Netflix clone App built with React and Redux. The objective of this project is to practising the concepts of 'React-Hooks', 'Redux-Hooks', react-router, redux-setup and testing code using Jest.
- search for a movie
- select categories from the navbar and can navigate to different category show page
- check the information about a movie on the movie show page
- can play the trailer of the movie
To run 'Netflix-clone-app' locally, clone the repository, navigate to it's containing directory.
git clone
cd NetflixClone
npm i
npm start
Congrats, now you have a running 'Netflix-clone-app' locally in your browser.
- React
- Redux
- Styled components
- npm
- MovieDB API
- React-icons
- Axios
- Cypress end-to-end testing
👤 Satyam Jaiswal
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