19 commits
to master
since this release
NonlinearSolveSpectralMethods NonlinearSolveSpectralMethods-v1.1.0
Merged pull requests:
- Modify the benchmark and tests (#1) (@YingboMa)
- Refactor (#2) (@kanav99)
- Add MIT License (#5) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Add some documentation (#6) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Fix the readme example (#7) (@YingboMa)
- Remove DiffEqBase Dependency (#9) (@kanav99)
- [WIP] AD in Bisection (#10) (@kanav99)
- Scalar nonlinear solve AD (#11) (@YingboMa)
- Fix Newton with finite diff (#13) (@YingboMa)
- bump compat version bounds (#16) (@ranocha)
- Scalar Falsi (#18) (@kanav99)
- Fix direction bug in Falsi (#20) (@kanav99)
- updated to account for autodiff=false (#21) (@BriceonWiley)
- loosen types on prev/next floating handling (#22) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Extend SciMLBase (#25) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- add missing imports (#26) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Add SciML.build_solution (#28) (@utkarsh530)
- Add documentation (#33) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Minor documentation changes (#35) (@mkg33)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for "RecursiveFactorization" to "0.2" (#37) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for Setfield to 0.8, (keep existing compat) (#40) (@github-actions[bot])
- Fix URLs pointing to documentation in ReadMe (#44) (@briochemc)
- CI for LTS (#45) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Deploy docs on release (#46) (@briochemc)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for ArrayInterface to 4, (keep existing compat) (#47) (@github-actions[bot])
- specialize Newton on static arrays (#50) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Fix string concatenation error (#56) (@KronosTheLate)
- Fix docs typo (#57) (@ericphanson)
- Change to ArrayInterfaceCore (#67) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for Setfield to 1, (keep existing compat) (#68) (@github-actions[bot])
- Fix the abstract type hierarchy (#71) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Format SciML Style (#74) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- change
to lower level interface__solve
(#77) (@frankschae) - More docs unification (#79) (@ArnoStrouwen)
- badges (#80) (@ArnoStrouwen)
- doc cov (#81) (@ArnoStrouwen)
- MassInstallAction: Install the Invalidations workflow on this repository (#85) (@devmotion)
- use LinearSolve.jl (#86) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Handle downstream usage issues (#88) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- canonify docs (#91) (@ArnoStrouwen)
- Change NonlinearSolve enums to SciMLBase enums (#92) (@utkarsh530)
- reproducible docs (#95) (@ArnoStrouwen)
- doc compat (#96) (@ArnoStrouwen)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for SimpleNonlinearSolve at version 0.1, (keep existing compat) (#97) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for DiffEqBase at version 6, (keep existing compat) (#98) (@github-actions[bot])
- more general fixes (#99) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for NonlinearSolve to 1 for package docs, (keep existing compat) (#100) (@github-actions[bot])
- strict docs (#101) (@ArnoStrouwen)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for BenchmarkTools at version 1 for package docs, (keep existing compat) (#102) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for StaticArrays at version 1 for package docs, (keep existing compat) (#103) (@github-actions[bot])
- use undefmatrix to init jacobian (#104) (@oscardssmith)
- Setup with SparseDiffTools (#105) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Test GPU (#106) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for SparseDiffTools at version 1, (keep existing compat) (#107) (@github-actions[bot])
- NewtonRahpson -> NewtonRaphson (#108) (@DanielVandH)
- Add steady state docs and MINPACK (#110) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Minor beauty/consistensy fixes (#111) (@KronosTheLate)
- [skip ci] solver doc uniformity (#112) (@ArnoStrouwen)
- [skip ci] LanguageTool (#113) (@ArnoStrouwen)
