Prevent customers from mistakenly exiting your app when trying to approve their MTN Mobile Money purchase per MTNGhana's new rule.
To operate in a typical third-world country like Ghana or Nigeria, you need to come down to the level of the potential customers who may use your software... MTNGhana which is the largest Mobile money service provider back in Ghana, just made the process more difficult for customers to make payments without exiting your code to approve the payment.. This may cause problems for customers who struggle to use smartphones (Which is a HUGE number in developing countries like Ghana).. Also, every dollar and user counts and this may cause any thrid party developer to further lose money from these users who might mistakenly exit the app when trying to approve at MTNGhana's side.. So this is an unofficial but 100% working patch I've made to solve that MTN Ghana Mobile money problem on the current Dreamoval android SDK..