Releases: SafeExamBrowser/seb-server
SEB Server v2.1.0
Within this new version 2.1 we implemented mostly new features for Screen Proctoring and make SEB Server and Screen Proctoring more stable. We also stabilized the SEB Server Moodle Plugin integration for SEB Server Moodle Plugin Version 2.
For a migration from a running SEB Server setup with version 1.x to new major version 2.0, please also read the migration guide.
New Features:
- SEB Server - Screen Proctoring: Client group application for screen proctoring groups. Client groups applied in an exam can now be applied to screen proctoring to have the same groups.
- Screen Proctoring: Deletion of screen proctoring sessions for admin users
- Screen Proctoring: Application View search
- SEB Server - SEB Settings: All new SEB Settings from SEB Win, SEB Mac and SEB iOS now in SEB Settings GUI
- SEB Server - Screen Proctoring: Apply Screen Proctoring to SEB Settings from Exam. When screen proctoring is enabled/disables on Exam, it is also enabled/disabled in the applied SEB Settings for SEB
- SEB Server - Screen Proctoring: Stabilise Screen Proctoring Feature and make SPS API Connection more stable
- SEB Server - Setup: Simplify Spring profiles
- SEB Server - Moodle Integration: Stabilise Moodle Plugin 2 Integration
- SEB Server - Moodle Integration: Make Teacher Accounts not selectable as Exam supporter
- SEB Server - Error Handling: Improve error message and logs in SEB Server
- SEB Server - ASK: ASK Monitoring: Make clearer note when SEB do not send an ASK
- Screen Proctoring: Update to latest Spring Boot version 3.3.2
- Screen Proctoring: Add limit to Screenshot Queue to prevent out of memory
- Screen Proctoring: Make sure Exam Admin and Institution Admin see only supported Exams on SPS
- SEB Server - Moodle Integration: LMS Moodle external_id should not be greater than 255 chars
- SEB Server - Moodle Integration: Delete Teacher users when exam is deleted or assessment tool setup is deactivated
- SEB Server - Moodle Integration: using twice the same quiz name in a Moodle Course seems not working
- SEB Server - Monitoring: Notification symbol does not appear when locking a client from the list view
- Screen Proctoring: Prevent queue overflow on metadata store error (due to to long meta data for example)
- Screen Proctoring: Fix RDBMS and S3 store strategy to avoid multiple entries in screenshot_data table when retrying to store screenshot
- Screen Proctoring: S3 Storage: HTTP Connection leak on abandoned image requests (fast time line shift on recorder for example)
- Screen Proctoring: URLEncoded metadata in Header has problem with spaces replaces by '+'
- Screen Proctoring: Can't use screen proctoring with OLAT due to OLAT exam identifier
Docker Images:
SEB Server v2.0.3
Patch Release SEB Server v2.0.3
This is a patch release for the SEB Server v2.0.0 release and fixes a bug related to User Account for none Admin users that were not able to change its own user account
- SEBSERV-606 User with single ExamAdmin and ExamSupporter rights are not able to change account settings
- SEBSERV-601 Make SPS API Connection more stable
SEB Server v2.0.2
Patch Release SEB Server v2.0.2
This is a patch release for the SEB Server v2.0.0 release and fixes a blocker Bug for Screen Proctoring and Screenshot queue overflow when SEB sends data with too long meta_data that doesn't fit into the DB column.
- SEBSP-169 Patch Issue 2.0.2: Prevent error and queue overflow when SEB sends too long metadata
SEB Server v2.0.1
Patch Release SEB Server v2.0.1
This is a patch release for the SEB Server v2.0.0 release.
- SEBSP-163 URLEncoded metadata in Header seems to have problem with spaces replaces by +
- SEBSERV-585 Exam Type switches to "not defined" when editing "SEB Restriction Details"
- SEBSERV-595 Moodle Plugin: Quit Password cannot be deleted on Moodle
SEB Server v2.0.0
SEB Server Version 2.0
With the new SEB Server release, SEB Server makes a major version change from 1.x to 2.x. This is mainly because of the new
Screen Proctoring feature for SEB integrated into SEB Server and the removal of live proctoring with Zoom and Jitsi Meet
that is no longer available for SEB Server version 2.x.
For a migration from a running SEB Server setup with version 1.x to new major version 2.0, please also read the migration guide.
New Features:
- Screen Proctoring with SEB and SEB Server. Can be enabled and configured for an Exam. SEB takes and sends screen shots plus Metadata to SEB Server. With monitoring and search functionality.
- Moodle Integration: SEB Server Exam creation from Moodle site with new SEB Server Moodle Plugin 2.0.
- Moodle Integration: Auto Login to SEB Server monitoring for Moodle Teacher with dedicated privileges. Comes with Moodle Plugin 2.0
- Exam Test Run. There is now the possibility to apply an test run for an Exam that is in coming up status. Exam is then in "Running" like state and SEB clients can connect as well as supporter can monitor the exam.
- Improvement of user ID resolution and handshake completion for SEB connecting with SEB-Server. SEB client now sent as much client information as possible and finish up the SEB Server handshake more quickly.
- Connection Configuration Improve (or remove) Date Filter.
- DB Migration Table charset fix for all tables, set to "utf8mb4_general"
- New SEB Settings in SEB Server GUI for version 2.0
- Table sort direction selection and table column length selection stick to User Session
- Missing Pending Notification Page Update in Monitoring Detail view
- Importing an exam without template throws error
- LMS name resolving sometimes gets "null" values for names
- New Ready State is not involved within the Filter numbers
- Page of ASK Grants in Exam has table selection action problems
- Sorting of start and end-date in Assessment Tool Lookup not working as expected
- Running Exam without LMS is greyed out without reason
Docker Images:
SEB Server v1.6.1 (Patch)
- New OLAT integration compatible with newst OLAT release.
