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Releases: SatelliteShorelines/CoastSeg


21 Feb 19:08
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Full Changelog: v1.4.1...v1.4.3

New Features

  1. Perform tide correction using uploaded slopes and seasonal/monthly slopes from CSV files
  2. Perform tide correction using uploaded tides from CSV files


Bug Fixes

  • Fixes bug in CoastSeg 1.4.1 where the extracted shorelines in the file extracted_shorelines_lines.geojson were being saved as MultiPoint instead of MultiLineString and LineString

Resolved Issues

#282 & #264 : Perform tide correction using uploaded slopes and seasonal/monthly slopes from CSV files

#281 : Perform tide correction using uploaded tides from CSV files


  • @dbuscombe-usgs & @mlundine : Provided valuable feedback and examples of slope data.
  • @Cjanda12 : Participated in beta testing for the new feature that allows uploading slopes and tides from CSV files.


30 Jan 05:46
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Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.4.1

What's Changed Since 1.3

  • New Tide Model : The new FES22 model is available for download & tide predictions and it is the new default model. The FES14 model is still available.

Zoo Workflow Updates

  1. New Intersection Method
  • In the zoo workflow a new method called transect_timeseries replaces the compute_intersection_QC function. It intersects the extracted shoreline with the transects and keeps the most seaward intersection point if the shoreline intersected the transect multiple times.
  1. Save Good/Bad Model Scores to Extracted Shorelines
  • If the user runs the script & uses the apply_segmentation_filter setting in the scripts the good/bad score assigned by both the good/bad image model and the good/bad segmentation model will be saved out to the extracted shoreline geojson files as well as the timeseries_transect csv files.
  1. Extracted Shorelines are Smoothed
  • Extracted Shorelines are smoothed using Chaikin's corner cutting algorithm.
  1. Extracted Shorelines are Split by Distance
  • Extracted Shorelines that span over large distances are split into segments. The new split_line function will split the extracted shoreline if for extracted shorelines derived from L5,L7,L8,L9 the distance between two points on a shoreline exceeds 45m or 15m for extracted shorelines derived from S2 imagery.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixes bug in CoastSeg 1.4.0 where the zoo model would not run on imagery
  • Fixes bug in CoastSeg 1.4.0 where when during the tide correction process the pandas merge would fail due to the transect id column being an integer
  • Changes the opacity of the reference shoreline buffer in the zoo workflow to be lighter to make it easier to see the segmentations

Resolved Issues

#283 & #143 : Compute intersections and break up shorelines
#263 Zoo Workflow Enhancements: Save the good/bad image classifier and segmentation classifier to the extracted shorelines and transect timeseries files
#284 Integrate the New FES22 Tide Model into CoastSeg



  • @mlundine : Originator of the new transect_timeseries function, smooth shorelines and split shorelines function. These functions can be found in SDS tools
  • @dbuscombe-usgs : Contributed idea to add FES22 model and save the good/bad threshold being saved
  • @Cjanda12 : Beta testing the download and use of the new FES22 model


29 Jan 17:11
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Full Changelog: v1.3.0...v1.4.0

What's Changed

  • New Tide Model : The new FES22 model is available for download & tide predictions and it is the new default model. The FES14 model is still available.

Zoo Workflow Updates

  1. New Intersection Method
  • In the zoo workflow a new method called transect_timeseries replaces the compute_intersection_QC function. It intersects the extracted shoreline with the transects and keeps the most seaward intersection point if the shoreline intersected the transect multiple times.
  1. Save Good/Bad Model Scores to Extracted Shorelines
  • If the user runs the script & uses the apply_segmentation_filter setting in the scripts the good/bad score assigned by both the good/bad image model and the good/bad segmentation model will be saved out to the extracted shoreline geojson files as well as the timeseries_transect csv files.
  1. Extracted Shorelines are Smoothed
  • Extracted Shorelines are smoothed using Chaikin's corner cutting algorithm.
  1. Extracted Shorelines are Split by Distance
  • Extracted Shorelines that span over large distances are split into segments. The new split_line function will split the extracted shoreline if for extracted shorelines derived from L5,L7,L8,L9 the distance between two points on a shoreline exceeds 45m or 15m for extracted shorelines derived from S2 imagery.

Resolved Issues

#283 & #143 : Compute intersections and break up shorelines
#263 Zoo Workflow Enhancements: Save the good/bad image classifier and segmentation classifier to the extracted shorelines and transect timeseries files
#284 Integrate the New FES22 Tide Model into CoastSeg



  • @mlundine : Originator of the new transect_timeseries function, smooth shorelines and split shorelines function. These functions can be found in SDS tools
  • @dbuscombe-usgs : Contributed idea to add FES22 model and save the good/bad threshold being saved
  • @Cjanda12 : Beta testing the download and use of the new FES22 model


21 Dec 00:43
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What's Changed

CoastSeg Workflow

  • The config.json now has a new a setting called coastseg_version: which records the coastseg version used to create/modify the config file.

Zoo workflow

  • The extract shorelines function in zoo now uses the segmentation filter model by @mlundine to filter segmentations into good/bad folders
  • A new script that uses an image good/bad classifier created by @mlundine to sort bad images into a bad folder: `

Full Changelog: v1.2.17...v1.3.0


12 Dec 05:02
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Full Changelog: v1.2.16...v1.2.17

What's Changed

  • Update with updated transects zenodo link by @2320sharon in #258
  • Transects saved in the raw_transect_timeseries.csv are now sorted by ID
  • The config_gdf.geojson allows the 'type' property to be 'reference_shoreline' or 'reference shoreline' for reference shorelines features in it to be loaded correctly.
  • coregister parameter has been added to the zoo workflow to allow coregistered dataset to undergo shoreline extraction
  • New models have been added to the CoastSeg Zoo workflow
  • Local models can be loaded from a directory in the CoastSeg Zoo workflow using two new model settings : use_local_model and local_model_path

Bug Fixes

#280: Fixes issue where shoreline points that were not on transect were being not being removed when Drop intersection points not on transects setting was set to True



  • Transects saved in the raw_transect_timeseries.csv are now sorted by ID
  • coregister parameter has been added to the zoo workflow to allow coregistered dataset to undergo shoreline extraction
  • New models have been added to the CoastSeg Zoo workflow
  • Local models can be loaded from a directory in the CoastSeg Zoo workflow using two new model settings : use_local_model and local_model_path
  • The config_gdf.geojson allows the 'type' property to be 'reference_shoreline' or 'reference shoreline' for reference shorelines features in it to be loaded correctly.


25 Oct 23:42
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Full Changelog: v1.2.15...v1.2.16

Maintanence Release No Major Changes

  1. #279 update tide correction to be compatible with pyTMD 2.1.7
  2. Remove old prints
  3. Remove deprecated np.NaN
  4. Update dependencies to have pyTMD >= 2.1.7


25 Oct 00:50
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Full Changelog: v1.2.14...v1.2.15


22 Jul 16:27
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Full Changelog: v1.2.13...v1.2.14


Fixed Deprecation Warning : LANDSAT/LT05/C01/T1_TOA #274


15 Jul 15:20
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Full Changelog: v1.2.12...v1.2.13


10 Jul 20:00
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Full Changelog: v1.2.11...v1.2.12


#270 #271