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Command line interface
Valvanuz Fernandez edited this page Nov 19, 2021
2 revisions
wrf4g is a WRF4G's Command Line Interface (CLI) for managing WRF experiments.
Type --help
option obtain information about all commands:
$ wrf4g --help
WRF4G is a framework for the execution and monitoring of the WRF Modelling System
on Distributed Computing Infrastructure (DCIs onwards). For additional information, see http://meteo.unican.es/trac/wiki/WRF4G
Usage: wrf4g [ --version ] [ -h | --help ] [ --dbg ]
<command> [ <args>... ]
-h --help Show help.
--version Show version.
--dbg Debug mode.
wrf4g commands are:
start Start DRM4G daemon and ssh-agent.
stop Stop DRM4G daemon and ssh-agent.
status Check DRM4G daemon and ssh-agent.
syncdb Create WRF4G database tables on the configured database.
conf Configure DRM4G daemon and scheduler, database and logger parameters.
exp Manage WRF4G experiments.
rea Manage WRF4G realizations.
resource Manage computing resources.
id Manage identities for resources.
host Print information about the DCI hosts.
job Get status and history and cancel jobs.
See 'wrf4g <command> --help' for more information on a specific command.
Start DRM4G daemon and ssh-agent.
wrf4g start [ --dbg ] [ --clear-conf ] [ --disc-jobs ]
--dbg Debug mode.
--clear-conf Clear WRF4G's settings stored in .wrf4g directory.
--disc-jobs All available jobs on WRF4G will be discarded.
Stop DRM4G daemon and ssh-agent.
wrf4g stop [ --dbg ]
--dbg Debug mode.
Check DRM4G daemon and ssh-agent.
wrf4g status [ --dbg ]
--dbg Debug mode.
Configure DRM4G daemon, scheduler, database and logging parameters.
wrf4g conf ( daemon | sched | logger | database ) [ --dbg ]
--dbg Debug mode
Manage WRF4G experiments.
wrf4g exp list [ --pattern=<name> ]
wrf4g exp <name> define [ --dbg ] [ --force ] [ --from-template=<name> ] [ --dir=<directory> ]
wrf4g exp <name> edit [ --dbg ]
wrf4g exp <name> create [ --dbg ] [ --dry-run ] [ --dir=<directory> ]
wrf4g exp <name> update [ --dbg ] [ --dry-run ]
wrf4g exp <name> submit [ --dbg ] [ --dry-run ] [ --priority=<value> ] [ --pattern=<name> ] [ --rea-state=<state> ] [ --rerun ]
wrf4g exp <name> status [ --dbg ] [ --pattern=<name> ] [ --rea-state=<state> ] [ --delay=<seconds> ]
wrf4g exp <name> statistics [ --pattern=<name> ]
wrf4g exp <name> cancel [ --dbg ] [ --dry-run ] [ --pattern=<name> ] [ --rea-state=<state> ] [ --hard ]
wrf4g exp <name> set-priority [ --dbg ] [ --dry-run ] [ --pattern=<name> ] <priority>
wrf4g exp <name> delete [ --dbg ] [ --dry-run ]
--dbg Debug mode.
-n --dry-run Dry run.
-f --force Force to remove if it exists.
-P --priority=<value> Fix-priority for scheduling [default: 0].
-p --pattern=<name> Pattern to find experiments and realizations.
-s --rea-state=<state> Select only realizations in the indicated state. Available states :
-t --from-template=<name> Experiment template, avaible templates are default, single, physics.
-d --dir=<directory> Directory to create or start an experiment [default: ./].
--delay=<seconds> Refresh experiment information every delay seconds.
--rerun Force to run although this realization or experiment has finished.
--hard Remove jobs from without synchronizing.
list Show all the experiments available.
define Create the files needed to define a WRF4G experiment.
edit Edit experiment.wrf4g file.
create Given experiment.wrf4g file, prepare the experiment creating
the realizations and chunks needed.
update Update the experiment configuration.
submit Submit the experiment.
status Check the status of realizations and chunks showing computing resources,
job identifier and exit codes (SEE EXIT CODES)
cancel Cancel the active realizations by killing their jobs.
set-priority Change the scheduling priority of any job releted to a realization.
The priority must be in range [0,20], and the default value is 0.
When a job gets a priority of 20, it becomes an urgent job. This job
is dispatched as soon as possible passing all the scheduling policies.
delete Remove the experiment from the database.
1 : Error creating log directory
2 : Error copying apps
3 : Error app type does not exist
4 : Error executing source script
5 : Job already executed
6 : Error creating directory to simulate
7 : Error finding WRF binaries
8 : Error copying restart files
9 : There is a mismatch in the restart date
10 : Error copying files
11 : Error downloading WPS files
12 : Error copying boundaries
13 : Error modifying namelist
14 : Error executing PREPROCESSOR
15 : Error linking GRIB files
16 : Error executing UNGRIB
17 : Error executing METGRID
18 : Error executing REAL
19 : Error uploading WPS files
20 : Error executing WRF
21 : Error executing POSTPROCESSOR
22 : Error copying output file
23 : Job killed by the system
255: Unexpected error
Manage WRF4G realizations.
wrf4g rea <name> submit [ --dbg ] [ --dry-run ] [ --priority=<value> ] [ --rerun ] [ <first_ch> [ <last_ch> ] ]
wrf4g rea <name> status [ --dbg ] [ --delay=<seconds> ]
wrf4g rea <name> info
wrf4g rea <name> log [ --dbg ] [ --dir=<directory> ] <chunk_id>
wrf4g rea <name> set-priority [ --dbg ] [ --dry-run ] <priority>
wrf4g rea <name> cancel [ --dbg ] [ --dry-run ] [ --hard ]
wrf4g rea <name> set-restart [ --dbg ] <date>
wrf4g rea <name> get-restart
--dbg Debug mode.
