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TorkelE committed Sep 18, 2023
1 parent 16b9d35 commit 5e805b9
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Showing 5 changed files with 22 additions and 68 deletions.
11 changes: 3 additions & 8 deletions src/networkapi.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -585,21 +585,16 @@ function symmap_to_varmap(sys, symmap::Tuple)

function symmap_to_varmap(sys, symmap::AbstractArray{Pair{T, V}}) where {T, V}
function symmap_to_varmap(sys, symmap::AbstractArray{Pair{Symbol, T}}) where {T}
[_symbol_to_var(sys, sym) => val for (sym, val) in symmap]

function symmap_to_varmap(sys, symmap::Dict{T, V}) where {T, V}
function symmap_to_varmap(sys, symmap::Dict{Symbol, T}) where {T}
Dict(_symbol_to_var(sys, sym) => val for (sym, val) in symmap)

# don't permute any other types and let varmap_to_vars handle erroring.
# If all keys are `Num`, conversion not needed.
# don't permute any other types and let varmap_to_vars handle erroring
symmap_to_varmap(sys, symmap) = symmap
symmap_to_varmap(sys, symmap::AbstractArray{Pair{SymbolicUtils.BasicSymbolic{Real}, T}}) where {T} = symmap
symmap_to_varmap(sys, symmap::AbstractArray{Pair{Num, T}}) where {T} = symmap
symmap_to_varmap(sys, symmap::Dict{SymbolicUtils.BasicSymbolic{Real}, T}) where {T} = symmap
symmap_to_varmap(sys, symmap::Dict{Num, T}) where {T} = symmap
#error("symmap_to_varmap requires a Dict, AbstractArray or Tuple to map Symbols to values.")

######################## reaction complexes and reaction rates ###############################
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/reaction_network.jl
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Expand Up @@ -365,7 +365,7 @@ function make_reaction_system(ex::Expr; name = :(gensym(:ReactionSystem)))
variables = extract_syms(options, :variables)

# Handles a (potential) noise scaling parameter.
#nosie_scaling_p_args = handle_noise_scaling_ps!(parameters_declared, options)
#noise_scaling_p_args = handle_noise_scaling_ps!(parameters_declared, options)

# handle independent variables
if haskey(options, :ivs)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -407,8 +407,8 @@ function make_reaction_system(ex::Expr; name = :(gensym(:ReactionSystem)))
push!(rxexprs.args, get_rxexprs(reaction))

# Adds potentital nosie scaling parameters.
#append!(ps.args, nosie_scaling_p_args)
# Adds potentital noise scaling parameters.
#append!(ps.args, noise_scaling_p_args)

# Returns the rephrased expression.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -540,7 +540,7 @@ function get_pexpr(parameters_extracted, options)
append!(pexprs.args, get_noise_scaling_pexpr(options))
# Extracts any decalred nosie scaling parameters.
# Extracts any decalred noise scaling parameters.
function get_noise_scaling_pexpr(options)
haskey(options, :noise_scaling_parameters) || return []
ns_expr = options[:noise_scaling_parameters]
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7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion src/reactionsystem.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1387,6 +1387,7 @@ function Base.convert(::Type{<:SDESystem}, rs::ReactionSystem;
include_zero_odes = true, checks = false, remove_conserved = false,
spatial_convert_err(rs::ReactionSystem, SDESystem)
isnothing(noise_scaling) && (noise_scaling = get_noise_scaling(rs)) # Required before final deprication of previous noise scaling functionality.

