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feat(BSplineInterpolation): add AbstractArray support for BSplineInterp
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ashutosh-b-b committed Oct 19, 2024
1 parent c6c0090 commit f84f9aa
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Showing 2 changed files with 93 additions and 1 deletion.
75 changes: 74 additions & 1 deletion src/interpolation_caches.jl
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Expand Up @@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ struct BSplineInterpolation{uType, tType, pType, kType, cType, scType, T, N} <:

function BSplineInterpolation(
u, t, d, pVecType, knotVecType; extrapolate = false, assume_linear_t = 1e-2)
u::AbstractVector, t, d, pVecType, knotVecType; extrapolate = false, assume_linear_t = 1e-2)
u, t = munge_data(u, t)
n = length(t)
n < d + 1 && error("BSplineInterpolation needs at least d + 1, i.e. $(d+1) points.")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -665,6 +665,79 @@ function BSplineInterpolation(
u, t, d, p, k, c, sc, pVecType, knotVecType, extrapolate, assume_linear_t)

function BSplineInterpolation(
u::AbstractArray{T, N}, t, d, pVecType, knotVecType; extrapolate = false,
assume_linear_t = 1e-2) where {T, N}
u, t = munge_data(u, t)
n = length(t)
n < d + 1 && error("BSplineInterpolation needs at least d + 1, i.e. $(d+1) points.")
s = zero(eltype(u))
p = zero(t)
k = zeros(eltype(t), n + d + 1)
l = zeros(eltype(u), n - 1)
p[1] = zero(eltype(t))
p[end] = one(eltype(t))

ax_u = axes(u)[1:(end - 1)]

for i in 2:n
s += ((t[i] - t[i - 1])^2 + sum((u[ax_u..., i] - u[ax_u..., i - 1]) .^ 2))
l[i - 1] = s
if pVecType == :Uniform
for i in 2:(n - 1)
p[i] = p[1] + (i - 1) * (p[end] - p[1]) / (n - 1)
elseif pVecType == :ArcLen
for i in 2:(n - 1)
p[i] = p[1] + l[i - 1] / s * (p[end] - p[1])

lidx = 1
ridx = length(k)
while lidx <= (d + 1) && ridx >= (length(k) - d)
k[lidx] = p[1]
k[ridx] = p[end]
lidx += 1
ridx -= 1

ps = zeros(eltype(t), n - 2)
s = zero(eltype(t))
for i in 2:(n - 1)
s += p[i]
ps[i - 1] = s

if knotVecType == :Uniform
# uniformly spaced knot vector
# this method is not recommended because, if it is used with the chord length method for global interpolation,
# the system of linear equations would be singular.
for i in (d + 2):n
k[i] = k[1] + (i - d - 1) // (n - d) * (k[end] - k[1])
elseif knotVecType == :Average
# average spaced knot vector
idx = 1
if d + 2 <= n
k[d + 2] = 1 // d * ps[d]
for i in (d + 3):n
k[i] = 1 // d * (ps[idx + d] - ps[idx])
idx += 1
# control points
sc = zeros(eltype(t), n, n)
spline_coefficients!(sc, d, k, p)
c = (sc \ reshape(u, prod(size(u)[1:(end - 1)]), :)')'
c = reshape(c, size(u)...)
sc = zeros(eltype(t), n)
u, t, d, p, k, c, sc, pVecType, knotVecType, extrapolate, assume_linear_t)

BSplineApprox(u, t, d, h, pVecType, knotVecType; extrapolate = false)
Expand Down
19 changes: 19 additions & 0 deletions src/interpolation_methods.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -197,6 +197,25 @@ function _interpolate(A::BSplineInterpolation{<:AbstractVector{<:Number}},

function _interpolate(A::BSplineInterpolation{<:AbstractArray{T, N}},
iguess) where {T <: Number, N}
ax_u = axes(A.u)[1:(end - 1)]
t < A.t[1] && return A.u[ax_u..., 1]
t > A.t[end] && return A.u[ax_u..., end]
# change t into param [0 1]
idx = get_idx(A, t, iguess)
t = A.p[idx] + (t - A.t[idx]) / (A.t[idx + 1] - A.t[idx]) * (A.p[idx + 1] - A.p[idx])
n = length(A.t)
sc = t isa ForwardDiff.Dual ? zeros(eltype(t), n) :
nonzero_coefficient_idxs = spline_coefficients!(sc, A.d, A.k, t)
ucum = zeros(eltype(A.u), size(A.u)[1:(end - 1)]...)
for i in nonzero_coefficient_idxs
ucum = ucum + (sc[i] * A.c[ax_u..., i])

# BSpline Curve Approx
function _interpolate(A::BSplineApprox{<:AbstractVector{<:Number}}, t::Number, iguess)
t < A.t[1] && return A.u[1]
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