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TorkelE committed May 23, 2024
1 parent f839ff9 commit b466c10
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Showing 12 changed files with 43 additions and 44 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion
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Expand Up @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ plot(bif_dia; xguide="k1", yguide="X")
- Automatically handles elimination of conservation laws for computing bifurcation diagrams.
- Updated Bifurcation documentation with respect to this new feature.
- Added function `is_autonomous` to check if a `ReactionSystem` is autonomous.
- Added function `isautonomous` to check if a `ReactionSystem` is autonomous.
- Added function `steady_state_stability` to compute stability for steady states. Example:
# Creates model.
Expand All @@ -98,6 +98,7 @@ p = [:p => 1.0, :d => 0.5]
steady_state = [2.0]
steady_state_stability(steady_state, rn, p)
Here, `steady_state_stability` take an optional argument `tol = 10*sqrt(eps())`, which is used to determine whether a eigenvalue real part is reliably less that 0.

## Catalyst 13.5
- Added a CatalystHomotopyContinuationExtension extension, which exports the `hc_steady_state` function if HomotopyContinuation is exported. `hc_steady_state` finds the steady states of a reaction system using the homotopy continuation method. This feature is only available for julia versions 1.9+. Example:
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/src/
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Expand Up @@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ speciesmap
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Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,12 @@ Next, we can apply `steady_state_stability` to each steady state yielding a vect
[steady_state_stability(sstate, sa_loop, ps) for sstate in steady_states]

Finally, as described above, Catalyst uses an optional argument, `tol`, to determine how strict to make the stability check. I.e. below we set the tolerance to `1e-6` (a larger value, that is stricter, than the default of `10*sqrt(eps())`)
```@example stability_1
[steady_state_stability(sstate, sa_loop, ps; tol = 1e-6) for sstate in steady_states]
nothing# hide

## Pre-computing the Jacobian to increase performance when computing stability for many steady states
Catalyst uses the system Jacobian to compute steady state stability, and the Jacobian is computed once for each call to `steady_state_stability`. If you repeatedly compute stability for steady states of the same system, pre-computing the Jacobian and supplying it to the `steady_state_stability` function can improve performance.

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Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
# Creates a BifurcationProblem, using a ReactionSystem as an input.
function BK.BifurcationProblem(rs::ReactionSystem, u0_bif, ps, bif_par, args...;
plot_var=nothing, record_from_solution=BK.record_sol_default, jac=true, u0=[], kwargs...)
if !is_autonomous(rs)
if !isautonomous(rs)
error("Attempting to create a `BifurcationProblem` for a non-autonomous system (e.g. where some rate depend on $(rs.iv)). This is not possible.")

Check warning on line 7 in ext/CatalystBifurcationKitExtension/bifurcation_kit_extension.jl

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Added lines #L6 - L7 were not covered by tests

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Expand Up @@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ Notes:
function Catalyst.hc_steady_states(rs::ReactionSystem, ps; filter_negative=true, neg_thres=-1e-20, u0=[], kwargs...)
if !is_autonomous(rs)
if !isautonomous(rs)
error("Attempting to compute steady state for a non-autonomous system (e.g. where some rate depend on $(rs.iv)). This is not possible.")

Check warning on line 40 in ext/CatalystHomotopyContinuationExtension/homotopy_continuation_extension.jl

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Added line #L40 was not covered by tests
ss_poly = steady_state_polynomial(rs, ps, u0)
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5 changes: 2 additions & 3 deletions src/Catalyst.jl
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Expand Up @@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ using DynamicQuantities#, Unitful # Having Unitful here as well currently gives

@reexport using ModelingToolkit
using Symbolics

using LinearAlgebra
using RuntimeGeneratedFunctions

Expand All @@ -42,7 +42,6 @@ import Base: (==), hash, size, getindex, setindex, isless, Sort.defalg, length,
import MacroTools, Graphs
import Graphs: DiGraph, SimpleGraph, SimpleDiGraph, vertices, edges, add_vertices!, nv, ne
import DataStructures: OrderedDict, OrderedSet
import LinearAlgebra.eigvals
import Parameters: @with_kw_noshow
import Symbolics: occursin, wrap

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -103,7 +102,7 @@ export species, nonspecies, reactionparams, reactions, nonreactions, speciesmap,
export numspecies, numreactions, numreactionparams, setdefaults!
export make_empty_network, reactionparamsmap
export dependants, dependents, substoichmat, prodstoichmat, netstoichmat
export is_autonomous
export isautonomous
export reactionrates
export isequivalent
export set_default_noise_scaling
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23 changes: 10 additions & 13 deletions src/reactionsystem.jl
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Expand Up @@ -1204,35 +1204,32 @@ function dependants(rx, network)

Checks if a system is autonomous (i.e. no rate or equation depend on the independent variable(s)).
rs1 = @reaction_system
(p,d), 0 <--> X
is_autonomous(rs1) # Returns `true`.
isautonomous(rs1) # Returns `true`.
rs2 = @reaction_system
(p/t,d), 0 <--> X
is_autonomous(rs2) # Returns `false`.
isautonomous(rs2) # Returns `false`.
