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DotBlue CodeSniffer Standard

This standard overrides some PSR-2 rules and adds some specific dotBlue rules.


  1. Register dotblue/codesniffer-ruleset manually in your composer.json.

    "repositories": [
    		"type": "vcs",
    		"url": "[email protected]:dotblue/codesniffer-ruleset.git"
  2. Install squizlabs/PHP_CodeSniffer.

    composer require --dev squizlabs/php_codesniffer
  3. Install dotblue/codesniffer-ruleset.

    composer require --dev dotblue/codesniffer-ruleset:@dev


Run following command with <target> replaced by path to your source code:

vendor/bin/phpcs <target> --standard=vendor/dotblue/codesniffer-ruleset/DotBlue/ruleset.xml

Pro installation tip

In case you installed CodeSniffer globally PEAR/composer you can improve your experience. After cloning repository you can symlink directory to 'install' code standard to sniffer:


Verify it is installed with phpcs -i (you should see DotBlue in output). And use it with just --standard=DotBlue

Creating rules

Make a class in Sniffs directory and use PSR-0 with DotBlue root namespace;

Filename: Sniffs/Classes/ClassDeclarationSniff

Classname: DotBlue\Sniffs\Classes\ClassDeclarationSniff

Please add documentation file for added/edited rules.


Uses nette/tester. Create test in tests folder - see any test as example. Conventions:

  • Test filename is as same as sniff name
  • Always create php file in tests/invalid and tests/valid folders to test the sniff

Differences from PSR-2

  • We use tabs
  • We do not force line length - use your brain and common sense
  • We force uppercase constants (incl. TRUE, FALSE, NULL)
  • Namespace declaration
    • use 1 empty line in case any use statement follows
    • use 2 empty lines in case no use statement follows
  • We force one empty line after class body
  • Empty class must be completely inline
  • Visibility
    • must not be declared on interface's method
    • must be declared on class's method
  • Variable names in method's DocBlock are not allowed
  • There must be exactly two spaces between @param and type definition
  • There must be exactly three empty lines between methods
  • There must always be parentheses after constructor call.
  • Force one space between @return and type.
  • Enable inline methods in case there is no method body.
  • Usage of 'boolean' in typehints is forbidden. Use 'bool' only.
  • Disabled absolute namespace usage. Import everything with 'use' statement
  • There must be exactly one space between & and variable name
  • Forbidden calls of functions d, dump, var_dump
  • Ruleset can find unused private properties
    • even with aliased $this
    • even static properties (self::, ClassName::)

Generating documentation

vendor/bin/phpcs --standard=vendor/bin/dotblue/codesniffer-ruleset/DotBlue --generator=HTML > cs-docs.html


See issues