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####The TypeScript BCL Version 0.2


TypeScript was released. Now we have classes, modules, type annotations, generics and type inference on the web. We even have an ES6 preview! And we have all the design-time tooling that comes along with it. Life is good.

Unfortunately, we're still left with the same APIs developed for JavaScript, a powerful but, let's admit it, quirky, dynamic language. The JavaScript APIs just don't make use of the great features of classical object-oriented programming. If TypeScript is going to produce frameworks and applications that go above and beyond, we need a set of tools that make use of the power of TypeScript, which includes techniques from OOP, functional programming, and APIs with public interfaces that provide static typing even if they use the awesome dynamic flexibility of JavaScript behind the scenes.

Our goal with Classical is to provide a base class library for TypeScript that is browser agnostic, and provides you with the tools you need to truly use JavaScript for application scale development.

Here's some of what you'll get.


	var type = obj.getType();
	var properties = type.getProperties();
    var methods = type.getMethods();


	var functionMap = new Dictionary<Function, Type>();
	var dateToFunctionMap = new Dictionary<Date, (arg: Function): Function>();


    var squares = Enumerable.range(-1000, 1000).query()
		.where(x => x > 0)
        .select(x => { key: x, value: x * x})
        .dictionary(x => x.key, x => x.value);


	  var obj = { x: 0 };
	  var property = Expression.getProperty(obj, o => o.x); //returns 'x'
	  function f(x, y, z) { }
	  var arguments = Expression.getArguments(f): //returns ['x', 'y', 'z']


	  var source = new Property(1);
	  var target = new Property(0);
	  target.bind(source); //target.value === 1
	  source.value = 2; //target.value === 2
	  target.value = 3; //source.value === 3 (two-way)


A module containing a declarative, statically typed DOM API. It provides MVVM style binding on plain old JavaScript objects completely in JavaScript - No loosey-goosey html pseudo-languages to memorize

and more...


Ultimately we want to build what you need. So give us a bit of time to get a bit more implemented, documented and polished. Then we'll see just what can be accomplished when you create with the tools you enjoy using. If you're a TypeScript wonk like we are, open up the bin, give the type declarations a once-over and get started with classical.js using the instructions below.

We'd love to hear from you! Please ping us if you have any questions or feedback: [email protected]


PM> Install-Package Classical

Getting Started

Start out by exploring the modules in the code below. Documentation in the form of tutorials and code comments are in progress...

