter of the `Z` production is `[`. The remaining
productions do not have a unique rightmost delimiter.
The productions do not have a unique leftmost delimiter. In particular, the
`Z` productions has two leftmost delimiters, but not one unique.
DelimiterPair getOuterDelimiterPair(Grammar g, Production p)
= <getOuterDelimiterByProduction(g, backward())[p], getOuterDelimiterByProduction(g, forward())[p]>;
private map[Symbol, Maybe[Symbol]] getOuterDelimiterBySymbol(Grammar g, Direction direction) {
map[Symbol, Maybe[Symbol]] ret = (s: nothing() | /p: prod(_, _, _) := g, s := delabel(p.def));

solve (ret) {
for (s <- ret, ret[s] == nothing()) {
set[Maybe[Symbol]] delimiters = {};
for (prod(def, symbols, _) <- getParents(g, s)) {
if ([*_, /s, *rest] := reorder(symbols, direction) && /s !:= rest) {
// Note: `rest` contains the symbols that follow/precede
// (depending on `direction`) `s` in the parent production
Maybe[Symbol] delimiter = nothing();
for (Symbol s <- rest) {
s = delabel(s);
if (isDelimiter(s)) {
delimiter = just(s);
if (isNonTerminalType(s) && d: just(_) := getInnerDelimiterBySymbol(g, direction)[s]) {
delimiter = d;
delimiters += just(_) := delimiter ? delimiter : ret[delabel(def)];
ret[s] = unique(delimiters);

return ret;

private map[Production, Maybe[Symbol]] getOuterDelimiterByProduction(Grammar g, Direction direction) {
map[Symbol, Maybe[Symbol]] m = getOuterDelimiterBySymbol(g, direction);
return (p: m[delabel(p.def)] | /p: prod(_, _, _) := g);
private set[Production] getParents(Grammar g, Symbol s)
= {parent | /parent: prod(_, [*_, /s, *_], _) := g, s != delabel(parent.def)};
Checks if a list contains a delimiter
Returns the single delimiter if set `delimiters` is a singleton. Returns
`nothing()` otherwise.
bool containsDelimiter(list[Symbol] symbols)
= any(s <- symbols, isDelimiter(s));
Maybe[Symbol] unique({d: just(Symbol _)}) = d;
default Maybe[Symbol] unique(set[Maybe[Symbol]] _) = nothing();
Checks if a symbol is a delimiter
Expand Down
72 changes: 58 additions & 14 deletions rascal-textmate-core/src/main/rascal/lang/textmate/Conversion.rsc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ module lang::textmate::Conversion
import Grammar;
import IO;
import ParseTree;
import util::Maybe;

import lang::oniguruma::Conversion;
import lang::oniguruma::RegExp;
Expand All @@ -21,7 +22,9 @@ alias RscGrammar = Grammar;

data ConversionUnit = unit(
RscGrammar rsc,
Production prod);
Production prod,
DelimiterPair outerDelimiters,
DelimiterPair innerDelimiters);

Converts Rascal grammar `rsc` to a TextMate grammar
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,8 +94,8 @@ list[ConversionUnit] analyze(RscGrammar rsc) {
// Define auxiliary predicates
bool isCyclic(Production p, set[Production] ancestors, _)
= p in ancestors;
bool isSingleLine(Production p, _, _)
= !hasNewline(rsc, p);
// bool isSingleLine(Production p, _, _)
// = !hasNewline(rsc, p);
bool isNonEmpty(prod(def, _, _), _, _)
= !tryParse(rsc, delabel(def), "");
bool hasCategory(prod(_, _, attributes), _, _)
Expand All @@ -103,17 +106,14 @@ list[ConversionUnit] analyze(RscGrammar rsc) {
Dependencies dependencies = deps(toGraph(rsc));
list[Production] prods = dependencies
.removeProds(isCyclic, true) // `true` means "also remove ancestors"
// .filterProds(isSingleLine)
// Analyze delimiters
println("[LOG] Analyzing delimiters");
set[Symbol] delimiters = {s | /Symbol s := rsc, isDelimiter(delabel(s))};
delimiters -= getStrictPrefixes(delimiters);
delimiters -= {s | prod(_, [s, *_], _) <- prods, isDelimiter(delabel(s))};
delimiters -= {s | prod(def, _, _) <- prods, /s := getDelimiterPairs(rsc, delabel(def))};
list[Production] prodsDelimiters = [prod(lex(DELIMITERS_PRODUCTION_NAME), [\alt(delimiters)], {})];

