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SouthEndMusic committed Nov 12, 2024
1 parent 35db42e commit 82a9909
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Showing 10 changed files with 116 additions and 75 deletions.
8 changes: 5 additions & 3 deletions src/derivatives.jl
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# QuadraticSpline Interpolation
function _derivative(A::QuadraticSpline{<:AbstractVector}, t::Number, iguess)
idx = get_idx(A, t, iguess; lb = 2, ub_shift = 0, side = :first)
σ = get_parameters(A, idx - 1)
A.z[idx - 1] + 2σ * (t - A.t[idx - 1])
idx = get_idx(A, t, iguess)
α, β = get_parameters(A, idx)
Δt = t - A.t[idx]
Δt_full = A.t[idx + 1] - A.t[idx]
2α * Δt / Δt_full^2 + β / Δt_full

# CubicSpline Interpolation
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7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/integrals.jl
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Expand Up @@ -71,10 +71,11 @@ function _integral(A::QuadraticInterpolation{<:AbstractVector{<:Number}},

function _integral(A::QuadraticSpline{<:AbstractVector{<:Number}}, idx::Number, t::Number)
Cᵢ = A.u[idx]
α, β = get_parameters(A, idx)
uᵢ = A.u[idx]
Δt = t - A.t[idx]
σ = get_parameters(A, idx)
return A.z[idx] * Δt^2 / 2 + σ * Δt^3 / 3 + Cᵢ * Δt
Δt_full = (A.t[idx + 1] - A.t[idx])
Δt ** Δt^2 / (3Δt_full^2) + β * Δt / (2Δt_full) + uᵢ)

function _integral(A::CubicSpline{<:AbstractVector{<:Number}}, idx::Number, t::Number)
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77 changes: 37 additions & 40 deletions src/interpolation_caches.jl
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Expand Up @@ -299,30 +299,30 @@ Extrapolation extends the last quadratic polynomial on each side.
for a test based on the normalized standard deviation of the difference with respect
to the straight line (see [`looks_linear`](@ref)). Defaults to 1e-2.
struct QuadraticSpline{uType, tType, IType, pType, tAType, dType, zType, T} <:
struct QuadraticSpline{uType, tType, IType, pType, kType, cType, NType, T} <:
k::kType # knot vector
c::cType # 1D B-spline control points
N::NType # Spline coefficients (preallocated memory)
function QuadraticSpline(
u, t, I, p, tA, d, z, extrapolate, cache_parameters, assume_linear_t)
u, t, I, p, k, c, N, extrapolate, cache_parameters, assume_linear_t)
linear_lookup = seems_linear(assume_linear_t, t)
new{typeof(u), typeof(t), typeof(I), typeof(p.σ), typeof(tA),
typeof(d), typeof(z), eltype(u)}(u,
new{typeof(u), typeof(t), typeof(I), typeof(p.α), typeof(k),
typeof(c), typeof(N), eltype(u)}(u,
Expand All @@ -336,50 +336,47 @@ function QuadraticSpline(
cache_parameters = false, assume_linear_t = 1e-2) where {uType <:
u, t = munge_data(u, t)
linear_lookup = seems_linear(assume_linear_t, t)
s = length(t)
dl = ones(eltype(t), s - 1)
d_tmp = ones(eltype(t), s)
du = zeros(eltype(t), s - 1)
tA = Tridiagonal(dl, d_tmp, du)

# zero for element type of d, which we don't know yet
typed_zero = zero(2 // 1 * (u[begin + 1] - u[begin]) / (t[begin + 1] - t[begin]))

d = map(i -> i == 1 ? typed_zero : 2 // 1 * (u[i] - u[i - 1]) / (t[i] - t[i - 1]), 1:s)
z = tA \ d
n = length(t)
dtype_N = typeof(t[1] / t[1])
N = zeros(dtype_N, n)
k, A = quadratic_spline_params(t, N)
c = A \ u

p = QuadraticSplineParameterCache(z, t, cache_parameters)
p = QuadraticSplineParameterCache(u, t, k, c, N, cache_parameters)
A = QuadraticSpline(
u, t, nothing, p, tA, d, z, extrapolate, cache_parameters, linear_lookup)
u, t, nothing, p, k, c, N, extrapolate, cache_parameters, assume_linear_t)
I = cumulative_integral(A, cache_parameters)
QuadraticSpline(u, t, I, p, tA, d, z, extrapolate, cache_parameters, linear_lookup)
QuadraticSpline(u, t, I, p, k, c, N, extrapolate, cache_parameters, assume_linear_t)

