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Dreamy Cecil edited this page Jul 13, 2022 · 31 revisions

This wiki is now obsolete and the new one is being hosted in the SuperProject repository, as well as newer releases! This wiki is for version 1.1.2.

This custom Serious Sam Classic patch includes a lot of modern enhancements that aren't present in the original code, nor the official Steam patches.

Supported games

  • Serious Sam: The First Encounter v1.05
  • Serious Sam: The Second Encounter v1.05
  • Serious Sam: The Second Encounter v1.07


  • This project is based on Serious Engine 1 SDK, meaning that it's perfectly compatible with vanilla classic games.

  • If you want Steam to start the patched EXE file, backup Steam's SeriousSam.exe and rename SeriousSam_Custom.exe to it.

  • If you wish to change player's field of view, it's advised to use sam_fCustomFOV (or sam_fThirdPersonFOV) command instead of plr_fFOV from now on.

    • If you want closer zoom in Cooperative gamemode, you can continue using plr_fFOV but then it's advised to disable sam_bUseVerticalFOV and set custom FOV commands to -1.
  • If HUD seems too big and overlaps with other elements (especially with sam_bAdjustForAspectRatio on), consider scaling the HUD down using hud_fScaling. The value of 0.75 seems good enough even for 21:9 resolutions.

  • sam_bFullscreen command has been replaced with sam_iWindowMode, which is still saved in Scripts/PersistentSymbols.ini instead of Scripts/CustomSymbols.ini.

  • If you get an error "Cannot set function patch..." upon game start, make sure that you've installed the executable for the right game version. Otherwise try restarting your PC.

    • If you keep getting the error, create PatcherOutput file (without extension) in the same directory as the EXE file to see where exactly it fails.

Special thanks

  • ZCaliptium - tips and ideas
  • Supersniper98 - testing