    module Classical.Tutorial.Introduction {
        import Assert = Classical.Assert;
        import Expression = Classical.Expression;
        import u = Utilities;
        import r = Classical.Reflection;
        import e = Classical.Events;
        import b = Classical.Binding;
        import cc = Classical.Collections;
        import bc = Classical.Binding.Collections;
        var section = () => console.log(" ");
        section(); /* 
         In this tutorial, we'll cover the basics of Classical.js and how to get started using 
         it. Follow along in the browser while we show you how to write basic Classical. When 
         necessary, we'll use the console for demonstration. Therefore, the easiest way to 
         follow along is with breakpoints on each example.
        class Response {
            get first() { return "Get it?" }
            get second() { return "Got it!" }
            get third() { return "Good" }
        var response = new Response();
            .where(property => property.declaringType === typeOf(Response))
            .orderBy(property =>
            .forEach(property => console.log(property.getValue(response)));
        section(); /* 
         So what is Classical.js and how does it affect your life?
         Classical is a base class library for TypeScript. TypeScript is version of JavaScript 
         that includes a type system and a compiler to verify the correctness of code. These
         are much beloved and incredibly efficient tools for some developers. Others find them
         unnecessary bulky and overly complicated. Classical is designed for developers of the 
         first type, who can appreciate the benefits of TypeScript.
         Languages with design-time type systems are referred to as languages that are statically 
         typed. They require the programmer to specify quite a bit of information of the type of 
         data he or she is expecting at any point in the codebase. In return, the compiler and 
         the developer tools built for TypeScript can have a much deeper understanding of your 
         code. They can tell you when a property or method exists, if a variable is assigned 
         the wrong type, rename identifiers, scaffold interfaces and method overloads and much
         TypeScript takes the dynamic and functional aspects of JavaScript and combines them 
         with the static and object-oriented aspects of languages like Java and C#. The result 
         is a powerful combination. Classical is meant to provide a set of base tools for 
         building complex JavaScript frameworks by leveraging the power of the all of the 
         programming paradigms contained within the language. We love all aspects of 
         TypeScript. It is fair to say that some library components contain deeply dynamic 
         code exposed for use in a clean, statically-typed shell. Others represent more 
         traditional object-oriented techniques. Others still are novel designs that are 
         completely our own.
         TypeScript tooling is capable of telling you what methods and properties exist on an 
         object. They also provide an extremely precise means of facilitating auto-completion. 
         This is information a JavaScript developer would otherwise have to memorize and 
         JavaScript tool developers would have to approximate. As a base class library for 
         TypeScript, Classical tends to contain complex APIs. For instance, here are the 
         members that are declared on the Queryable object:
            .getProperties(r.Public, r.Private, r.Instance, r.Static)
            .where(p => p.declaringType === typeOf(cc.Queryable))
            .forEach(p => console.log('Queryable.' +;
        section(); /* 
         Now that's no competition for the jQuery function, but the static and instance 
         members of the jQuery function represent virtually the entire jQuery API. The 
         Queryable class, on the other hand, is just one member of a larger ecosystem 
         of modules, classes, interfaces, functions and variables.
        section(); /* 
         One of the most obvious tools missing in the JavaScript runtime is an industrial 
         grade, doubly-generic dictionary. This is ironic, as almost everything is an object 
         and JavaScript objects are essentially just dictionaries. 
         This is indeed true, but they have several crippling weaknesses. For starters, 
         JavaScript objects can only store strings as keys. Any other type is coerced into a 
         string when assigned as a property, potentially losing all relevant information 
         about the object in the process. Furthermore, certain properties like 'constructor' 
         can potentially collide with dictionary keys. To solve this problem, we needed to 
         implement a more traditional dictionary, built on top of a data structure called a 
         hash table. A hash table requres a notion of hashing, and that just so happens to be 
         the first feature to be implemented in Classical. 
         When using Classical, all objects, including the primitives, have what's known as a 
         hash code. A hash code is an integer that is used to partially identify the object or 
         value. It is not unique, and should not be used as a GUID. Hash codes must be well 
         distributed over the total object set, meaning that if two similar objects are stored
         in a dictionary, they should still have a low probability of collision. A key value 
         pair is stored in a bucket that is the modulus of the hash code of the key and a 
         prime number, which minimizes collisions. Object equality is used to find the key 
         value pair once in the bucket. This two step process is what makes dictionary lookup 
         Notice that all objects in JavaScript have hash codes. 
        function printHashCode<T extends IObject>(type: string, value: T) {
            console.log(u.format("{0} hash code for value {1}: {2}",
                    '[' + value + ']' :
        printHashCode('Boolean', true);
        printHashCode('Number', -223.148);
        printHashCode('String', 'gobbledygook');
        printHashCode('Array', [1, 2, 3]); 
        section(); /* 
         It is critical that hash codes do not change through the duration of an object's 
         lifetime. Hash codes can change for equivalent objects on subsequent script 