function QuadraticSpline(
u::uType, t; extrapolate = false, cache_parameters = false,
assume_linear_t = 1e-2) where {uType <:
u, t = munge_data(u, t)
linear_lookup = seems_linear(assume_linear_t, t)
s = length(t)
dl = ones(eltype(t), s - 1)
d_tmp = ones(eltype(t), s)
du = zeros(eltype(t), s - 1)
tA = Tridiagonal(dl, d_tmp, du)
d_ = map(
i -> i == 1 ? zeros(eltype(t), size(u[1])) :
2 // 1 * (u[i] - u[i - 1]) / (t[i] - t[i - 1]),
d = transpose(reshape(reduce(hcat, d_), :, s))
z_ = reshape(transpose(tA \ d), size(u[1])..., :)
z = [z_s for z_s in eachslice(z_, dims = ndims(z_))]

p = QuadraticSplineParameterCache(z, t, cache_parameters)
n = length(t)
dtype_N = typeof(t[1] / t[1])
N = zeros(dtype_N, n)
k, A = quadratic_spline_params(t, N)

eltype_c_prototype = one(dtype_N) * first(u)
c = [similar(eltype_c_prototype) for _ in 1:n]

# Assuming u contains arrays of equal shape
for j in eachindex(eltype_c_prototype)
c_dim = A \ [u_[j] for u_ in u]
for (i, c_dim_) in enumerate(c_dim)
c[i][j] = c_dim_

p = QuadraticSplineParameterCache(u, t, k, c, N, cache_parameters)
A = QuadraticSpline(
u, t, nothing, p, tA, d, z, extrapolate, cache_parameters, linear_lookup)
u, t, nothing, p, k, c, N, extrapolate, cache_parameters, assume_linear_t)
I = cumulative_integral(A, cache_parameters)
QuadraticSpline(u, t, I, p, tA, d, z, extrapolate, cache_parameters, linear_lookup)
QuadraticSpline(u, t, I, p, k, c, N, extrapolate, cache_parameters, assume_linear_t)

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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/interpolation_methods.jl
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# QuadraticSpline Interpolation
function _interpolate(A::QuadraticSpline{<:AbstractVector}, t::Number, iguess)
idx = get_idx(A, t, iguess)
Cᵢ = A.u[idx]
Δt = t - A.t[idx]
σ = get_parameters(A, idx)
return A.z[idx] * Δt + σ * Δt^2 + Cᵢ
α, β = get_parameters(A, idx)
uᵢ = A.u[idx]
Δt_scaled = (t - A.t[idx]) / (A.t[idx + 1] - A.t[idx])
Δt_scaled ** Δt_scaled + β) + uᵢ

# CubicSpline Interpolation
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35 changes: 33 additions & 2 deletions src/interpolation_utils.jl
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Expand Up @@ -59,6 +59,37 @@ function spline_coefficients!(N, d, k, u::AbstractVector)
return nothing

function quadratic_spline_params(t::AbstractVector, N::AbstractVector)

# Create knot vector
# Don't use x[end-1] as knot to match number of degrees of freedom with data
k = zeros(length(t) + 3)
k[1:3] .= t[1]
k[(end - 2):end] .= t[end]
k[4:(end - 3)] .= t[2:(end - 2)]

# Create and solve linear system Ac = u, where:
# - A consists of basis function evaulations in t
# - c are the 1D control points
n = length(t)
dtype_N = typeof(t[1] / t[1])

diag = Vector{dtype_N}(undef, n)
diag_hi = Vector{dtype_N}(undef, n - 1)
diag_lo = Vector{dtype_N}(undef, n - 1)

for (i, tᵢ) in enumerate(t)
spline_coefficients!(N, 2, k, tᵢ)
diag[i] = N[i]
(i > 1) && (diag_lo[i - 1] = N[i - 1])
(i < n) && (diag_hi[i] = N[i + 1])

A = Tridiagonal(diag_lo, diag, diag_hi)

return k, A

# helper function for data manipulation
function munge_data(u::AbstractVector{<:Real}, t::AbstractVector{<:Real})
return u, t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,9 +190,9 @@ end

function get_parameters(A::QuadraticSpline, idx)
if A.cache_parameters
A.p.α[idx], A.p.β[idx]
quadratic_spline_parameters(A.z, A.t, idx)
quadratic_spline_parameters(A.u, A.t, A.k, A.c, A.N, idx)

Expand Down
28 changes: 19 additions & 9 deletions src/parameter_caches.jl
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Expand Up @@ -73,23 +73,33 @@ function quadratic_interpolation_parameters(u, t, idx)

struct QuadraticSplineParameterCache{pType}

function QuadraticSplineParameterCache(z, t, cache_parameters)
function QuadraticSplineParameterCache(u, t, k, c, N, cache_parameters)
if cache_parameters
σ = quadratic_spline_parameters.(Ref(z), Ref(t), 1:(length(t) - 1))
parameters = quadratic_spline_parameters.(
Ref(u), Ref(t), Ref(k), Ref(c), Ref(N), 1:(length(t) - 1))
α, β = collect.(eachrow(stack(collect.(parameters))))
QuadraticSplineParameterCache(α, β)
# Compute parameters once to infer types
σ = quadratic_spline_parameters(z, t, 1)
α, β = quadratic_spline_parameters(u, t, k, c, N, 1)
QuadraticSplineParameterCache(typeof(α)[], typeof)[])

