The 4th Summer School of Hel.A.S. 2022
This repository is meant to help the 4th Summer School of Hel.A.S. 2022 (Athens_School_2022) participants to set up a work environment for the hands-on sessions of the workshop, as well as donwload some example datasets to be used during these sessions.
It is assumed that there exists a working anaconda3 installation on the target machine.
Clone the repository (from your $HOME directory, i.e., cd ~):
$ git clone
Change directory into the cloned repository:
$ cd Athens_School_2022
Create a new environment:
$ conda env create -f Athens2022_env.yml
Activate the new environment:
$ conda activate Athens2022
Verify that the new environment was correctly installed:
$ conda env list
The name of the new environment, Athens2022
, should show up in the list.
Before starting with the Athens2022
we highly recommend you to test the conda environment you have just created.
First, try to open a jupyter notebook
in your brownser.
$ jupyter notebook
Now, in order to test some of the python libraries, you will need to download extra files:
1- Used by yt
: Data files from N-body simulations obtained using a large variety of numerical codes:
Here we will usedata from ART and RAMSES numerical codes so we recommend you to download the following files and move them to the Athens_School_2022
$ mv ~/Downloads/sizmbhloz-clref04SNth-rs9_a0.9011.tar ~/Athens_School_2022/
$ cd ~/Athens_School_2022/
$ tar -zxvf sizmbhloz-clref04SNth-rs9_a0.9011.tar
$ rm sizmbhloz-clref04SNth-rs9_a0.9011.tar
$ mv ~/Downloads/output_00080.tar.gz ~/Athens_School_2022/
$ cd ~/Athens_School_2022/
$ tar -zxvf output_00080.tar
$ rm output_00080.tar
Download and extract the following files to your Athens_School_2022 folder
$ mv ~/Downloads/testdata.tar ~/Athens_School_2022/
$ cd ~/Athens_School_2022/
$ tar -zxvf testdata.tar
$ rm testdata.tar
Now open the Athens2022_envtest.ipynb
in the web brownser and run each one of the cells in order to test the yt, pynbody and Python3.7
libraries installation.
If you succeed on running all cells in this notebook, you are now ready to work on the Athens2022
school hands-on sessions.
If you have had problems on running any of the cells, please get in contact with sroca01 at ucm dot es, in order to have this problems solved before the school starts.
Should you need to update an already existing Athens2022
environment with a newer Athens2022_env.yml
$ conda env update --name Athens2022 -f Athens2022_env..yml --prune
In case of trouble with the installation please contact Santi Roca-Fàbrega (sroca01 at ucm dot es) or open an issue here.