flatrs = Catalyst.flatten(rs)
error_if_constraints(SDESystem, flatrs)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1520,11 +1521,15 @@ end
# SDEProblem from AbstractReactionNetwork
function DiffEqBase.SDEProblem(rs::ReactionSystem, u0, tspan,
p = DiffEqBase.NullParameters(), args...;
noise_scaling = get_noise_scaling(rs), name = nameof(rs),
noise_scaling = nothing, name = nameof(rs),
combinatoric_ratelaws = get_combinatoric_ratelaws(rs),
include_zero_odes = true, checks = false,
check_length = false,
remove_conserved = false, kwargs...)
if !isnothing(noise_scaling)
any(isnoisescalingparameter.(parameters(rs))) && error("You have declared some paraemters as noise scaling parameters, and also given a \"noise_scaling\" argument to SDEProblem. Please remove the \"noise_scaling\", as this way of scaling CLE noise is being depricated.")
@warn "Passing noise scaling input into SDEProblem will be depricated. New standard is to declare one (or several) paraemter as noise scaling parameters when the ReactionSystem is created. Please read"
u0map = symmap_to_varmap(rs, u0)
pmap = symmap_to_varmap(rs, p)
sde_sys = convert(SDESystem, rs; noise_scaling, name, combinatoric_ratelaws,
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44 changes: 9 additions & 35 deletions test/model_simulation/simulate_SDEs.jl
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Expand Up @@ -121,29 +121,6 @@ end

### Noise Scaling ###

# Tests where a single noise scaling parameter is given directly to the SDEProblem.
noise_scaling_network = @reaction_network begin (k1, k2), X1 X2 end
for repeat in 1:5
p = 1.0 .+ rand(rng, 2)
u0 = 10000 * (1.0 .+ rand(rng, 2))
sol001 = solve(SDEProblem(noise_scaling_network, u0, (0.0, 1000.0), vcat(p, 0.01),
noise_scaling = (@variables η1)[1]), ImplicitEM())
sol01 = solve(SDEProblem(noise_scaling_network, u0, (0.0, 1000.0), vcat(p, 0.1),
noise_scaling = (@variables η1)[1]), ImplicitEM())
sol1 = solve(SDEProblem(noise_scaling_network, u0, (0.0, 1000.0), vcat(p, 1.0),
noise_scaling = (@variables η2)[1]), ImplicitEM())
sol10 = solve(SDEProblem(noise_scaling_network, u0, (0.0, 1000.0), vcat(p, 10.0),
noise_scaling = (@variables η3)[1]), ImplicitEM())
@test 2 * std(first.(sol001.u)[100:end]) < std(first.(sol01.u)[100:end])
@test 2 * std(last.(sol001.u)[100:end]) < std(last.(sol01.u)[100:end])
@test 2 * std(first.(sol01.u)[100:end]) < std(first.(sol1.u)[100:end])
@test 2 * std(last.(sol01.u)[100:end]) < std(last.(sol1.u)[100:end])
@test 2 * std(first.(sol1.u)[100:end]) < std(first.(sol10.u)[100:end])
@test 2 * std(last.(sol1.u)[100:end]) < std(last.(sol10.u)[100:end])

# Tests with multiple noise scaling parameters directly in the macro.
noise_scaling_network_1 = @reaction_network begin
Expand All @@ -160,10 +137,10 @@ let
@noise_scaling_parameters η[1:2]
(k1, k2), X1 X2
@unpack η = noise_scaling_network_2
sol_2_1 = solve(SDEProblem(noise_scaling_network_2, u0, (0.0, 1000.0), [:k1 => 2.0, :k2 => 0.66, η[1] => 2.0, η[2] => 2.0]), ImplicitEM(); saveat=1.0)
sol_2_2 = solve(SDEProblem(noise_scaling_network_2, u0, (0.0, 1000.0), [:k1 => 2.0, :k2 => 0.66, η[1] => 2.0, η[2] => 0.2]), ImplicitEM(); saveat=1.0)
sol_2_3 = solve(SDEProblem(noise_scaling_network_2, u0, (0.0, 1000.0), [:k1 => 2.0, :k2 => 0.66, η[1] => 0.2, η[2] => 0.2]), ImplicitEM(); saveat=1.0)
@unpack k1, k2, η = noise_scaling_network_2
sol_2_1 = solve(SDEProblem(noise_scaling_network_2, u0, (0.0, 1000.0), [k1 => 2.0, k2 => 0.66, η[1] => 2.0, η[2] => 2.0]), ImplicitEM(); saveat=1.0)
sol_2_2 = solve(SDEProblem(noise_scaling_network_2, u0, (0.0, 1000.0), [k1 => 2.0, k2 => 0.66, η[1] => 2.0, η[2] => 0.2]), ImplicitEM(); saveat=1.0)
sol_2_3 = solve(SDEProblem(noise_scaling_network_2, u0, (0.0, 1000.0), [k1 => 2.0, k2 => 0.66, η[1] => 0.2, η[2] => 0.2]), ImplicitEM(); saveat=1.0)
@test var(sol_2_1[1,:]) > var(sol_2_2[1,:]) > var(sol_2_3[1,:])

