GUI component for Safe Exam Browser screen proctoring project.
This is a sub-project of SEB Server. For full usage and installation, please visit the SEB Server page
This project consists of two parts. A client component and a server component. The server contains no businesses logic but serves as a lightweight api-gateway between the client and the SP-Server. The easiest way to build and deploy the project is via docker.
The client uses the following technologies:
- Composition API and Script Setup Syntax
- Typescript
- Vuetify as the componenet framework
The server uses the following technologies:
- Typescript
- Axios as API-Request library
Instructions on how to get a local development environment up and running.
- your favorite code editor such as VS-Code
- Node and NPM as CLI-Tools
- SP-Server up and running (follow the SP-Server instructions)
- Optional: Docker for building and deploying the application
Refer to the seb-server-setup project to get a description on the environment variables. (Hier bitte noch den richtigen Link zum docker-compose File hinzufügen)
- Clone this repo to your local machine
- navigate to the "client" folder
- create a
file - add the following content:
VITE_SERVER_URL="http://localhost" VITE_SERVER_PORT="3000"
- create a
- run
npm install
- run
npm run dev
- if everything worked correctly, you should see an output in your terminal similar this one:
VITE v4.4.9 ready in 281 ms ➜ Local: http://localhost:8081/ ➜ Network: use --host to expose ➜ press h to show help
- navigate to the "server" folder
- create a
file - add the following content:
NODE_ENV="dev" SERVER_PORT=3000 PROCTOR_SERVER_URL="http://localhost" PROCTOR_SERVER_PORT="8090" PROCTOR_DEFAULT_URL="/admin-api/v1" DEV_SERVER_URL="http://localhost" DEV_SERVER_PORT="8080" PROCTOR_SERVER_USERNAME="{username for oauth}" PROCTOR_SERVER_PASSWORD="{pw for oauth}" SEB_SERVER_INTEGRATED_MODE="true" LOG_LEVEL="{log level}" //"info" for general logs, "debug" for more details
- create a
- run
npm install
- run
npm run dev
- if everything worked correctly, you should see an output in your terminal similar this one:
10:45:22 AM - Starting compilation in watch mode... [0] [0] [0] 10:45:23 AM - Found 0 errors. Watching for file changes. [1] info: 26.10.2023 10:45:23: env mode: dev [1] info: 26.10.2023 10:45:23: ⚡️[server]: Server is running at 3000