- Add new SimpleNonlinearSolve methods to the docs (#115) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Added a Trust Region solver. (#116) (@Deltadahl)
- Add a documentation of solve (#120) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Add TrustRegion to the documentation (#123) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Bug fix for TrustRegion when iip=true. (#125) (@Deltadahl)
- [skip ci] spelling (#126) (@ArnoStrouwen)
- Precompile trust region only on v1.7+ (#127) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Doc format (#129) (@ArnoStrouwen)
- format docstrings (#130) (@ArnoStrouwen)
- Implementation of a Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm (#131) (@Deltadahl)
- type instability fix (#132) (@daviehh)
- Updating the types in Levenberg (#134) (@Deltadahl)
- Specialize field types so that TrustRegion works with AD (#135) (@YingboMa)
- max-methods=1 (#137) (@chriselrod)
- Adding the Ridder method to docs (#138) (@Deltadahl)
- Adding Brent to docs (#141) (@Deltadahl)
- Adding SimpleDFSane to docs (#143) (@Deltadahl)
- Dead links trust region fix (#145) (@Deltadahl)
- Implementation of 23 test cases (#149) (@Deltadahl)
- add DiffEqBase to makedocs modules (#150) (@ArnoStrouwen)
- ArrayInterface v7 (#152) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Add page on termination conditions (#155) (@avik-pal)
- Add LBryoden to the API docs (#156) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Implementing some new Trust region radius update schemes (#159) (@yash2798)
- Just use IIP inference (#161) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- enable dependabot for GitHub actions (#163) (@ranocha)
- Bump codecov/codecov-action from 1 to 3 (#164) (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump actions/cache from 1 to 3 (#165) (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump actions/checkout from 1 to 3 (#166) (@dependabot[bot])
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for EnumX at version 1, (keep existing compat) (#169) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for SparseDiffTools to 2, (keep existing compat) (#171) (@github-actions[bot])
- Including jvp for radius update schemes (#172) (@yash2798)
- Added reinit! for NewtonRaphson (#173) (@dawbarton)
- Enable iterator interface to be used with TrustRegion (#174) (@dawbarton)
- Trust Region - Fan's method (#178) (@yash2798)
- iip vs oop iteration test (#179) (@yash2798)
- Migrate from SnoopPrecompile to PrecompileTools (#181) (@timholy)
- Update for LinearSolve v2 (#185) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- use NLStats (#190) (@oscardssmith)
- Bastin's radius update scheme (#191) (@yash2798)
- Fix TrustRegion docstring (#193) (@ErikQQY)
- Fix typo solver -> sol (#196) (@jaakkor2)
- Trust Region docstrings improvement (#197) (@yash2798)
- Updating docs and tutorials for ITP (#198) (@yash2798)
- Added documentation for Trust region radius update schemes (#199) (@yash2798)
- Newton Raphson used to ignore jac-prototype (#200) (@avik-pal)
- Add support for JFNK (#201) (@avik-pal)
- Splitting the methods based on problem type for SimpleNonlinearSolve docs (#202) (@yash2798)
- Towards a cleaner and more maintainable internals of NonlinearSolve.jl (#203) (@avik-pal)
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#205) (@dependabot[bot])
- Start using termination conditions from DiffEqBase (#208) (@utkarsh530)
- TrustRegion bugs (#210) (@FHoltorf)
- Tutorial change for Bracketing method (#211) (@yash2798)
- Add advanced tutorials (#213) (@ErikQQY)
- WIP: Add DFSane method (#214) (@axla-io)
- Fix formatting (#217) (@avik-pal)
- NonlinearLeastSquaresProblem Solvers: Levenberg & Gauss Newton (#218) (@avik-pal)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for SciMLBase to 2, (keep existing compat) (#219) (@github-actions[bot])
- Documenter 1.0 upgrade (#220) (@ArnoStrouwen)
- remove precompile on v1.9 (#224) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Fix bug in Levenberg (#226) (@avik-pal)
- Fix Jacobian Construction for concrete_jac (#229) (@avik-pal)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for AlgebraicMultigrid to 0.6 for package docs, (keep existing compat) (#230) (@github-actions[bot])
- Add docs of AutoSparseForwardDiff and matrix coloring (#231) (@ErikQQY)