// Analyze keywords
Expand All @@ -124,15 +124,54 @@ list[ConversionUnit] analyze(RscGrammar rsc) {
// Return
bool isEmptyProd(prod(_, [\alt(alternatives)], _)) = alternatives == {};
list[ConversionUnit] units
= [unit(rsc, p) | p <- prodsDelimiters, !isEmptyProd(p)]
+ [unit(rsc, p) | p <- prods]
+ [unit(rsc, p) | p <- prodsKeywords, !isEmptyProd(p)];
= [unit(rsc, p, getOuterDelimiterPair(rsc, p), getInnerDelimiterPair(rsc, p, getOnlyFirst = true)) | p <- prods]
+ [unit(rsc, p, <nothing(), nothing()>, <nothing(), nothing()>) | p <- prodsDelimiters, !isEmptyProd(p)]
+ [unit(rsc, p, <nothing(), nothing()>, <nothing(), nothing()>) | p <- prodsKeywords, !isEmptyProd(p)];
return units;
return sort(units, less);
public str DELIMITERS_PRODUCTION_NAME = "$delimiters";
public str KEYWORDS_PRODUCTION_NAME = "$keywords";
private bool less(ConversionUnit u1, ConversionUnit u2) {
Maybe[Symbol] getKey(ConversionUnit u)
= <just(begin), _> := u.outerDelimiters ? just(begin)
: <just(begin), _> := u.innerDelimiters ? just(begin)
: nothing();
Maybe[Symbol] key1 = getKey(u1);
Maybe[Symbol] key2 = getKey(u2);
if (just(begin1) := key1 && just(begin2) := key2) {
if (begin2.string < begin1.string) {
// If `begin2` is a prefix of `begin1`, then the rule for `u1` should be
// tried *before* the rule for `u2` (i.e., `u1` is less than `u2` for
// sorting purposes)
return true;
} else if (begin1.string < begin2.string) {
// Symmetrical case
return false;
} else {
// Otherwise, sort arbitrarily by name and stringified production
return toName( + "<>" < toName( + "<>";
} else if (nothing() != key1 && nothing() == key2) {
// If `u1` has a `begin` delimiter, but `u2` hasn't, then `u1` is less
// than `u2` for sorting purposes (arbitrarily)
return true;
} else if (nothing() == key1 && nothing() != key2) {
// Symmetrical case
return false;
} else {
// Otherwise, sort arbitrarily by name and stringified production
return toName( + "<>" < toName( + "<>";
public str DELIMITERS_PRODUCTION_NAME = "~delimiters";
public str KEYWORDS_PRODUCTION_NAME = "~keywords";
private bool isSynthetic(Symbol s)
Transforms a list of productions, in the form of conversion units, to a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,6 +205,11 @@ TmGrammar transform(list[ConversionUnit] units, NameGeneration nameGeneration =
tm = addRule(tm, r);
for (name <- tm.repository, tm.repository[name] is beginEnd) {
// Inject top-level patterns into begin/end patterns
TmRule r = tm.repository[name];
tm.repository += (name: r[patterns = r.patterns + tm.patterns - include("#<name>")]);
// Return
return tm[patterns = tm.patterns];
Expand All @@ -179,7 +223,7 @@ TmRule toTmRule(ConversionUnit u, NameGenerator g)
= toTmRule(u.rsc,, g(;
private TmRule toTmRule(RscGrammar rsc, p: prod(def, _, _), str name)
= {<begin, end>} := getDelimiterPairs(rsc, delabel(def)) // TODO: Support non-singleton sets of delimiter pairs
= !isSynthetic(def) && <just(begin), just(end)> := getOuterDelimiterPair(rsc, p)
? toTmRule(toRegExp(rsc, begin), toRegExp(rsc, end), "<begin.string><end.string>", [toTmRule(toRegExp(rsc, p), name)])
: toTmRule(toRegExp(rsc, p), name);
Expand Down

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