Releases: SafeExamBrowser/seb-server
Releases · SafeExamBrowser/seb-server
SEB Server v1.5.0
New Features:
- Security: New Application Signature Key (ASK) integration within SEB Server exams and monitoring
- Security: Minimum SEB Client version tracking within SEB Server monitoring
- LMS Integration: Better Moodle integration with new SEB Server Moodle Plugin
- Exam Maintenance: Added new SEB grouping functionality for Exam (and Exam Template) and Monitoring to be able to view/manage SEB Clients within defined groups (IP range, SEB client OS, ...)
- Exam Maintenance: Batch actions for archive and delete exams
- Exam Maintenance: Added SEB log export for finished and archived exams
- Exam List: Filter for unavailable exams
- Exam Monitoring: Added force SEB Lock Screen feature to be able to send lock screen instruction to SEB client as well as release such from SEB Server
- User Account: Added "Change Password" function also in User Account edit page
- LMS Setup Lookup: Improved parallel data fetch of course and quit data from LMS and added notifications to the UI if background job is still fetching data from LMS in the background
- Zoom Proctoring: Adapted to new Zoom API's, SDK's and Apps
- Zoom Proctoring: Gallery view works now also in the proctoring web-client of the SEB Server
- Open Olat Integration: Added propagation of quit-link and quit-password for exam to Open Olat within the SEB restriction
- Monitoring: Improved performance for active monitoring
- Migration: Improved migration and added database table-char-set check
- SEB Settings: Added various new SEB Settings within the SEB Server database and Configuration Template (not yet in Exam Configuration UI)
- Added Tool-Tips also for list filters / various text and minor UI improvements
- Exam Configuration status change to "Archived" is possible for up-coming exams
- Fix handling of invalid SEB Server monitoring UI sessions
- Open Olat LMS Setup access deadlock (serialized token request for LMS Template)
- Fixed exam update background process to update sometimes exams from LMS where nothing changed on LMS side
- Zoom proctoring multiplied participants on room change
- SEB Restriction warning on Exam seems to be not present when restriction fails
- Certificate cannot be imported
- Configuration Template: Filtering column "View": Paging in attribute list shows only one page
- Exam Configuration export SEB Settings should export current settings
- Exam: Name and Date filter does not work correctly
- Export Exam Connection Configuration, special characters in exam name cut of file name
- Zoom proctoring gallery view seems not to work because of cross-origin settings
- Exact release version: docker pull anhefti/seb-server:v1.5.0 (sha256:21d62e24dd5cf697ab5f2b437dc458e6c7492ea294f77a424d39d05164d6c8cc)
- Latest stable minor version with patches: docker pull anhefti/seb-server:v1.5-stable
Patch Release v1.4.1
- (SEBSERV-345) Exam update: some exams from LMS get updated every time due to wrong equality check on empty or missing attribute. This is now fixed by considering empty and missing as equal.
- (SEBSERV-362) Proctoring enhancements room change, missing join instruction when proctoring meeting has been closed by a proctor. Now SEB Server sends a join instruction when a proctoring meeting has been closed as well and additionally add room type information to all join instructions
- (SEBSERV-354) Automated SEB restriction not to working correctly on config change. This has depend on the type of LMS. With the fix SEB Server always apply an existing SEB restriction to the LMS when either the exam chances to running state or when the exam configuration has changed a new one has been added. This is done whether the SEB restriction was applied already or not.