- Only apply AD overloads to out-of-place (#232) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Remove unused iip type parameter (#233) (@danielwe)
- docs: update (#235) (@sathvikbhagavan)
- Impoving NLS Solvers (#236) (@avik-pal)
- Rename wrappers to be consistent with other SciML packages (#237) (@avik-pal)
- Add polyalgorithms and a default method (#238) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Overhaul the documentation (#239) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Change default in-place specialization (#240) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- update GPU tests (#242) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Better Defaults: Auto AD Selection for Newton Methods (#244) (@avik-pal)
- Fix test to use TrustRegion (#246) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Big docs update (#248) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for ModelingToolkit at version 8 for package docs, (keep existing compat) (#249) (@github-actions[bot])
- Improve API documentation docstrings (#250) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Pseudo-Transient Method (#251) (@yonatanwesen)
- add PT to docs (#253) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Handle non-vector inputs (#254) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Finished docs for PseudoTransient (#256) (@yonatanwesen)
- Porting over some low cost Algorithms (#257) (@avik-pal)
- Gauss Newton & LM Robustness Fixes (#258) (@avik-pal)
- Add missing space in deprecation warning (#259) (@oxinabox)
- Scary Load Times in 1.9 (#261) (@avik-pal)
- Special Case for Banded Matrices (#262) (@avik-pal)
- Fix docs (#263) (@avik-pal)
- Don't change the default termination condition (#264) (@avik-pal)
- Proper handling of complex numbers and failures (#265) (@avik-pal)
- Removing Allocation for Inexact Jacobian (#266) (@yonatanwesen)
- chore: bump RecursiveArrayTools compat (#267) (@AayushSabharwal)
- Gauss Newton with Line Search (#268) (@avik-pal)
- Replace
.*(Number, Diagonal)
with*(Number, Diagonal)
(#270) (@vpuri3) - Add compat for StdLibs (#271) (@avik-pal)
- Fix LM for banded jacobian (#272) (@avik-pal)
- LM needs to be
(#275) (@avik-pal) - Add a default for NLLS (#277) (@avik-pal)
- Use a proper polyalgorithm algorithm type (#278) (@avik-pal)
- Use Jacobian Based Algorithms if user supplies custom Jacobian (#279) (@avik-pal)
- test PT on 23 test problems (#280) (@yonatanwesen)
- Jacobian-Free Krylov Versions for TR/LM/GN (#282) (@avik-pal)
- fix typos (#283) (@musvaage)
- Use Function Wrappers from SciMLBase (#285) (@avik-pal)
- Allow specifying custom jvp (#286) (@avik-pal)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for SteadyStateDiffEq to 2 for package docs, (keep existing compat) (#289) (@github-actions[bot])
- Add the ability to store the trace for nonlinear solve algorithms (#292) (@avik-pal)
- add Aqua QA (#294) (@ArnoStrouwen)
- add spellcheck CI (#295) (@ArnoStrouwen)
- Reduce unnecessary allocations and reuse code (#297) (@avik-pal)
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#299) (@dependabot[bot])
- NonlinearSolve v3 Release (#302) (@avik-pal)
- Improvements for Broyden and Klement (#303) (@avik-pal)
- Fix storing the trace (#304) (@avik-pal)
- [skip ci] dependabot ignore typos patches (#305) (@ArnoStrouwen)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for OrdinaryDiffEq at version 6 for package docs, (keep existing compat) (#306) (@github-actions[bot])
- Disable protective check by default (#307) (@avik-pal)
- Minor Fixes (#308) (@avik-pal)
- Up GPU env (#310) (@avik-pal)
- Trust Region Methods for Nonlinear Least Squares Problem (#311) (@avik-pal)
- Add a tutorial demonstrating NLLS methods for ODE Parameter Estim (#313) (@avik-pal)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for Plots at version 1 for package docs, (keep existing compat) (#314) (@github-actions[bot])
- Update CI.yml (#315) (@avik-pal)
- Add downgrade CI for testing lower bounds (#317) (@ErikQQY)
- Use approximate sparsity detection by default (#320) (@avik-pal)
- Patch project (#322) (@avik-pal)
- Clarify unstable equilibrium for SteadyStateProblems (#325) (@avik-pal)
- Propagate stats from MINPACK (#327) (@avik-pal)
