Cell-ACDC v1.4.30
It's finally possible to easily export to video or image directly from the GUI
Video can be generated from z-stacks or timelapse data. You can also add a timestamp to each frame.
What's Changed
- Feat: Added ReatTheDocs tutorial by @Teranis in #406
- Feat: Overhaul of docs; Addition of bdir to docs and updating format to .rst; Update of README to .rst and content; Addition of Tooltip to docs with extraction to the program by @Teranis in #414
- Feat: pomBseen tracker by @Teranis in #425
- Feat: Updated GUI element in segmentation module, closes #435 by @Teranis in #436
- Feat: added pomBseen_nuclear segmentation model by @Teranis in #440
- CellACDC_normal_division by @Teranis in #456
Full Changelog: v1.4.0...v1.4.30