Expand All @@ -175,8 +152,7 @@ let
u0 = [:X1 => 1100.0, :X2 => 3900.0]
p = [:k1 => 2.0, :k2 => 0.5, =>0.0]
ss = solve(SDEProblem(noise_scaling_network, u0, (0.0, 1000.0), p), ImplicitEM())[end]
@test ss [1000.0, 4000.0]
@test SDEProblem(noise_scaling_network, u0, (0.0, 1000.0), p)[] == 0.0

# Complicated test with many combinations of options.
Expand All @@ -187,18 +163,16 @@ let
(p, d), 0 X1
(k1, k2), X1 X2
@unpack X1, η4, p = noise_scaling_network
u0 = [X1 => 500.0, :X2 => 500.0]
p = [p => 20.0, :d => 0.1, :η1 => 0.0, :η3 => 0.0, η4 => 0.0, :k1 => 2.0, :k2 => 2.0, :par1 => 1000.0, :par2 => 1000.0]
u0 = [:X1 => 500.0, :X2 => 500.0]
p = [:p => 20.0, :d => 0.1, :η1 => 0.0, :η3 => 0.0, :η4 => 0.0, :k1 => 2.0, :k2 => 2.0, :par1 => 1000.0, :par2 => 1000.0]

@test getdescription(parameters(noise_scaling_network)[2]) == "Parameter par1"
@test getdescription(parameters(noise_scaling_network)[8]) == "Parameter η2"

ss = solve(SDEProblem(noise_scaling_network, u0, (0.0, 1000.0), p), ImplicitEM())[end]
@test ss [200.0, 200.0]
sprob = SDEProblem(noise_scaling_network, u0, (0.0, 1000.0), p)
@test sprob[:η1] == sprob[:η2] == sprob[:η3] == sprob[:η4] == 0.0

# Tests that nosie scaling wor

### Checks Simulations Don't Error ###

Expand Down
20 changes: 0 additions & 20 deletions test/model_simulation/u0_n_parameter_inputs.jl
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Expand Up @@ -71,24 +71,4 @@ let
@test discrete_probs[1].u0 == discrete_probs[i].u0

# Tests uding mix of symbols and symbolics in input.
test_network = @reaction_network begin
(p1, d1), 0 X1
(p2, d2), 0 X2
@unpack p1, d1, p2, d2, X1, X2 = test_network
u0_1 = [X1 => 0.7, X2 => 3.6]
u0_2 = [:X1 => 0.7, X2 => 3.6]
u0_3 = [:X1 => 0.7, :X2 => 3.6]
p_1 = [p1 => 1.2, d1 => 4.0, p2 => 2.5, d2 =>0.1]
p_2 = [:p1 => 1.2, d1 => 4.0, :p2 => 2.5, d2 =>0.1]
p_3 = [:p1 => 1.2, :d1 => 4.0, :p2 => 2.5, :d2 =>0.1]

ss_base = solve(ODEProblem(test_network, u0_1, (0.0, 10.0), p_1), Tsit5())[end]
for u0 in [u0_1, u0_2, u0_3], p in [p_1, p_2, p_3]
@test ss_base == solve(ODEProblem(test_network, u0, (0.0, 10.0), p), Tsit5())[end]

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