- LMS Setup with Moodle Plugin: Exam import not possible when course short name has special characters like "/" within the name. #114
- Only running Exams are selectable within Exam selector in Connection Configurations #122
Exact release version: docker pull anhefti/seb-server:v1.6.1 (sha256:8d45f2ec1205ccb7436789b1d3782334fef1a2ff840458c83d3c25cdae5b0880)
Stable minor version: docker pull anhefti/seb-server:v1.6-stable (sha256:4586f8616b63dfea303101e2510caf9fad200f1676cf02bdf5e611933db6cba5)
SEB Server v1.6.0
New Features:
- Connection Configuration: New possibility to select existing Exams for a Connection Configuration.
- Exam: New Possibility to create an exam without LMS/Assessment Tool integration but with direct SEB link.
- Exam Configuration: Batch Delete Action.
- Exam Configuration: Added new SEB Settings from actual SEB Versions.
- Exam: Possibility to apply SEB Settings quit-passwords within the Exam Import or creation of an Exam.
- Monitoring: Two new Filter for ASK and SEB Client Version check.
- Monitoring: IP Changes of SEB clients during active session are not prevented but logged now with SEB logs.
- SEB Server Setup: Default Time-Zone also globally configurable besides per user.
- Exam Configuration Import: No import of hashed password any more. Preset hashed password form imported files gets deleted or reset.
- Configuration Template: Lists contains more entries, better usability.
- Exam: New force delete functionality if an Exam cannot be deleted regularly (mostly caused by LMS Setup disconnection).
- Exam: Added confirmation dialogue on Indicator deletion attempt.
- SEB Server: Log improvements.
- User Account: Possibility to setup SEB Server to set newly registered Users inactive for better control of user registration.
- User Access: Define and Implement new SEB Server feature concept that will provide dedicated user role privileges in the future.
- Exam: fixed, LMS/Assessment Tool data update end-time cannot be reset to null.
- SEB Client Connection: Fixed handshake finishing for SEBs that got missing during handshake. SEB Server invalidates unfinished handshakes now.
- Exam - SEB Restriction Details: Additional BEK is not sent to Moodle immediately.
- LMS Integration: OLAT Integration seems to not work correctly with new OLAT version any-more.
- LMS Integration: SEB Lock is not applied, when importing exam using a template.
- LMS Integration: Semicolon in short name of a course in Moodle leads to error message when importing an exam.
- LMS Lookup: Illegal Thread Access Error on LMS Lookup Page.
- Monitoring: ASK: List of sent ASK per SEB Client sometimes shows empty rows.
- Monitoring: SEB Version check caching issue .
- Monitoring: Low page load on sorted SEB connection table for finished or archived exams.
- Monitoring: Monitoring table selection stick to actual selection when updating.
- Forms: Password plaintext view: special chars are masked incorrectly.
- Configuration Template: Wrong deletions on SEB Server update with migration.
- Exact release version: docker pull anhefti/seb-server:v1.6.0 (sha256:878f411ee3df84019f2b167ad4fd29ecad77c90063b2ced4e16e69edab74805e)
- Stable minor version: docker pull anhefti/seb-server:v1.6-stable
Patch Release v1.5.3
Bug Fixes:
- SEBSERV-474: SEB ASK and SEB Version check caching issue in monitoring with distributed setup
- Exact release version: docker pull anhefti/seb-server:v1.5.3 (Digest:sha256:433483659f907e63db1b869223914e5d271a5cc529555c5fd4a52f5ad01eb041)
Patch Release v1.5.2
Bug Fixes:
- SEBSERV-467 - OLAT Integration seems to not work correctly with new OLAT version on scaled setups anymore
- SEBSERV-468 - Illegal Thread Access Error on LMS Lookup Page when page are still fetching in background
- SEBSERV-466 - Password plain-text view: special chars are masked incorrectly
- SEBSERV-464 - Change of course name in LMS (Moodle) is not recognized with already imported exams
Exact release version: docker pull anhefti/seb-server:v1.5.2 (sha256:58ecd9977a75b0a71da295cd5bf6d66f7b5d36bc1745b64ec15d88b35c643810)
Patch Release v1.5.1
- (SEBSERV-444) Exam and Monitoring: Exam name parse error if text contains HTML chars fixed
- (SEBSERV-449) Moodle Plugin: Improvements and fixes for Moodle Plugin. Improved background fetch process and indication. Name filter for quiz name an course name filter on Moodle.
- (SEBSERV-446) ASK Grant: Fixed issue that sometimes the SEB Version check do not grant a correct version (too early grant check)
- (SEBSERV-447) Monitoring: Indicator coloring in monitoring seems to happen one update to late
- (SEBSERV-441) Monitoring: Sort Issue on SEB Server Monitoring with connecting request fixed. Connecting status now again before Active status
- (SEBSERV-451) Monitoring: Fixed wrong duplicate marking of closed SEB connection that never had an LMS login
- (SEBSERV-442) Proctoring: Zoom Access OAuth refresh token error, fixed token refresh after expired
- (SEBSERV-450) Sometimes there is sudden a GUI timeout fixed. In some error cases the GUI framework shows session timeout error but when real error has not been handled correctly
- Exact release version: docker pull anhefti/seb-server:v1.5.1 (sha256:af860f5dd4d99db3e7acaa66d26c3ee72cf0ad08d8ca88febec6d4ecd160b9cf)
- Latest stable minor version with patches: docker pull anhefti/seb-server:v1.5-stable