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Releases: ScottyMac52/MFDisplay

Added Elite Dangerous profile!

19 Sep 05:08
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Changed Configuration naming to include left and top coordinates for cache image names and basic string output.

Added Elite Dangerous

Fixed exception when image file not found

17 Sep 23:25
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************ WARNING ************
My local mfdsettings.config file changed because my screen geometry has changed so that my MFDs are to the left and right of my main monitors. Make sure you BACK UP your current configuration BEFORE you install the latest version!

For hints about how to not lose your configurations ever again!

************ WARNING ************

Thanks to for re-creating and identifying the issue for me!

This release mainly fixes the exception that happened when a file in a configuration that was selected could not be found. It also adds a few other fixes too:

  1. I noticed that the sub configurations were not validated so I went and ahead and added that.
  2. There are now a custom action post install that set full control permissions for the well known Windows Users: Users, PowerUsers and Creator/Owner on both the installation directory and the cache path.
  3. Updated the Configuration Guide.

Release 2.6.3

27 Aug 07:47
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Downgraded to .NET 4.5.2 to see if Windows 7 issues are resolved.

REF: #61

Tested build on Windows 7 Enterprise N on a VM in Azure and it worked fine, including proper operation of the F-14 RIO Category drum with NO CTD.
Various other fixes and some fine tuning of some the coordinates in the mfdsettings.config file.
As usual I would keep a copy of your mfdsettings.config before running the install.

Release 2.6.2

11 Aug 02:28
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Hopefully the final version.

Implemented cache and images inside of image.

25 May 09:10
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Release 2.6.1 - Cache and Image inside of image for Configurations (SubConfigurations)

Release Notes

This includes changes to the config section schema and modifications to add a 2nd image and some refactoring of config models and application models to ensure base class implmentations and templartes were used as required. Also another command line option was added called -submod. It is used to change which sub-configuration image in the "collection" are rendered. It is imagined that the option would be activated by functions in CTS.

Also caching and the ability to use the menu to clear the cache was added. It deletes all the files it CAN in the user's AppData\Roaming directory under Vyper Industries\MFD4CTS\cache. The cache is dynamic and only expires via the manual clear cache operation from the menu.

Also fixed the following bugs:

  1. Enable=false was not propagated correctly so sometimes enable=false was not functional
  2. Logging modifications
  3. Configuration loading modifications to ensuree that mfdsettings.config is exclusively used.
  4. Opacity for a sub-configuration was not used

Important Notes

  1. Make sure you back up your current mfdsettings.config file.
  2. The shipped config is designed to work with a 27" 2K (1440p) monitor, a pair of 1024x720 monitors and a single HD Monitor (1080p). The two 1024x720 monitors are the LMFD and RMFD.
  3. A new file is in the Installation folder called test.config. You can edit the MFD4CTS.exe.config and replace the mfdsettings.config with any configuration you wish. I would suggest downloading some test patterns and then you can use those configurations to get your numbers correct.
  4. The schema changes to the configuration and how to use the SubConfigurations feature will be added to the Configuration Guide.

Please report all Issues

2.5.0 - Ability to enable/disable individual configurations

20 Apr 05:45
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Version 2.5

This release adds the enable attribute to the configurations so that you can use it to exclude configurations from modules. If enable is not specified in a configuration then the default value is true. This means that enable does NOT have to be added to existing configurations.

Instructions for install

  1. Backup up your configuration file
    a. Located at C:\Program Files (x86)\Vyper Industries\MFD4CTS\mfdsettings.config
  2. Uninstall the previous version you have
  3. Install 2.5
  4. Replace the configuration file with yours (requires elevated permissions)

Hotfix 2.4.1 : Remove multi-threaded loading of configuration due to concurrency issues.

02 Apr 15:42
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Release 2.4.1

This release corrects issue #52. The problem was that when parallel loading of the modules was implemented the list that houses the configuration was not set to be thread safe. Therefore concurrency issues were causing the configurations for the modules to be loaded out of order.

