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Fixed fixed step solver added rodas3 solver
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mauro3 committed May 27, 2015
1 parent 1ceea2f commit 927dfee
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Showing 2 changed files with 50 additions and 7 deletions.
20 changes: 19 additions & 1 deletion examples/hb1dae.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,17 +51,35 @@ t,yrosw = ode_rosw(hb1dae!, y0, tspan) #, jacobian=Jhb1dae!)
@time t,yrosw = ode_rosw(hb1dae!, y0, tspan)#, jacobian=Jhb1dae!)
yr = hcat(yrosw...);

println("Relative difference between DASSL vs ROSW:")
println("Relative difference between DASSL vs ROSW, no Jac:")

println("Using fixed step ROSW")
tspan = t
t,yrosw = ode_rosw_fixed(hb1dae!, y0, tspan)
@time t,yrosw = ode_rosw_fixed(hb1dae!, y0, tspan)
println("Relative difference between DASSL vs fixed step, no Jac:")

# with Jacobian
tspan = [0, 4e6]
t,yrosw = ode_rosw(hb1dae!, y0, tspan, jacobian=Jhb1dae!)
@time t,yrosw = ode_rosw(hb1dae!, y0, tspan, jacobian=Jhb1dae!)
yr = hcat(yrosw...);

println("Relative difference between DASSL vs ROSW with Jac:")

println("Using ros_rodas3")
t,yrosw = ODE.oderosw_adapt(hb1dae!, y0, tspan, ODE.bt_ros_rodas3)
@time t,yrosw = ODE.oderosw_adapt(hb1dae!, y0, tspan, ODE.bt_ros_rodas3)
println("Relative difference between DASSL vs Robas2, no Jac:")

# using Winston
# plot(t, y[1,:], xlog=true)
# oplot(t, y[2,:]*1e4, xlog=true)
Expand Down
37 changes: 31 additions & 6 deletions src/rosw.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ export ode_rosw, ode_rosw_fixed

# - AD Jacobian
# - fix fixed step solver

# Rosenbrock-W methods are typically specified for autonomous DAE:
# Mẋ = f(x)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -91,7 +92,7 @@ function tabletransform{Name,S,T}(rt::TableauRosW{Name,S,T})

## tableau for ros34pw2
## tableau for ros34pw2
const bt_ros34pw2 = TableauRosW(:ros34pw2, (3,4), Float64,
[0 0 0 0
8.7173304301691801e-01 0 0 0
Expand All @@ -105,12 +106,28 @@ const bt_ros34pw2 = TableauRosW(:ros34pw2, (3,4), Float64,
3.7810903145819369e-01 -9.6042292212423178e-02 5.0000000000000000e-01 2.1793326075422950e-01]

## tableau for RODAS3
const bt_ros_rodas3 = TableauRosW(:ros_rodas3, (3,4), Rational{Int},
[0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0
1 0 0 0
3//4 -1//4 1//2 0],
[1//2 0 0 0
1 1//2 0 0
-1//4 -1//4 1//2 0
1//12 1//12 -2//3 1//2],
[5//6 -1//6 -1//6 1//2
3//4 -1//4 1//2 0]

# Fixed step solver
ode_rosw_fixed(fn, Jfn, x0, tspan) = oderosw_fixed(fn, Jfn, x0, tspan, bt_ros34pw2)
function oderosw_fixed{N,S}(fn, Jfn, x0::AbstractVector, tspan,
ode_rosw_fixed(fn, x0, tspan; kwargs...) = oderosw_fixed(fn, x0, tspan, bt_ros34pw2, kwargs...)
function oderosw_fixed{N,S}(fn, x0::AbstractVector, tspan,
jacobian=numerical_jacobian(fn, 1e-6, 1e-6)
# TODO: refactor with oderk_fixed
Et, Exf, Tx, btab = make_consistent_types(fn, x0, tspan, btab)
btab = tabletransform(btab)
Expand All @@ -122,18 +139,26 @@ function oderosw_fixed{N,S}(fn, Jfn, x0::AbstractVector, tspan,

tspan = convert(Vector{Et}, tspan)
# work arrays:
ks = Array(Tx, S)
k = Array(Tx, S) # stage variables
allocate!(k, x0, dof)
ks = zeros(Exf,dof) # work vector for one k
jac_store = zeros(Exf,dof,dof) # Jacobian storage
u = zeros(Exf,dof) # work vector
udot = zeros(Exf,dof) # work vector

# allocate!(ks, x0, dof) # no need to allocate as fn is not in-place
xtmp = similar(x0, Exf, dof)
for i=1:length(tspan)-1
dt = tspan[i+1]-tspan[i]
xs[i+1] = rosw_step!(fn, Jfn, xs[i], dt, btab, 2)
rosw_step!(xs[i+1], fn, jacobian, xs[i], dt, dof, btab,
k, jac_store, ks, u, udot)
return tspan, xs

ode_rosw(fn, x0, tspan;kwargs...) = oderosw_adapt(fn, x0, tspan, bt_ros34pw2; kwargs...)
ode_rodas3(fn, x0, tspan;kwargs...) = oderosw_adapt(fn, x0, tspan, bt_ros_rodas3; kwargs...)
function oderosw_adapt{N,S}(fn, x0::AbstractVector, tspan, btab::TableauRosW{N,S};
reltol = 1.0e-5, abstol = 1.0e-8,
Expand Down

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