- Temporary Citation via Zenodo (#328) (@avik-pal)
- Bump actions/checkout from 3 to 4 (#329) (@dependabot[bot])
- Fix printing in some of the docs (#331) (@avik-pal)
- Update (#332) (@avik-pal)
- Add SIAMFANLEquations wrapper (#333) (@ErikQQY)
- Handle complex numbers correctly by default (#334) (@avik-pal)
- Remove the true jacobian Klement from the tests (#335) (@avik-pal)
- FixedPointSolvers: Recommendations and Wrappers (#337) (@avik-pal)
- Fix downgrade CI (#338) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- ForwardDiff Proper Support (#340) (@avik-pal)
- Standardize the Extension Algorithms (#341) (@avik-pal)
- Fix the 23 test problems (#342) (@avik-pal)
- Add SIAMFANLEquations fixed point solvers (#344) (@ErikQQY)
- What is a Nonlinear Solver? And How to easily build Newer Ones (#345) (@avik-pal)
- make RobustMultiNewton always respect autodiff choice (#347) (@oscardssmith)
- Bump crate-ci/typos from 1.16.23 to 1.17.0 (#350) (@dependabot[bot])
- AD Section in Documentation (#354) (@avik-pal)
- Fix DAE Test Failures in OrdinaryDiffEq (#355) (@avik-pal)
- Bump actions/cache from 3 to 4 (#357) (@dependabot[bot])
- Allow linsolve to be \ (#358) (@avik-pal)
- fix
(#361) (@oscardssmith) - Bump codecov/codecov-action from 3 to 4 (#366) (@dependabot[bot])
- Bump crate-ci/typos from 1.17.0 to 1.18.0 (#367) (@dependabot[bot])
- [skip ci] Update dependabot.yml (#368) (@ArnoStrouwen)
- Add precommit for formatting (#369) (@avik-pal)
- Parallel Testing (#371) (@avik-pal)
- Upload to CODECOV (#372) (@avik-pal)
- ci: explicitly specify token for codecov (#374) (@thazhemadam)
- Run Formatter (#375) (@avik-pal)
- Fix static arrays (#376) (@avik-pal)
- Enzyme breakage bump (#377) (@avik-pal)
- Add step! for polyalgorithms (#378) (@avik-pal)
- Wrapper for NLSolvers.jl (#379) (@avik-pal)
- Enable formatting with
(#380) (@avik-pal) - [skip ci] update downgrade CI repo (#381) (@ArnoStrouwen)
- Add caching for solvers without init (#382) (@avik-pal)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for ModelingToolkit to 9 for package docs, (keep existing compat) (#383) (@github-actions[bot])
- Patches for DiffEqCallbacks (#384) (@avik-pal)
- Make default polyalgs respect autodiff (#385) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Misc. Improvements (#390) (@avik-pal)
- Handle polyalgorithm aliasing correctly (#392) (@avik-pal)
- Make
type stable (#393) (@avik-pal) - Don't specialize on original and stats for polyalg (#394) (@avik-pal)
- Missing vec in Descent cache (#397) (@avik-pal)
- Use a different termination norm for NLLS (#399) (@avik-pal)
- pass in linesearch (#400) (@avik-pal)
- Bump julia-actions/setup-julia from 1 to 2 (#401) (@dependabot[bot])
- feat: support indexing AbstractNonlinearSolveCache (#406) (@AayushSabharwal)
- Update Project.toml (#407) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Allow FiniteDiff propagation for scalar problems (#409) (@avik-pal)
- Don't use custom tags (#411) (@avik-pal)
- Robust Singular Jacobian Handling (#414) (@avik-pal)
- run precompile workload in parallel (#418) (@oscardssmith)
- Add citation information (#420) (@avik-pal)
- Simplify precompilation (#421) (@oscardssmith)
- Bump enzyme (#424) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Upgrade to ADTypes v1 (#426) (@gdalle)
- Bump version (#429) (@gdalle)
- Clean up testing (#430) (@avik-pal)
- Bump julia-actions/julia-format from 2 to 3 (#431) (@dependabot[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for LazyArrays to 2, (keep existing compat) (#432) (@github-actions[bot])
- CompatHelper: bump compat for FastBroadcast to 0.3, (keep existing compat) (#434) (@github-actions[bot])
- Test for Explicit Imports (#435) (@avik-pal)
- Consolidate Stats Handling (#437) (@avik-pal)
- Add support for BigFloat (#438) (@avik-pal)
- Test master (#441) (@avik-pal)
- Add tests for Ensemble Problems (#444) (@avik-pal)
- Add forward mode to line search (#446) (@tansongchen)
- feat: support
for nonlinear integrators (#447) (@AayushSabharwal) - Don't warn if user specified FiniteDifferencing (#449) (@avik-pal)
- Remove recompile_invalidations (#450) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Allow Symbolics v6 (#454) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- CompatHelper: bump compat for Symbolics to 6 for package docs, (keep existing compat) (#455) (@github-actions[bot])