         executions, but notice that they will not change within a single execution of the 
        function printHashCodeAgain<T extends IHashable>(type: string, value: T) {
            console.log(u.format("{0} hash code for value {1} is the same as before: {2}",
                    '[' + value + ']' :
        printHashCodeAgain('Boolean', true);
        printHashCodeAgain('Boolean', true);
        printHashCodeAgain('Boolean', true);
        printHashCodeAgain('Boolean', true);
        printHashCodeAgain('Number', -223.148);
        printHashCodeAgain('Number', -223.148);
        printHashCodeAgain('Number', -223.148);
        printHashCodeAgain('Number', -223.148);
        printHashCodeAgain('String', 'gobbledygook');
        printHashCodeAgain('String', 'gobbledygook');
        printHashCodeAgain('String', 'gobbledygook');
        printHashCodeAgain('String', 'gobbledygook');
        printHashCodeAgain('Array', [1, 2, 3]);
        printHashCodeAgain('Array', [1, 2, 3]);
        printHashCodeAgain('Array', [1, 2, 3]);
        printHashCodeAgain('Array', [1, 2, 3]);
        section(); /* 
         This allows us to use any object as a dictionary key. The dictionary below, called 
         constructor map, uses types as keys and functions as values. 
        var constructorMap = new cc.Dictionary<r.Type, Function>()
            .add(typeOf(Boolean), Boolean)
            .add(typeOf(Number), Number)
            .add(typeOf(String), String)
            .add(typeOf(Array), Array);
        //For display only
            .orderBy(pair =>
            .orderBy(pair =>
            .forEach(pair => {
                var type = pair.key,
                    typeName =,
                    ctor = pair.value,
                    space = cc.Enumerable
                        .range(1, 8 - typeName.length).query()
                        .select(n => ' ')
                        .aggregate((a, b) => a + b),
                    ctorView = ctor.toString()
                        .replace('[native code]',
                            u.format('/* {0}s are created here */',
                console.log(u.format('{0} Type {1} =>  {2}',
                    typeName, space, ctorView));
        section(); /* 
         The code above should demonstrate that there's more to Classical that just 
         dictionaries and hash codes, but we will do a deep dive into those features 
         in future tutorials.
         For now, please enjoy our humble toolset. If you have any questions, complaints, 
         feature requests (or compliments - we love compliments) feel free to reach out 
         to me:
            email: [email protected]
            twitter: @dougrubino
         Finally, credit should be given where credit is due. While I imagined and 
         designed Classical.js, it could not exist if not for the hard work, dedication 
         and ninja-like coding skills of a software engineer named Chris Klimas. 
         Classical served as his introduction to JavaScript, making his contribution all 
         the more impressive. In fact, he is the primary engineer of Classical.Reflection,
         the Classical module that reqires the most finessed understanding of the 
         JavaScript language. Despite his initial lack of familiarity, his metaprogramming 
         skills coupled with his willingness to dive deep into the complexities of the many 
         JavaScript environments is a huge part of why Classical is and will continue to 
         be great.
         Thanks Chris. 
         And thank you for giving Classical.js a try! 
         It might save you a few keystrokes, but more than that, we hope that it makes the 
         remaining ones more fun. It certainly does for us.
         Doug Rubino
//Console Output
//    Get it?
//    Got it!
//    Good
//    Queryable.result
//    Queryable.coalescePredicate
//    Queryable.singleOrDefault
//    Queryable.selectMany
//    Queryable.orderBy
//    Queryable.cast
//    Queryable.where
//    Queryable.dictionary
//    Queryable.firstOrDefault
//    Queryable.query
//    Queryable.hasNone
//    Queryable.last
//    Queryable.array
//    Queryable.single
//    Queryable.execute
//    Queryable.distinct
//    Queryable.aggregate
//    Queryable.reverse
//    Queryable.take
//    Queryable.forEach
//    Queryable.min
//    Queryable.first
//    Queryable.hasAny
//    Queryable.lastOrDefault
//    Queryable.count
//    Queryable.orderByDescending
//    Queryable.max
//    Queryable.sum
//    Queryable.concat
//    Queryable.skip
//    Queryable.getEnumerator
//    Boolean hash code for value true: 1
//    Number hash code for value -223.148: 2430547004
//    String hash code for value gobbledygook: 2743965310
//    Array hash code for value [1,2,3]: 1512328010
//    Boolean hash code for value true is the same as before: 1
//    Boolean hash code for value true is the same as before: 1
//    Boolean hash code for value true is the same as before: 1
//    Boolean hash code for value true is the same as before: 1
//    Number hash code for value -223.148 is the same as before: 2430547004
//    Number hash code for value -223.148 is the same as before: 2430547004
//    Number hash code for value -223.148 is the same as before: 2430547004
//    Number hash code for value -223.148 is the same as before: 2430547004
//    String hash code for value gobbledygook is the same as before: 2743965310
//    String hash code for value gobbledygook is the same as before: 2743965310
//    String hash code for value gobbledygook is the same as before: 2743965310
//    String hash code for value gobbledygook is the same as before: 2743965310
//    Array hash code for value [1,2,3] is the same as before: 1144941953
//    Array hash code for value [1,2,3] is the same as before: 1144941953
//    Array hash code for value [1,2,3] is the same as before: 1144941953
//    Array hash code for value [1,2,3] is the same as before: 1144941953
//    Boolean Type   =>  function Boolean() { /* Booleans are created here */ }
//    Number Type    =>  function Number() { /* Numbers are created here */ }
//    String Type    =>  function String() { /* Strings are created here */ }
//    Array Type     =>  function Array() { /* Arrays are created here */ }


A TypeScript Base Class Library







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  • TypeScript 56.3%
  • JavaScript 43.7%