Instructions for install

This release will uninstall previous releases if they are detected so it's a great idea to back-up your module configurations. Keep in mind that if you install in the default directory, C:\Program Files (x86)\Vyper Industries\MFD4CTS, then you will have to use elevated privileges to edit configurations. If you install in a different directory this is not the case but then you have to ensure that the CTS Global Value "MFDisplay Path (string)" is modified to reflect that directory.

Addition of F-14B Tomcat, performance enhancements and bug fixes

27 Mar 08:10
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  1. If you have a previous version installed then you may need to uninstall it before installing this version.
  2. The ability to modify the configuration in the program has been removed. There are too many issues with editing config files at runtime.
  3. Install into a directory of your choice if you want to be able to edit the configurations without using Administrator mode. For instance you can install into D:\MFD4CTS.
  4. I would suggest backing up your old configuration as well.

Please report all issues to:

Built in Preview and new HOTAS guide configuration

10 Feb 03:00
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Release Notes

This release cleans up some code and also adds a few key features:


1. There is a new default configuration called HOTAS_KEY. This configuration is setup with default geometry and is automatically added to each module unless the module defines it. If the module defines it then all of the specified values will override the defaults.

Shipped defaults

    <add name="RMFD" opacity="1" width="870" height="700" left="4250" top="700" xOffsetStart="903" xOffsetFinish="1576" yOffsetStart="250" yOffsetFinish="900" />
    <add name="HOTAS_KEY" opacity="1" width="1200" height="1000" left="5120" top="360" xOffsetStart="0" xOffsetFinish="3330" yOffsetStart="0" yOffsetFinish="2295"/>

Defined Override in module

<add moduleName="FA-18C" displayName="F/A-18-C Block 20 Hornet"
      filename="FA-18C\DCS FA18C MFD.jpg">
        <add name="HOTAS_KEY" filename="FA-18C\DCS FA18C WH.jpg"/>

Notice how RMFD and LMFD are not even specified? That is because they will be automatically added and use the module specified filename-FA-18C\DCS FA18C MFD.jpg.

2. Another feature is the ability to preview the configuration. I will be added a more in depth guide in the next few days but the basics are:

  1. Select the Configuration menu option

  2. Select Modify

  3. The configuration window is displayed

  4. The highlighted button activates a preview. The buttons that are disabled indicate that Opacity is set to 0 for those so they are unable to be previewed. They also will not be displayed when the module is selected.

  5. The highlighted button now changes to Close. Once you are done with the preview.

  6. If there is a preview error then the log is updated with an error and a message that looks like the below is displayed. In this circumstance the item could not be displayed as this display configuration wouldn't allow it to be seen by the user.
    Configuration Error

3. I am planning on adding the ability to move around the previews and have that configuration saved.

Module definition flexibility release

26 Jan 00:57
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Release Summary

In this release the module names do not have ANY correspondence to the location of the files that are processed. This permits multiple module configurations to use the same module. So you can define a standard configuration for a module and then a Hi Viz configuration or maybe any combination or a module configuration that includes a 3rd MFD. I recommend backing up your current configuration BEFORE you install this release.

Configuration Notes

  1. This next configuration is from the OLD version and would result in the new version being unable to find the file to load:
    <add moduleName="F-5E" displayName="F-5E Tiger II" filename="DCS F5E MFD.jpg" />
    The next one is the new version:
    <add moduleName="F-5E" displayName="F-5E Tiger II" filename="F-5E\DCS F5E MFD.jpg" />
  2. Very subtle difference but different nonetheless.

Other Features

Another feature in this version is that if you have duplicate named modules in the mfdsettings.config or there are issues with the configuration you will see an error dialog. The error dialog gives you the location of the log file so you can check it for the specific error.

Configuration Guide

Command Argument Guide