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0.1.0 - Production ready

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@grassydragon grassydragon released this 28 Feb 14:38
· 677 commits to main since this release

We thank everyone who has participated in the SceneView development, used the early version and reported the issues! 🎉

This release is production ready and available on mavenCentral(). The API is now stable that means you won't encounter significant API changes from this version. Some parts of the API may be deprecated in future like in any other libraries but the core API won't change.

You can still use everything you could use in Sceneform. Some internal classes and specific ones (for example, AugmentedFaceNode, AugmentedImageNode, etc.) can still be used but haven't been converted to Kotlin yet. That means that they can change a little with time because of all the improvements available in SceneView compared with Sceneform (ARCore Depth, Instant placement, lifecycle-aware components, etc.).

Have a look at this list to see what features are supported only in SceneView. They are awesome!

Here is short summary of the new things in this release:

  • Improvements in the API, source code and documentation
  • Latest versions of ARCore and Filament (1.29.0 and 1.20.0)
  • kotlin-math for mathematical operations with vectors, transformation matrices and quaternions
  • Node system now includes LightNode, LoadingNode, ModelNode, ViewNode, ArNode, ArModelNode, and CursorNode
  • ModelNode supports scaling and centering the attached model automatically and transforming it separately from the node
  • ArModelNode can be placed using the ARCore Plane, Point, DepthPoint and InstantPlacementPoint
  • Even smoother model placement in AR
  • Automatic material and environment compilation using the Filament plugin that can be enabled by contributors
  • Better handling of requesting the camera permission and installing/updating the Google Play Services for AR
  • Callbacks for handling errors when the ARCore session can't be created or OpenGL isn't available
  • Avoiding using the previously bound texture if the view texture isn't ready (the problem when the camera texture is shown instead of the ViewRenderable)
  • Avoiding screen flickering by setting the display geometry for the ARCore session at the right time (the problem when the ArSceneView shows different colors instead of the camera texture)