- Better BigFloat support (#457) (@ErikQQY)
- feat:
(#458) (@avik-pal) - feat: add
package (#460) (@avik-pal) - refactor: migrate to LineSearch.jl (#461) (@avik-pal)
- docs: add a README for SciMLJacobianOperators (#463) (@avik-pal)
- feat: use Contexts from DifferentiationInterface.jl (#464) (@avik-pal)
- simplify
(#465) (@oscardssmith) - fix: DI now works with ReverseDiff (#466) (@avik-pal)
- refactor: use DI.jl for the jacobian stuff (#467) (@avik-pal)
- feat: use DifferentiationInterface for sparse AD (#468) (@avik-pal)
- feat: use DI for structured Jacobians (#470) (@avik-pal)
- Use DI preparation result when initializing Jacobian (#472) (@gdalle)
- fix: don't use similar on prototype (#474) (@avik-pal)
- fix: remove uses of LineSearches.jl backtracking (#480) (@avik-pal)
- feat: add
(#482) (@avik-pal) - refactor: splitting up of NonlinearSolve (#483) (@avik-pal)
- refactor!: move preconditioners inside linear solvers (#485) (@avik-pal)
- fix: remove the common files (#486) (@avik-pal)
- fix: restore the history of SimpleNonlinearSolve (#487) (@avik-pal)
- fix: hessian (#489) (@avik-pal)
- ci: run windows tests with a single worker (#490) (@avik-pal)
- fix: reinit! on forwarddiff cache (#491) (@avik-pal)
- refactor: Move NonlinearSolvePolyAlgorithm to Base (#494) (@ErikQQY)
- fix:
shouldn't be the default for static arrays (#495) (@avik-pal) - Fix ambiguity in
with polyalgorithm due to dispatch onVa
(#498) (@ChrisRackauckas) - refactor: Move RobustMultiNewton to NonlinearSolveFirstOrder (#499) (@ErikQQY)
- fix: fix SII implementation for caches, tests (#500) (@AayushSabharwal)
- Create SCCNonlinearSolve (#502) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- chore(deps): bump codecov/codecov-action from 4 to 5 (#505) (@dependabot[bot])
- fix: fix SII implementation for
(#506) (@AayushSabharwal) - Update (#508) (@briochemc)
- fix: fix MTK indexing tests (#509) (@AayushSabharwal)
- refactor: Move dual nonlinear solving to NonlinearSolveBase (#513) (@ErikQQY)
- fix: remove compiled reversediff from default options (#514) (@avik-pal)
- fix: enzyme is now properly supported in 1.11 (#515) (@avik-pal)
- feat: add hooks for
(#517) (@AayushSabharwal) - build: bump versions of
and sub-packages (#518) (@AayushSabharwal)
Closed issues:
- Add tests on Regula Falsi (#3)
- Make iip a compile-time constant (#4)
- jacobian erroneously calls finite_difference_derivative (#12)
- TagBot trigger issue (#14)
- Register (#17)
- Incompatibility with CuArrays and ForwardDiff (#19)
- Use DiffEqBase DEFAULT_LINSOLVE (#27)
- Adjoint overload (#29)
- Wrap SIAMFANLEquations (#109)
- What does
mean? (#32) - Incompatibility with units (#36)
- Odd numerical instability in solving a nonlinear damped pendulum BVP collocation problem (#38)
- Docs not found (#39)
- warning on 1.7 about vendor() is depreciated (#42)
- Trying to add SciMLNLSolve results in an error (#48)
- Support MVectors (#49)
- Deprecation warning with mutating functions (#51)
- Newton trust region (#52)
- chunk_size argument to NewtonRaphson not respected (#53)
- Long using time (#54)
- Storing trace (#58)
- use LinearSolve.jl for linsolve (#61)
- Can not iterate solver before solving (#62)
- Maxiters seems to be offset by 1 (#63)
- [Docs] Stopping conditions (#64)
- Consistent segfault when precompiling on Julia 1.8, Mac M1 (#65)
- GPU Compatibility for 1D Arrays (#70)
- Broken link in (#72)
- wrap NLSolvers.jl? (#75)
- SpeedMapping.jl wrapper (#76)
- FixedPointAcceleration.jl (#78)
- tutorial Iterator interface broken (#82)
- advanced docs custom linear solver (#83)
- Test of low overhead mode (#87)
is not exported by NonlinearSolve (#89)- Error when using a neural network inside a system of nonlinear equations. (#114)
- DF-Sane method (#117)
- Implement Exciting-Mixing, Scalar and Diagonal Broyden approximations (#260)
- Implement Levenburg-Marquedt (#119)
- Add TrustRegion to Precompilation (#121)
- Non-allocating stepping for TrustRegion (#122)
- Error in TrustRegion when inplace is true (#124)
- package loading time regression (#128)
- Double linear solve setups for Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm (#133)
