Java Witnesses is a new take on the classic Snake game, developed by a team of 4 junior developers during a 1-week challenge at the <Academia de Código_> bootcamp
The game is inspired by the bootcamp itself, featuring quotes and jokes from the program. The storyline revolves around Java Witnesses, who try to convert junior developers to the "word of Java"
However, something is diverting them from their path, and it's up to the player to guide the line of student faces following the master coder (teacher of Java) to safety.
If you catch a Chat GPT robot, you lose one follower student. Like the original game, you lose if the line of students touches itself. Your goal is to get as many points as you can by keeping the line of students moving !
Java Witnesses is developed using only Java programming language
Due to the large size of the project files, we have uploaded the source code to GitLab. Please access the project at for the complete repository
Clone the repository and run the JavaWitnesses.jar file to play the game!
You can run the file by typing "java -jar JavaWitnesses.jar" in the command line or terminal
The game currently only works on bigger screens. The development team is working to fix and develop the game to make it work on any device.
Developed by: Sara Freitas, Isa Carvalho, André Rodrigues and João Artur Santos
Inspired by: bootcamp
All rights reserved