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feat: Added Notebook
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Bronya-Rand committed May 25, 2019
1 parent ca21014 commit e1d47ff
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Showing 4 changed files with 214 additions and 4 deletions.
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions ddcc.rpy
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
## Main Script for DDCC

init -200 python:
skit_ddcc = Skit(
"What is DDCC?", # Title
"ddcc", # Label
"club_date" #Thumbnail


## The Explanation
## Radio sound effects from

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion options.rpy
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Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ define = "Doki Doki Comedy Club"
define gui.show_name = True

# Version of the game
define config.version = "0.0.3"
define config.version = "0.0.4"

# text placed on about screen
define gui.about = _("")
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210 changes: 210 additions & 0 deletions script-notebook.rpy
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@@ -0,0 +1,210 @@
# The Missing Notebook by Terra

init -200 python:
skit_template = Skit(
"The Missing Notebook",

label terra_ddcc(preserve_transition=True):

# Stuff this does!:
# Imagemap/hotspots and how they work
# Related, how to use them to make an interactable environment
# The "tear" glitch effect
# "Edited" style dialog
# Hard pauses - forcing the player to wait the duration of the pause
# Timers in screens - do an action after a specified length of time
# Also featured - questionable quality writing
#Variable initialization
poster_clicked = 0
cookie_clicked = 0
natsu_clicked = 0
skill_clicked = 0

stop music fadeout 2.0
scene bg club_day
if preserve_transition == True:
with dissolve_scene_full
play music t3
show monika 5a at f11 zorder 2
m "Hi, [player]!"
m "I was wondering if you could help me with something before club meeting today."
mc "Sure, Monika, what's up?"
m 3a "After the festival, we packed up everything in the closet."
m 1p "And well, now I can't find my notebook. Do you mind looking for me?"
mc "Sure thing."
"That's strange.."
"Try as I might, I can't seem to walk away from her.."
m 1l "Oh, that's right, you can't actually walk around.."
m "Hold on one second. I can fix that."
$ srf = screenshot_srf()
show screen tear(20, 0.1, 0.1, 0, 40, srf)
play sound "sfx/s_kill_glitch1.ogg"
$ pause(0.25)
hide screen tear
stop sound
stop music
hide monika
jump walkabout_1

label walkabout_1:
play music t4
call screen walkabout_1() #Calling a screen (as opposed to "show") prevents the player from being able to dismiss it, which is the desired effect here.
screen walkabout_1():
#How-to imagemap:
#Ground is what you want the background image to be.
#The numbers in hotspot are (xpos,ypos,width,height) of the interactable rectangle.
#You can easily generate these values with the "Image picker" tool in the dev menu (shift + D)
#You'll have to scroll through -all- the images in the game till you find your ground image.
#Preferably, we'd use the "Call" action here instead of "Jump". However, the Call screen action is bugged or not implemented in 6.99.12 and doesn't work; forcing us to do flow control ourselves with Jump instead.
#I wanted it to be incredibly obvious when you moused over something interactable, so I made the hotspots make the button hover sound when you mouse over them.
ground "bg/club.png"
hotspot (915, 278, 121, 176) action Jump("closet_inv") hover_sound gui.hover_sound
if skill_clicked == 0: #Each time the hotspot is interacted with, the variable increases by 1. This if statement makes the hotspot interactable twice, then goes away.
hotspot (785, 277, 80, 66) action Jump("poster_desc") hover_sound gui.hover_sound
elif skill_clicked == 1:
hotspot (785, 277, 80, 66) action Jump("poster_desc_2") hover_sound gui.hover_sound
#I wanted to make it pretty obvious what was going on, but just in case - this will pop up a dialog box after 30 seconds if the player hasn't figured out what's up.
#This also helps conform to the time limit in the guidelines.
timer 30.0 action Show(screen="dialog", message="It seems you might be stuck. Helpful hint: Click the closet.", ok_action=Hide("dialog"))