- Exact release version: docker pull anhefti/seb-server:v1.4.1 (sha256:459d51410f11dcda9c22500b32bee6f205997eada232ef05738aa31a141d1abb)
- Latest stable minor version with patches: docker pull anhefti/seb-server:v1.4-stable
SEB Server v1.4.0
New features:
- Add possibility to archive/deactivate exams
- Added "Monitoring/Finished Exams" to be able to view already finished or archived exams within the usual monitoring view
- Improve LMS connection handling and LMS data fetch cycle
- Exam Configuration: Batch actions to change "Status" and "Update from Template" on multiple configuration at once
- Add proctoring settings to exam template
- Import of certificate-encrypted SEB configuration as Exam Configuration in SEB Server
- Added last update date and last modifying user to Connection Configuration and Exam Configuration
- Deletion possibility for all entities or documents with detailed deletion report
- Show generated client credentials of a Client Configuration. Suitable for testing purposes
- Fixed to short default expiry time for SEB access token (1 hour --> 12 hour)
- Fixed Exam status update for running or finished exams when LMS dates changes
- Fixed Exam name and start-date filter
- Caching for SEB Exam Configuration on distributed setups
- Wrong SEB client missing ping logs generated by SEB Server
- Monitoring: Negative ping values
- Monitoring - Raise hand: Icon in SEB Server monitoring appears now also when SEB is connecting and not active yet
- Exam Configuration - List-Inputs: AutomaticallysSelect new added entry and select next entry after deleting previous entry
- User Account: Improved description for change password form
- Monitoring: Search pop-up width to fit full navigation
- Exam Configuration : Rename option "Enable SEB with browser windows" to "Use SEB without browser window" and invert logic (same as in SEB Config Tool)
- Exam Proctoring Settings: Make pop-up larger to fit all settings
- Client Configuration - Fallback Password: Improved arrangement for better TAB handling
- Improve form validation in add indicator form
- Change order of actions in monitoring according to user-input
- Configuration Templates: Display actual configuration values in the template's attribute list
- Exact release version: docker pull anhefti/seb-server:v1.4.0 (sha256:a2510c4bd31fa99e553bc672087f1c0276f5541452490e5320a77767bb8c1849)
- Latest stable minor version with patches: docker pull anhefti/seb-server:v1.4-stable
Patch Release v1.3.3
Patch Release v1.3.3 includes the following fixes:
- Imported exams with start time in future and no end time fail to start automatically (SEBSERV-299)
- Caching Issue for SEB Exam Configuration on distributed setups (SEBSERV-300)
- SEB Config - User Interface - Spell checker: Dictionaries missing (SEBSERV-291)
- Exam Template Indicators: Deletion of indicators is not working properly (SEBSERV-292)
- Exam Templates: Sorting in list is not working (SEBSERV-296)
SEB Server v1.3
New features:
- Table Filter: Enter input on filter input field triggers filter action
- New: "Exam Templates" to pre-define exam configurations that can be applied on exam import
- Exam Configuration: Copy exam configuration on exam configuration table view
- Exam Templates: Add an exam configuration template via exam template to automatically create an exam configuration on import
- Exam Templates: Add indicators for exam template that are automatically applied on exam import
- Monitoring: Add new filter to filter active connections (without any incidences)
- Monitoring: Add connection summary for each connection state filter to show how many connections are present per state
- Monitoring: Improved and extended connection information about user/login change and display client info like SEB version, OS Version...
- Monitoring: Improved distributed setup with Docker/Kubernetes
- Monitoring Notifications: Added Raise-Hand Notification and SEB Lock-Screen Notification
- Various distributed setup cache issues
- Fixed Sorting of exam in exam list
- Fixed LMS Lockup quizzes filter
- Fixed Exam proctoring settings verification
- Various proctoring issues for optional proctoring with Zoom
- Overall: Extended GUI server session timeout
- User Roles: Enhanced "Exam Administrator" role to see all running exams and be able to support them as well
- LMS Lockup/Exam: Show Moodle course name together with the quiz name on LMS lockup as well as on exams
- Exam Configuration: Streamline "Exam Configuration" settings with the newest SEB versions
- Monitoring: Improved indicator and monitoring data performance for distributed setups
- Monitoring: Changed default colors for active connections and indicators (No color if no incidence)
- Exact version: docker pull anhefti/seb-server:v1.3.0 (sha256:35692e304ab8f7d198524ff948df472e1eb362f1eb7f0b0fa358d01556011e59)
- Latest stable minor version with patches: docker pull anhefti/seb-server:v1.3-latest
Includes also fixed from patch release v1.3.3
SEB Server v1.2
New features:
- Integrated X.509 certificate store to upload and use X.509 certificate for new and upcoming features
- Connection configuration encryption with X.509 certificate
- Additional exam configuration attributes of later added features of the SEB config-tool
- Default sorting and filtering for all lists
- Deleting of SEB client logs on the SEB Client Logs view
- Zoom meeting service integration for optional live proctoring (this is still an experimental feature)
- Ability to switch the optional live proctoring features like town-hall, one-to-one room or broadcasting, on and off
- Exam configuration import gives more and clear information about the purpose of different imports
- Color picker is now initialized with selected color
- Fixed user-account deactivation on user-account list
- Fixed indicator list on exam shows only up to five entries
- Fixed none scrolling action pane
- Fixed exam import of Moodle LMS integration with different quizzes on same course
- Various bug-fixes and improvements for distributed setup of SEB Server (separated and scaled webservice and guiservice)
- Updated MariaDB version for integrated setups from version 10.3 to 10.5
- Updated Spring Boot version from 2.1.0.RELEASE to 2.3.7.RELEASE
- Build pipeline automatically build the SEB Server docker image and put it to docker hub now
- New SEB Server docker setup (dockerhost) that pulls the needed images from docker-hub
- Exact version: docker pull anhefti/seb-server:v1.2.0
- Minor verison with patches: docker pull anhefti/seb-server:v1.2-stable