-n --dry-run Dry run.
--rerun Force to run although the realization has finished.
-P --priority=<value> Fix-priority for scheduling [default: 0].
--delay=<seconds> Refresh experiment information every delay seconds.
-d --dir=<directory> Directory to unpack log files [default: ./].
--hard Remove jobs from without synchronizing.
submit Submit the realization.
status Check the status of a realization showing computing resources,
job identifier and exit codes (SEE EXIT CODES).
info Get information about configuration.
log Get log files from a chunk.
set-priority Change the scheduling priority of any job releted to the realization.
The priority must be in range [0,20], and the default value is 0.
When a job gets a priority of 20, it becomes an urgent job, and it is
dispatched as soon as possible passing all the scheduling policies.
cancel Cancel the realization by killing its jobs.
set-restart Modify realization restart date.
get-restart Show realization restart date.
1 : Error creating log directory
2 : Error copying apps
3 : Error app type does not exist
4 : Error executing source script
5 : Job already executed
6 : Error creating directory to simulate
7 : Error finding WRF binaries
8 : Error copying restart files
9 : There is a mismatch in the restart date
10 : Error copying files
11 : Error downloading WPS files
12 : Error copying boundaries
13 : Error modifying namelist
14 : Error executing PREPROCESSOR
15 : Error linking GRIB files
16 : Error executing UNGRIB
17 : Error executing METGRID
18 : Error executing REAL
19 : Error uploading WPS files
20 : Error executing WRF
21 : Error executing POSTPROCESSOR
22 : Error copying output file
23 : Job killed by the system
255: Unexpected error
Get status and history and cancel jobs.
wrf4g job list [ --dbg ] [ --delay=<seconds> ] [ <job_id> ]
wrf4g job cancel [ --dbg ] [ --hard ] <job_id>
wrf4g job log [ --dbg ] <job_id>
wrf4g job history [ --dbg ] <job_id>
<job_id> Job identifier.
--dbg Debug mode.
--delay=<seconds> Refresh experiment information every delay seconds.
--hard Remove jobs from without synchronizing.
list Monitor jobs previously submitted.
cancel Cancel jobs.
log Keep track of a job.
history Get information about the execution history of a job.
Job field information:
JID Job identification.
DM Dispatch Manager state, one of:
pend, hold, prol, prew, wrap, epil, canl, stop, migr, done, fail.
EM Execution Manager state: pend, susp, actv, fail, done.
START The time the job entered the system.
END The time the job reached a final state (fail or done).
EXEC Total execution time, includes suspension time in the remote queue system.
XFER Total file transfer time, includes stage-in and stage-out phases.
EXIT Job exit code.
TEMPLATE Filename of the job template used for this job.
HOST Hostname where the job is being executed.
HID Host identification.
PROLOG Total prolog (file stage-in phase) time.
WRAPPER Total wrapper (execution phase) time.
EPILOG Total epilog (file stage-out esphase) time.
MIGR Total migration time.
REASON The reason why the job left this host.
QUEUE Queue name.
Virtual copy a command to copy files using different protocols.
wrf4g vcp [ --dbg ] [ --overwrite ] <source> <dest>
--dbg Debug mode.
-o --overwrite If the destination already exists, it will be overwritten.
Supported protocols:
LFN lfn:///grid/VO/file file://home/user/file
GRIDFTP gridftp://computer:2812/grid/VO/user/file
RSYNC rsync://user@computer:34/grid/VO/user/file
SIMBOLIC LINK ln:/home/user/file or ln:file
FILE file:/home/user/file file:/home/user/file2
HTTPS https://www.meteo.unican.es/work/WRF4G.tar.gz
HTTP http://www.meteo.unican.es/work/WRF4G.tar.gz
FTP ftp://www.meteo.unican.es/work/WRF4G.tar.gz
SFTP sftp://www.meteo.unican.es/work/WRF4G.tar.gz
Print information about the hosts available on WRF4G.
wrf4g host [ --dbg ] [ list ] [ <hid> ]
<hid> Host identifier.
--dbg Debug mode.
Host field information:
HID Host identifier.
ARCH Architecture.
JOBS(R/T) Number of jobs: R = running, T = total.
LRMS Local Resource Management System.
HOSTNAME Host name.
QUEUENAME Queue name.
WALLT Queue wall time.
CPUT Queue cpu time.
MAXR Max. running jobs.
MAXQ Max. queued jobs.
Manage identities for resources configuring private/public keys and grid credentials.
wrf4g id <resource> init [ --dbg ] [ --lifetime=<hours> ]
wrf4g id <resource> info [ --dbg ]
wrf4g id <resource> delete [ --dbg ]
-l --lifetime=<hours> Duration of the identity's lifetime [default: 168].
--dbg Debug mode.
init Create an identity for a while, by default 168 hours
(1 week). Use the option --lifetime to modify this
value. It adds the configured private key to a ssh-agent
and creates a grid proxy using myproxy server.
Append the public key to the remote user's
~/.ssh/authorized_keys file (creating the file, and
directory, if necessary). It tries to load the public
key obtained by appending *.pub to the name of the
configured private key file. Alternative the public
key can be given by public_key variable.
It also configures the user's grid certificate
under ~/.globus directory (creating directory,
if necessary) if grid_cert variable is defined.
info It gives some information about the identity status.
delete The identity is removed from the ssh-agent and the
myproxy server.