label closet_inv:
stop music fadeout 2.0
scene bg closet
with dissolve_scene_full
play sound audio.closet_open
$ renpy.pause(delay=1.0, hard=True)
play music t4
call screen walkabout_2()
screen walkabout_2():
ground "bg/closet.png"
hotspot (457, 237, 30, 49) action Jump("monika_notebook") hover_sound gui.hover_sound
if poster_clicked == 0:
hotspot (698, 376, 106, 111) action Jump("yuri_poster") hover_sound gui.hover_sound
elif poster_clicked == 1:
hotspot (698, 376, 106, 111) action Jump("yuri_poster_2") hover_sound gui.hover_sound
if cookie_clicked == 0:
hotspot (726, 537, 82, 88) action Jump("cookie_box") hover_sound gui.hover_sound
elif cookie_clicked == 1:
hotspot (726, 537, 82, 88) action Jump("cookie_box_2") hover_sound gui.hover_sound
if natsu_clicked == 0:
hotspot (643, 263, 76, 66) action Jump("natsu_prons") hover_sound gui.hover_sound
elif natsu_clicked == 1:
hotspot (643, 263, 76, 66) action Jump("natsu_prons_2") hover_sound gui.hover_sound

label poster_desc:
"There's something strange about this particular chart."
"I can't really put my finger on it, though.."
"Maybe if I hang around long enough, it'll come to me."
$ skill_clicked += 1
call screen walkabout_1()
#As mentioned before, we have to call the screen back up at the end of these labels because we don't have the Call screen action.
#If we did, we could just Return at the end here.
label poster_desc_2:
show monika 2m at t11 zorder 2
m "[player]?"
m "What's so interesting about that chart?"
show monika 2n at t11 zorder 2
m "It's not going to magically change into something else..."
show monika 1h at t11 zorder 2
m "...Like my notebook."
$ skill_clicked += 1
show monika at thide zorder 1
hide monika
call screen walkabout_1()

label monika_notebook:
jump ending

label yuri_poster:
"This is the banner Yuri and I made for the festival."
"I'm gonna take a stab in the dark and say she would want this left here."
$ poster_clicked += 1
call screen walkabout_2()
label cookie_box:
"This box has a bunch of flyers for the Culinary Arts club in it."
"I notice something poking out underneath them."
"....A pile of cookies?"
"Oh, right, Sayori..."
$ cookie_clicked += 1
call screen walkabout_2()
label natsu_prons:
"This box looks like it has more of Natsuki's manga in it."
"I wonder why they're not lined up on the shelf with the others..."
stop music
play sound audio.page_turn
"....what's \"Yaoi\"?"
#This is just directly copy/pasted from Act 3 with some of the glitchy particles taken out.
#...I may have had too much fun with this.
play sound "sfx/monikapound.ogg"
show layer master:
zoom 1.5
easeout 0.35 zoom 1.0
zoom 1.5
easeout 0.35 zoom 1.0
zoom 1.5
easeout 0.35 zoom 1.0
xpos 0
easein_elastic 0.35 xpos 640
xpos 1280
easein_elastic 0.35 xpos 640
xpos 0
easein_elastic 0.35 xpos 640
show layer screens:
zoom 1.5
easeout 0.35 zoom 1.0
zoom 1.5
easeout 0.35 zoom 1.0
zoom 1.5
easeout 0.35 zoom 1.0
xpos 0
easein_elastic 0.35 xpos 640
xpos 1280
easein_elastic 0.35 xpos 640
xpos 0
easein_elastic 0.35 xpos 640
$ renpy.pause(delay=2.5, hard=True) #Setting hard=True prevents the player from clicking through the pause.
"{i}We will never speak of this.{/i}"
play music t4
$ natsu_clicked += 1
call screen walkabout_2()
label yuri_poster_2:
"I'm leaving the banner alone."
"Not about to upset the girl with a knife collection..."
$ poster_clicked += 1
call screen walkabout_2()
label cookie_box_2:
"I taste test one of the cookies."
"It's... {i}really good.{/i}"
"Okay, leaving that alone now."
"The last thing I need is Monika catching me eating cookies instead of finding her notebook."
$ cookie_clicked += 1
call screen walkabout_2()
label natsu_prons_2:
$ style.say_dialogue = style.edited
"There is nothing in the world that would make me open that box again."
$ style.say_dialogue = style.normal
$ natsu_clicked += 1
call screen walkabout_2()

label ending:
"Ah, here it is."
"I should get this back to Monika now."
"I wonder what she needed it for.."
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion script-sayomania.rpy
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Expand Up @@ -92,4 +92,4 @@ label sayomania(preserve_transition=True):
"And that's the story about how Sayori and I missed the Festival Day. It was the best day ever, after all."
$ n_name = "Natsuki" #giving Natsuki her name back.


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