function quadratic_spline_parameters(z, t, idx)
σ = 1 // 2 * (z[idx + 1] - z[idx]) / (t[idx + 1] - t[idx])
return σ
function quadratic_spline_parameters(u, t, k, c, N, idx)
tᵢ₊ = (t[idx] + t[idx + 1]) / 2
nonzero_coefficient_idxs = spline_coefficients!(N, 2, k, tᵢ₊)
uᵢ₊ = zero(first(u))
for j in nonzero_coefficient_idxs
uᵢ₊ += N[j] * c[j]
α = 2 * (u[idx + 1] + u[idx]) - 4uᵢ₊
β = 4 * (uᵢ₊ - u[idx]) - (u[idx + 1] - u[idx])
return α, β

struct CubicSplineParameterCache{pType}
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions test/derivative_tests.jl
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derivexpr2 = expand_derivatives(substitute(D2(A(ω)), Dict=> 0.5τ)))
symfunc1 = Symbolics.build_function(derivexpr1, τ; expression = Val{false})
symfunc2 = Symbolics.build_function(derivexpr2, τ; expression = Val{false})
@test symfunc1(0.5) == 0.5 * 3
@test symfunc2(0.5) == 0.5 * 6
@test symfunc1(0.5) == 1.5
@test symfunc2(0.5) == -3.0

u = [0.0, 1.5, 0.0]
t = [0.0, 0.5, 1.0]
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19 changes: 9 additions & 10 deletions test/interpolation_tests.jl
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A = QuadraticSpline(u, t; extrapolate = true)

# Solution
P₁ = x -> (x + 1)^2 # for x ∈ [-1, 0]
P₂ = x -> 2 * x + 1 # for x ∈ [ 0, 1]
P₁ = x -> 0.5 * (x + 1) * (x + 2)

for (_t, _u) in zip(t, u)
@test A(_t) == _u
@test A(-2.0) == P₁(-2.0)
@test A(-0.5) == P₁(-0.5)
@test A(0.7) == P(0.7)
@test A(2.0) == P(2.0)
@test A(0.7) == P(0.7)
@test A(2.0) == P(2.0)

u_ = [0.0, 1.0, 3.0]' .* ones(4)
u = [u_[:, i] for i in 1:size(u_, 2)]
A = QuadraticSpline(u, t; extrapolate = true)
@test A(-2.0) == P₁(-2.0) * ones(4)
@test A(-0.5) == P₁(-0.5) * ones(4)
@test A(0.7) == P(0.7) * ones(4)
@test A(2.0) == P(2.0) * ones(4)
@test A(0.7) == P(0.7) * ones(4)
@test A(2.0) == P(2.0) * ones(4)

u = [repeat(u[i], 1, 3) for i in 1:3]
A = QuadraticSpline(u, t; extrapolate = true)
@test A(-2.0) == P₁(-2.0) * ones(4, 3)
@test A(-0.5) == P₁(-0.5) * ones(4, 3)
@test A(0.7) == P(0.7) * ones(4, 3)
@test A(2.0) == P(2.0) * ones(4, 3)
@test A(0.7) == P(0.7) * ones(4, 3)
@test A(2.0) == P(2.0) * ones(4, 3)

# Test extrapolation
u = [0.0, 1.0, 3.0]
t = [-1.0, 0.0, 1.0]
A = QuadraticSpline(u, t; extrapolate = true)
@test A(-2.0) == 1.0
@test A(2.0) == 5.0
@test A(-2.0) == 0.0
@test A(2.0) == 6.0
A = QuadraticSpline(u, t)
@test_throws DataInterpolations.ExtrapolationError A(-2.0)
@test_throws DataInterpolations.ExtrapolationError A(2.0)
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3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion test/parameter_tests.jl
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u = [1.0, 5.0, 3.0, 4.0, 4.0]
t = collect(1:5)
A = QuadraticSpline(u, t; cache_parameters = true)
@test A.p.σ [4.0, -10.0, 13.0, -14.0]
@test A.p.α [-9.5, 3.5, -0.5, -0.5]
@test A.p.β [13.5, -5.5, 1.5, 0.5]

@testset "Cubic Spline" begin
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/zygote_tests.jl
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Expand Up @@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ function test_zygote(method, u, t; args = [], args_after = [], kwargs = [], name
@test adiff zdiff
if method [LagrangeInterpolation, BSplineInterpolation, BSplineApprox]
if method [LagrangeInterpolation, BSplineInterpolation, BSplineApprox, QuadraticSpline]
@testset "$name, derivatives w.r.t. u" begin
function f(u)
A = method(args..., u, t, args_after...; kwargs..., extrapolate = true)
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