function is_autonomous(rs::ReactionSystem)
# Get all variables occuring in reactions and then other equations.
dep_var_param_rxs = [ModelingToolkit.get_variables(rate) for rate in reactionrates(rs)]
dep_var_param_eqs = [ModelingToolkit.get_variables(eq) for eq in filter(eq -> !(eq isa Reaction), equations(rs))]
if isempty(dep_var_param_rxs) && isempty(dep_var_param_eqs)
dep_var_param = []
dep_var_param = reduce(vcat,[dep_var_param_rxs; dep_var_param_eqs])
function isautonomous(rs::ReactionSystem)
# Get all variables occurring in reactions and equations.
vars = Set()
for eq in equations(rs)
(eq isa Reaction) ? get_variables!(vars, eq.rate) : get_variables!(vars, eq)

# Checks for iv and spatial ivs
any(isequal(get_iv(rs), var) for var in dep_var_param) && (return false)
any(isequal(siv, var) for siv in get_sivs(rs) for var in dep_var_param) && (return false)
(get_iv(rs) in vars) && return false
any(in(vars), get_sivs(rs)) && return false
return true

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/reactionsystem_conversions.jl
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Expand Up @@ -521,7 +521,7 @@ function Base.convert(::Type{<:NonlinearSystem}, rs::ReactionSystem; name = name
# Error checks.
iscomplete(rs) || error(COMPLETENESS_ERROR)
spatial_convert_err(rs::ReactionSystem, NonlinearSystem)
if !is_autonomous(rs)
if !isautonomous(rs)
error("Attempting to convert a non-autonomous `ReactionSystem` (e.g. where some rate depend on $(rs.iv)) to a `NonlinearSystem`. This is not possible. if you are intending to compute system steady states, consider creating and solving a `SteadyStateProblem.")

Check warning on line 525 in src/reactionsystem_conversions.jl

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Added line #L525 was not covered by tests

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/steady_state_stability.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ computed eigenvalue is far away enough from 0 to be reliably used. This selected
function steady_state_stability(u::Vector, rs::ReactionSystem, ps; tol = 10*sqrt(eps(ss_val_type(u))),
ss_jac = steady_state_jac(rs; u0 = u))
# Warning checks.
if !is_autonomous(rs)
if !isautonomous(rs)
error("Attempting to compute stability for a non-autonomous system (e.g. where some rate depend on $(rs.iv)). This is not possible.")

Check warning on line 51 in src/steady_state_stability.jl

View check run for this annotation

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Added line #L51 was not covered by tests

Expand Down
26 changes: 17 additions & 9 deletions test/miscellaneous_tests/api.jl
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Expand Up @@ -447,7 +447,7 @@ let
@test_throws MethodError Catalyst.to_multivariate_poly(neweqs)

# Tests `is_autonomous` function.
# Tests `isautonomous` function.
# Using default iv.
rn1 = @reaction_network begin
Expand All @@ -462,9 +462,9 @@ let
(p + X*(p1+p2),d), 0 <--> X
(kB,kD), 2X <--> X
@test !is_autonomous(rn1)
@test !is_autonomous(rn2)
@test is_autonomous(rn3)
@test !isautonomous(rn1)
@test !isautonomous(rn2)
@test isautonomous(rn3)

# Using non-default iv.
rn4 = @reaction_network begin
Expand All @@ -487,15 +487,23 @@ let
(p + X*(p1+p2),d), 0 <--> X
(kB,kD), 2X <--> X
@test !is_autonomous(rn4)
@test !is_autonomous(rn5)
@test !is_autonomous(rn6)
@test is_autonomous(rn7)
@test !isautonomous(rn4)
@test !isautonomous(rn5)
@test !isautonomous(rn6)
@test isautonomous(rn7)

# Using a coupled CRN/equation model.
rn7 = @reaction_network begin
@equations D(V) ~ X/(1+t) - V
(p,d), 0 <--> X
@test !is_autonomous(rn7)
@test !isautonomous(rn7)

# Using a registered function.
f(d,t) = d/(1 + t)
Symbolics.@register_symbolic f(d,t)
rn8 = @reaction_network begin
f(d,t), X --> 0
@test !isautonomous(rn8)
12 changes: 0 additions & 12 deletions test/reactionsystem_core/reactionsystem.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -155,18 +155,6 @@ let
@test norm(du - du2) < 100 * eps()
G2 = sf.g(sprob.u0, sprob.p, 0.0)
@test norm(G - G2) < 100 * eps()

# Test conversion to NonlinearSystem. Permanently broken as we no longer permit non-autonomous
# `ReactionSystem`s to be converted to `NonlinearSystem`s.
@test_broken false
# ns = convert(NonlinearSystem, rs)
# nlprob = NonlinearProblem(rs, u, p)
# fnl = eval(generate_function(ns)[2])
# dunl = similar(du)
# @test_broken let # The next line throws an error.
# fnl(dunl, nlprob.u0, nlprob.p)
# @test norm(du - dunl) < 100 * eps()
# end

# Test with JumpSystem.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/runtests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -33,10 +33,10 @@ using SafeTestsets, Test
#if GROUP == "All" || GROUP == "Miscellaneous-NetworkAnalysis"
# Tests various miscellaneous features.
@time @safetestset "API" begin include("miscellaneous_tests/api.jl") end
@time @safetestset "Units" begin include("miscellaneous_tests/units.jl") end
@time @safetestset "Steady State Stability Computations" begin include("miscellaneous_tests/stability_computation.jl") end
@time @safetestset "Compound Species" begin include("miscellaneous_tests/compound_macro.jl") end
@time @safetestset "Reaction Balancing" begin include("miscellaneous_tests/reaction_balancing.jl") end
@time @safetestset "Units" begin include("miscellaneous_tests/units.jl") end

# Tests reaction network analysis features.
@time @safetestset "Conservation Laws" begin include("network_analysis/conservation_laws.jl") end
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