Implementation of Game of Life in C# (VS2015) and XNA 4.0.
app.config contains few useful settings for playing around with automata :
- WindowWidth - Application window width
- WindowHeight - Application window height
- Fullscreen - Flag to display window in fullscreen mode
- WallpaperMode - Flag to display as Wallpaper - Experimental "Works for me". (To close it, you need to kill process)
- PixelSize - Multiplication ratio for a pixel, useful for more detailed projection without messing with window settings
- Density - Describes how many % of cells should be alive in first generation
- TickTime - Time in ms between spawning next generation
- Survivors - Cells which will survive to next generation (S)
- Reproductors - Death cells which will become alive in next generation (B)
Rules Format in app.config can not be straightforward as you can find them in the web so..
B45678/S2345 (fav one btw.)
will be...
<add key="Survivors" value="2345" />
<add key="Reproductors" value="45678" />
... and will looks like ...
Few rules can be found on wiki if you don't like them, you can try one from 218 another rules :)