- Failed to precompile (#136)
- Specialize Jacobians when doing Krylov methods to avoid building the matrices (#140)
- TrustRegion correctness (#142)
- Dead links trust region, (#144)
- Turn off trust region when the iteration is stuck in local minima (#146)
- Documentation page missing (#147)
- Confusing warning with default settings (#148)
- More trust region schemes (#151)
- LinearAlgebra.SingularException(2) (#153)
- ERROR: LoadError: UndefVarError: undefmatrix not defined (#157)
- Solvers with KrylovJL fail (#158)
- An interface to PETSc SNES nonlinear solve would be nice (#160)
- TrustRegion is missing optimizations of using vjps directly (#167)
- Remake defined but doesn't seem to do anything (#168)
- Update README and docs tutorial examples to use new bracketing methods? (#209)
cannot solve the Readme example from NLsolve.jl (#170)- Update docs for the halley method SimpleNonlinearSolve.jl (#175)
- Failing to Precompile NonLinearSolve.jl (#176)
- Support for complex-values problems (#177)
- Consider adding jacobian scaling (#180)
- ITP method (#184)
- Not finding a zero for a fairly simple problem (#187)
- :fixedpoint doesn't exist (#192)
- Inplace Problem Specification for Methods with
size(residual) != size(u)
(#195) - (SteadyState/Nonlinear)Problems from ODEProblems ignore kwargs (#204)
- Precompile Time explodes with v2.0.0 (#223)
- Missing CITATION.bib (#227)
- Complete the iterator interface (#241)
- Wrong solver in
tests (#243) - Add ForwardDiff captures and overrides for in-place systems (#245)
- Completeness for use in OrdinaryDiffEq.jl (#247)
- Support line searches, trust region, and pseudo-transient with nonlinear least squares (#252)
- Fix Documentation Issues (#255)
- Warning: NLSolveTerminationCondition has been deprecated in favor of the new dispatch based termination conditions. Please use the new termination conditions API! (#269)
- Passing Jacobian to NLSolveJL (#273)
- Use LineSearch.jl directly (once it is ready) (#281)
- GaussNewton returns unstable when problem is converged (#284)
- Precompilation fails due to criptic "Matrixs contains NaN" bug (#288)
- NonlinearSolve.jl not precompiling anymore (#290)
- Propagate
into the linear solver cache (#291) - Minor documentation problems (#293)
- Code restrictions for merit function not documented (#298)
- Normal Form Linear Solve in Trust Region Methods (#312)
- Cannot work with Makie.jl on Apple silicon (#316)
- CI Stalling on Windows (#352)
- Default Automatic Differentiation Choice (#353)
- How To Guides (#359)
doesn't respect autodiff setting . (#360)- Long output from
(#362) step!
shows method error (#363)solve(nlcache)
errors for complex types (#364)- EnsembleProblem for NonlinearProblem (#365)
does not precompile whenusing OrdinaryDiffEq
(#373)- Nolinearsolve returns error for documentation example in Julia 1.10,1 (#386)
- Trivial (length 0 state) NonlinearLeastSquaresProblem always returns success (#387)
cache for Forward Mode AD not working (#391)- Error when installing NonlinearSolve.jl v3.4.0 in Julia v1.9.4 (#402)
- Solving a nonlinear equation using NonlinearSolve.jl with AutoFiniteDiff() yields errors about dual number (#408)
- Consolidate
handling (#410) - Use LinearSolve return codes (#413)
- Start using DifferentiationInterface.jl (#415)
- MethodError: anyeltypedual(::Type{Union{}}) when passing ODEProblem as a parameter (#440)
- Relax MINPACK.jl compat (#442)
- Implementing ForwardDiff.hessian through NonlinearLeastSquaresProblem (#445)
- Unnecessary warning (#448)
- Analytical Jacobian is not being used in the 3.13 version of NonlinearSolve (#451)
- Unhelpful return code for IntervalNonlinearProblem (#452)
- [RFC] Splitting up NonlinearSolve (#456)
- cache construction is no longer type stable (#469)
not supported by DI yet (#471)- New Jacobian cache causes copy bug (#473)
- Add direct Enzyme support (#476)
- Unexpected
retcode (#492) - Failed to solve the set of equations - Potential Rank Deficient Matrix and ReturnCode.Stalled = 17 (#496)
- Ambiguity error when solving NonlinearProblem on master (#497)
- Add TagBot for Subpackages (#503)
- Circular dependency precompilation hangs (#511)
- Access to undefined reference when solving problems with Dual of BigFloat (#512)